DVD Players That Ignore Watermark


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Since 2002/2003
Oct 18, 2002
College Grove, TN
Due to lack of reissues of earlier DVD-A issues but pretty obvious grows of interest and demand for this format among the users, seems that question regarding of DVD players able to play copies of Verance (watermark) protected DVD Audio. Here is list of machines, which probably will help to those who's looking to obtain such a player.

DV 718SI
DV 721
DV 723S
DV 725
DV 924HD
DV 925HD
DV 926HD
DV 985S (patched)
DK 1010S
DK 1910SI

DVD 99

DVD 3300

DVD 31
DVD 47

DK 487X
DF 599
LDA 731

DV 7001

DR S501
DV SP504
DV SP506

DV 980
DV 983

DV 575
DV 578A
DV 578S
DV 600
DV 610AV
DV 656
DV 696AV

RDV 1080

DVD P355

XM-400 Pro


SD 530E

DVD S657
DVD S1500
DVD S1700 (patched)
DVD S1800 (patched)
DVD S2700 (patched)

We can expand this list upon discovery of others models.
You can add the Yamaha DV S5860 DVD-A/SACD player to those that ignore the watermark. It will not play the Talking Heads discs unless the .MLP is extracted and disc re-authored without the old graphics.

AFAIK there is no upgrade/patch for this player, but IMHO best to leave as is.

Is it possible to mod a Denon dvd-audio player to ignore the watermark? Or is the watermark mechanism part of the unit firmware?

Depending on the unit, something might be possible, but most likely not. I don't have my 2 Denon players units in front of me now, but one Denon unit I know can't be upgraded and the other supposedly can be changed to be region free and I'm not sure what else by clicking the proper buttons on the remote.

What is your model number? You might try a Google search to see whats out there or check the list here. Otherwise, it's just easier to find a used model on the list off eBay.
Denon machines can be remote hacked for multi-region, but not for watermarking detection.
It's to do with the decoder circuitry.
Denon machines can be remote hacked for multi-region, but not for watermarking detection.
It's to do with the decoder circuitry.

So the watermark detection is done by the Burr-brown dsd decoder? If so it is useless to mod the Denon.
Hope some day a mod-chip will set us free ;-)
Thanks Quad Guy. But, these are 2003-2004 entries refering toan italian download hack taht seemed to work better on european models. Also there are complaints about audio drop outs on multiregion denons. So I'll just stay away from this.
Sorry, I didn't read any of the threads. If it was possible to software upgrade these units, odds are there aren't enough folks at work on it. 10 years ago at another site they're we're plenty of "upgraders" for APEX DVD players at nerd-out.com to make units region free. If any place might have various fixes for DVD players, this is a good place to keep in mind:

http://forum.videohelp.com/? and http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers

Yes, I'm not I would mess the "upgrade," but it is out there: Denon DVD-2900: http://www.videohelp.com/dvdhacks?dvdplayer=denon+dvd+2900&hits=50&Search=Search
Here's a list of some that do and and some that don't...


Interesting to see the Onkyo DV SP540 does, as there a lot of those going cheap here at the moment, and the player i have doesn't have SACD capability.

Hello to everyone, this is my first post in this forum: I'd like to know if the SPDIF digital output of this Onkyo is limited or not to 96 kHz.
On user manual there's no trace of such limitation and there is written: "Linear PCM Out; Down Sample Off (default): Sources are output as they are".
But on product information page there is written: "96 kHz or 48 kHz selectable digital outputs".
This cause me thinking that digital output is limited....
If so, can you tell me about an universal player that ignores watermarks and have no limitations on digital output?
I'm only interested in audio applications; actually I own a Pioneer DV-575 together with an external DAC (Zhaolu 2.5). My Pioneer is limited to 96 kHz on SPDIF output and have no digital output when reading SACDs.
I hope I wrote this post in the right subforum...
Thanks in advance
Could someone please explain (or provide a link) just exactly what watermarking of DVD-A's exactly is.

I'm about to pay some serious money for a large DVD-A collection from the US, and I'd hate them to arrive and not to play! :mad:@:

My current player is a Toshiba SD 6980 which is on the list (y)

But I'd like to upgrade this machine to either an Oppo 93 or 95, or the Cambridge Audio 650 or even better the new 751 multi disc player (this will have the new Wolfson DAC).

Would any of these be able to handle US discs with "watermarks"?

Could someone please explain (or provide a link) just exactly what watermarking of DVD-A's exactly is.

I'm about to pay some serious money for a large DVD-A collection from the US, and I'd hate them to arrive and not to play! :mad:@:

My current player is a Toshiba SD 6980 which is on the list (y)

But I'd like to upgrade this machine to either an Oppo 93 or 95, or the Cambridge Audio 650 or even better the new 751 multi disc player (this will have the new Wolfson DAC).

Would any of these be able to handle US discs with "watermarks"?


Hi wappinghigh,

DVD-A watermarking is universal all around the world, so it doesn't matter were you buy a DVD-A disc.
Only copy's will fail to play due the wattermark.

Due to lack of reissues of earlier DVD-A issues but pretty obvious grows of interest and demand for this format among the users, seems that question regarding of DVD players able to play copies of Verance (watermark) protected DVD Audio. Here is list of machines, which probably will help to those who's looking to obtain such a player.

DVD S1700 (patched)

Hi, everybody.

I've been searching for this patch por Yamaha S1700 with no luck so far... Any idea?

Hi, everybody.

I've been searching for this patch por Yamaha S1700 with no luck so far... Any idea?


Before you do this get more info, as I don't own this Yamaha. So please don't blame me if your player turns into a Brick. :) :yikes You can also go to the Yamaha website to see if there's a software patch.

However, found this to change Region Code: http://www.videohelp.com/dvdhacks/yamaha-dvd-s1700/7948

"Reset to factory Settings" with remote control and OSD
1. Power on
2. Open tray
3. "Clear" 2580 "Subtitle"
4. Close tray
5. Power off

Also try here, Google search "yamaha dvd s1700 firmware patch" http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&..._gc.r_pw.&fp=3e32e185cb2f0e2c&biw=845&bih=594

I already found and successfully applied the multiregion hack some weeks ago.

There is no sign whatsoever of any firmware update for this player in any of the official support sites. I've not found any links in the most popular AV forums I've browsed... the only mention of a "patch" to disable watermark honouring appears in this same thread :(.