More Neil Young DVD-A's??


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Forum Curmudgeon
Staff member
Since 2002/2003
Mar 2, 2002
Concerning the 4 "missing" Neil Young CDs (On The Beach, etc) I found the following info posted by <strong>tomd </strong> over at Steve Hoffman's forum:

I just got a reply from Rhino's man in charge of DVD-A Robin Hurley who said the missing 4 will be released on DVD-A (as well as cd I still presume) in September '03 !!!!!!! </em>

followed up by:
More news reagarding back catalog titles on DVD-A.When I asked Robin are there definate plans for other NY titles on DVD-A he said after this missing 4 get released in September they will start on the ENTIRE CATALOG IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER FOR DVD-A!!!!maybe,just maybe this will finally happen in 04'!! </em>

Thanks to tomd!!


Analog-to-Digital Transers by JOHN NOWLAND.
Digital Mastering by TIM MULLIGAN at REDWOOD DIGITAL, Woodside, CA.
That's for all four.
There will be <span style="text-decoration:underline"><strong>stereo-only</strong></span> DVD-As for all four in late September as well.

The above was posted over at SH by "Steel Woole"!

I thought that Harvest was originally going to be stereo, as NY did not want to upset the balance and feel of the original recordings. Eventually though we have a disc which has both been praised and lambasted in equal quatities for its 'unique' 5.1 mix.
You can always listen to just the stereo tracks if you wish.

how does that old adage go 'you can please some of the people...
The 5.1 mix engineer needs to take lessons from the Peter Gabriel's UP 5.1 mix engineer because the Neil Young and Janis Joplin releases SUCK. (sorry):|
I just bought the Harvest DVD-Audio and it sounds far better to me in multichannel DVD-A than it does in 192khz stereo DVD-A and both sound better than my very good Japanese CD release.

Maybe some people need to a) recalibrate their systems, or b) release their preconceived notions about where an instrument should be located. The mix clearly puts you in Neil's barn where most of the tracks were recorded.

In other words, sounds great to me...
kstuart, I agree. Sometimes Neils voice is floating right in front of your face in the air. I like the sound of this one. Many don't.
Guy Robinson said:
kstuart, I agree. Sometimes Neils voice is floating right in front of your face in the air. I like the sound of this one. Many don't.

I'm not gonna recalibrate my system everytime I put a disc in!
Everything else is fine, this piece of poo is not!
To each his own I suppose; the vocal elements were mixed in a different manner than we're used to. I got into the natual qualities of the music and forgot about it myself.

It's more involving than Dark Side Of The Moon mix-wise much of the time.

These would not be EQ adjustments or calibration moves because it's a done deal where the voices hang in the air relative to everything else.
timbre4 said:
To each his own I suppose; the vocal elements were mixed in a different manner than we're used to. I got into the natual qualities of the music and forgot about it myself.

It's more involving than Dark Side Of The Moon mix-wise much of the time.

These would not be EQ adjustments or calibration moves because it's a done deal where the voices hang in the air relative to everything else.

I guess some don't like Neil sitting their lap. I thought it was quite refreshing actually. And actually a man does need a maid...
Guy Robinson said:
And actually a man does need a maid...
I'd bet a lot of women do too...AND a lot of maids. ;)

I enjoy "Harvest" in m-c and stereo. I love the extras and the fact that the cover is a recreation of the LP. I hope Neil at least does m-c for "After The Gold Rush" since it would be weird to do it for "Harvest" and not that.

I find Neil to be a bit of a hypocrite format-wise. He bemoans digital, but anyone who has seen the "Greendale" shows on his new tour knows that it's soaked w/ visual computer effects. How can you complain about & utilize a technology at the same time? :confused:
NY is my favorite, but I see your point.

The CD format was flawed, and not good enough for him to release "the missing six" on, yet all of his new stuff was released on the "inferior" format.
