Santana - Abraxas Japanese Quad SACD Officially Announced (October 28, 2020)


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That dhl shipping from cdjapan is 20.00+. I think i will wait and see if importcds gets this in the next few days, if not i will order from cdjapan. This title is worth every penny, but i ordered the first Santana from importcds. Hope to get soon.
Well CDJapan's weekly rankings are out and this week the 2 top positions are held down by none other guessed it SANTANA!!! Number 1 is ABRAXAS followed by SANTANA!!! YEA!!!

Now if Sony is looking at that and seeing Yen signs, maybe they'll start a rapid release program for the rest of the high profile 70s quads that they won't license out to others. Let's get those Simon's, Winter's, Dylan's and others. We know what they are.
Ugh - just ordered. Didn't want to wait for importCD. Another $60 sucked out of our account. :) :(
Same here. Had to move on this after receiving the first album last week. ImportCDs is still on pre-orders for that one and I just cannot wait an extra month for Abraxas! And I know how great these are with quality of sound/packaging/delivery, etc from CDJapan.
Now if Sony is looking at that and seeing Yen signs, maybe they'll start a rapid release program for the rest of the high profile 70s quads that they won't license out to others. Let's get those Simon's, Winter's, Dylan's and others. We know what they are.

Logically, what top SONY/RCA Rock act can follow the Santana Quads......Oh, yes, the aborted Bridge Over Troubled Water [that MoFi $100 BOTW Vinyl release had a decent run] and perhaps BOOKENDS [which some swear has a QUAD remix], the Aerosmiths, Paul Simon's solo albums if he has a sudden change of heart regarding QUAD re~releases and since the time has come where those heretofore sarcosanct acts the Beatles and Stones suddenly had a change of heart, isn't it time for the BOSS to finally revisit his exceptional back catalogue and start thinking in terms of 5.1 or ATMOS? With Western Stars lovely Atmos remix and Bruce's newfound status as a good ole barn burnin' cowboy ....... he still remains a Jersey boy at heart!

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Logically, what top SONY/RCA Rock act can follow the Santana Quads......Oh, yes, the aborted Bridge Over Troubled Water [that MoFi $100 BOTW Vinyl release had a decent run] and perhaps BOOKENDS [which some swear has a QUAD remix], the Aerosmiths, Paul Simon's solo albums if he has a sudden change of heart regarding QUAD re~releases and since the time has come where those heretofore sarcosanct acts the Beatles and Stones suddenly had a change of heart, isn't it time for the BOSS to finally revisit his exceptional back catalogue and start thinking in terms of 5.1 or ATMOS? With Western Stars lovely Atmos remix and Bruce's newfound status as a good ole barn burnin' cowboy ....... he still remains a Jersey boy at heart!

See the source image
AREOSMITH!!! AEROSMITH!! AEROSMITH!! Did I make myself clear!!! Do you HEAR me out there!!! LMAO