Chicago Transit Authority 50th Anniversary Remix - A Review


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I'll be interested in hearing ar surround's review of Chicago II when he receives it.

How the SW mix of Chicago II sounds played through the Surround Master V2 and Logic7 will also be part of the discussion. It's not a fair test to compare it to the hi-res 5.1 and the Quadio which are tough to beat, but I'd like to know how it comes out in faux Quad or 7.1.

[Edit: 9 Oct 19: I much prefer the SW remix of this album through the Surround Master V2 than the 5.1 DVD-A]
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Someone posted this on "The Forum Which Shall Not Be Named":

"News release from Tim Jessup about the new CTA 50th Anniversary issue.

Breaking: confirmed - CTA has experienced manufacturing “issues” and the CD will be re-pressed. The label will be making an official announcement and will offer to exchange CDs for those who want to. The band has also stepped up to see that, not only does the CD reflect the master, but CTA will also be Mastered for iTunes for excellent streaming. As a “make good” to their fans, the band has also ordered a high definition MQA version of the re-mix. Those who have MQA decoders or the software app to decode, will be able to listen to CTA at 192 kHz/24 Bit, the sample rate it was transferred and mixed at. For many, the current CD is a great listen, but it does not sound like the masters the band had approved, which have far more definition and depth, particularly in the high and low frequency range. Many people have been wondering what happened, as the current disc sounds very midrange heavy. I assure you, the master does not sound like this. Chicago is doing everything in our power to correct this problem, and the label is working with us to make good and ensure that everyone is hearing the re-mix as we are hearing it. To all of Terry’s fans, and Chicago fans everywhere, we’ve got your back on this. Stay tuned. I’ll be posting announcements as the record label issues them, including how to exchange your CD if you wish."
Did anything ever happen as far as a re-release of the 'proper' sounding masters of the remix, or did that promise disappear into the realms of 'could-haves'? The remix as I have it, sounds utterly horrific as many others have also pointed out. Just wondering if the horrible fidelity indeed was a mastering issue, or if Tim Jessup was just trying to throw us a virtual bone.