Dylan Basement Tapes (2ch) & Davis Milestones (mono) SACD's Coming & 5 More Each


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Quad Linda

Staff member
Jun 3, 2011
DROP YOUR WAD ON QUAD Chicago, Illinois
Mofi announced 6 hybrid SACD's each from Bob Dylan & Miles Davis. Basement Tapes 1st time on SACD. Milestones mono debut on SACD (Japan SACD is 2ch.) Release date TBA. Freewheelin', Another Side, Bringin' It (my favorite Dylan album), Blonde on Blonde, Basement Tapes & Blood on the Tracks from Dylan. Round About Midnight, Milestones, Kind of Blue, Sketches of Spain, Four and More & In a Silent Way. Equivalent LP's also coming

Sketches of Spain "Mobile Fidelity Reissue Corrects the Dry Sound That Plagues Previous Editions." Dylan titles claim "very finest, most transparent digital stereo edition." For more info: http://www.musicdirect.com/s-26-pre...ortdirection=ASC&perpage=24&BrandFilterID=120

Once again, there are several titles that appeared on 5.1 SACD and are available as 2ch. I was told that there is a seperate fee for each version, so my guess is that 2ch only is simply cost-cutting. A TRAVESTY!

Dylan & Miles are addictions of mine. I have several hundred by each. I'll wait and see how everyone reviews them, hopefully A/B' ing them to Columbia and Sony Japan SACD's, which I already own. If there's improved audio, I'll pop for new SACD's. I have preordered Basement Tapes and Milestones. Eagerly awaiting those!

Don't Ya Tell Henry Apple's Got Your Fly
For me it's always been unfortunate that THE BASEMENT TAPES hasn't been elaborated on since its official 1975 release. Great idea for an album (and a pity a better recorded and mixed version wasn't made in 1967, natch). Those familiar with the old boots know that there was more than was offered, among other factors. Some great material, though, with many scattered gems and masterpieces.

As for MILESTONES, good album, but I'd rather have SKETCHES in 5.1, and some of the mesmerizing mid-60's beauties. The box sets with all the extras and alternates were wonderful, but I'd still like to hear that material literally expanded upon.

ED :)
There are many other songs and alternate versions that exist of Basement Tapes. There are even tracks with Tiny Tim on vocals! This is a box set candidate. They could fill several CD's with what never hit the street. Just as Biograph opened up the box set market, Basement Tapes begat a boot market.

Tiptoe Through the Tulips with Me

For me it's always been unfortunate that THE BASEMENT TAPES hasn't been elaborated on since its official 1975 release. Great idea for an album (and a pity a better recorded and mixed version wasn't made in 1967, natch). Those familiar with the old boots know that there was more than was offered, among other factors. Some great material, though, with many scattered gems and masterpieces.

As for MILESTONES, good album, but I'd rather have SKETCHES in 5.1, and some of the mesmerizing mid-60's beauties. The box sets with all the extras and alternates were wonderful, but I'd still like to hear that material literally expanded upon.

ED :)
What's bigger news is all those Billy Joel SACDs they have planned. Including Glass Houses (finally!). Been so tempted to buy the Blu-spec but held off. Also Innocent Man and The Stranger.
What's bigger news is all those Billy Joel SACDs they have planned. Including Glass Houses (finally!). Been so tempted to buy the Blu-spec but held off. Also Innocent Man and The Stranger.

MFSL doing Miles is a bit of a disappointment since I think the Analogue Productions ones were 3-channel, and of course MFSL wouldn't know what to do with more than 2 channels, so we'll just get them all in stereo. Well, at least we don't have to worry about Hoffman mastering any of these since MFSL has better engineers.
Innocent Man and Stranger are already in my collectioin on SACD. Stranger in 5.1.

Now, Glass Houses is another matter. I'll stand in line for that.

It Just May Be a Lunatic You're Looking For

What's bigger news is all those Billy Joel SACDs they have planned. Including Glass Houses (finally!). Been so tempted to buy the Blu-spec but held off. Also Innocent Man and The Stranger.
I'll agree... I'd love to see Glass Houses, especially if they did it in surround but I doubt it.
Why Piano Man & Turnstiles wasn't done at least in quad seeing as to how the first three
(the above two and the as yet to be released to SACD "Turnstiles") were all in quad on LP and Q8
is beyond me but then again, they're spending time re-doing Dylans that have been done already but I do look forward
to the Basement Tapes being released finally, along with other not yet available albums.

EDIT: It's the other way around... Piano Man & Turnstiles is on SACD.. Streetlife is not.
Lack of any good drugs or alcohol makes you reverse things! :)
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As I said earlier, there are multiple license fees. Besides, if you buy it in 2ch, you'll need to buy it again in 5.1. Planned obsolescence, it's the American way!

Squires, I expect you meant that Streetlife Serenade is not yet available on SACD. I have Turnstyles SACD, which was released simultaneously with Piano Man.
Yes, I have mint SQ's of all three.

It's Either Sadness or Euphoria

I'll agree... I'd love to see Glass Houses, especially if they did it in surround but I doubt it.
Why Piano Man & Turnstiles wasn't done at least in quad seeing as to how the first three
(the above two and the as yet to be released to SACD "Turnstiles") were all in quad on LP and Q8
is beyond me but then again, they're spending time re-doing Dylans that have been done already but I do look forward
to the Basement Tapes being released finally, along with other not yet available albums.
What's bigger news is all those Billy Joel SACDs they have planned. Including Glass Houses (finally!). Been so tempted to buy the Blu-spec but held off. Also Innocent Man and The Stranger.

More Billy Joel?

Didn't know that. Bit of a snooze for me, I have all the Joel I want or need.

Didn't Audio Fidelity already do Glass Houses as 24K Gold disc?
That one might be worth it on SACD because the gold disc sound way too dull.
Glad I didn't buy the gold CD of Glass Houses. I had a US LP, Japanese CD & LP. The late 90's remastered CD I have now or the Japan LP are the best so far. We now return you to our regular thread about The Prince of Darkness and The Zim.

Sometimes a Fantasy is All You Need

More Billy Joel?

Didn't know that. Bit of a snooze for me, I have all the Joel I want or need.

Didn't Audio Fidelity already do Glass Houses as 24K Gold disc?
That one might be worth it on SACD because the gold disc sound way too dull.
Squires, I expect you meant that Streetlife Serenade is not yet available on SACD. I have Turnstyles SACD, which was released simultaneously with Piano Man.
Yes, I have mint SQ's of all three.

It's Either Sadness or Euphoria

Ooops! Yes, I did mean Streetlife not being released...
I have PM, Turnstiles, Stranger, 52nd Street & Innocent Man.
And I do have the SQs of the first 3 as well.

(Summer, Hyland Falls is one of my favorite BJ tracks!)

Basement Tapes SACD sounds OK, no great shakes, but I didn't expect that. After all, they're demo tapes.

Milestones sounds better on the Japanese SACD, despite MoFi's claim that their SACD is the best sounding ever. Still, the MoFi does sound good.

Glass Houses SACD was a major disappointment. It is the worst sounding pressing I've ever had, at least the SACD layer. I've owned a US LP, Japan LP, Japan CD, US remastered CD and this one. Did they use a high filter for the SACD?

I've had these for months. Sorry I didn't post these evaluations sooner.
I think Glass Houses SACD sounds excellent, but then I'm playing it on a Sony ES5400. Easily beats the dreary sounding AF Gold CD. I've never heard it in any other digital formats, just 3 3/4 IPS reel and vinyl. The vinyl was good except for all the pops and clicks.
How did the 3 3/4 reel sound? Was it a Columbia House issue? The Japanese LP sounds pretty good, although it's not the best recorded album I've ever heard. My first copy of it was a new release domestic LP, as usual. It wasn't all that noisy.

I think Glass Houses SACD sounds excellent, but then I'm playing it on a Sony ES5400. Easily beats the dreary sounding AF Gold CD. I've never heard it in any other digital formats, just 3 3/4 IPS reel and vinyl. The vinyl was good except for all the pops and clicks.
Columbia House. The cassette version most likely sounded better. My reel is long gone.

I've been playing the MFSL SACD Pretenders Learning To Crawl all evening. How do you like that one? Sounds pretty good to me.