HiRez Poll Fleetwood Mac - RUMOURS [Blu-Ray Audio (Dolby Atmos)]


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Rate the BDA of Fleetwood Mac - RUMOURS

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Oct 31, 2008
Middle TN
Please post your thoughts and comments on this brand new Blu-Ray audio release from Rhino Records of the classic Fleetwood Mac album "Rumours".
This new Blu-Ray audio release includes the original stereo mix, the 2001 5.1 surround mix (originally released on DVDA-V and subsequently on SACD) and a new Dolby Atmos mix, available on physical disc for the first time!

(y) :) (n)


I voted 9. I don't know why, maybe because I didn't want it to be equal to The Best Of The Doors. Yeah that's probably it.
I listened to ripped Blu Ray, MKV file, Dolby Atmos, 24bit/48Khz True HD. DR's are 12's, 13's, 14's, 15's.
I have one other version the 5.1 SACD Japanese 2011 version.
This Atmos mix will now be my definitive version.
I have not listened to the 5.1 or Stereo from this Blu Ray, I will.
The biggest take I get from this Atmos mix are the drums are fantastic, maybe Mick said I want more?
Also, most important it is an actual full immersive Atmos mix, so it should make most happy.
Sonic clarity is perfect.

Hmm, if you don't have an Atmos set up, but have the previous surround, probably best to just stick with what you have.

From my rip I just get a picture only, no track titles, when each song plays. I'll have to see if I made a ripping mistake by popping the hard disc in the player.

Please keep poll threads pure to your listening experience only.
Switching back and forth a few times, trying to adjust for the massive level difference... I think I like the 2001 5.1 mix a lot better than the new Atmos mix. Of course, that was one of my most listened-to DVD-Audio discs, so maybe it's partly familiarity. The Atmos mix is fine, but I've always loved that 5.1.
Wondering if you pros would know the answer to this new release. When hard disc is in player a nice menu/tracklist shows with audio choices. But when ripped the MKV file does not have the info on the right side like what you see when in player. I have never seen this before. Maybe @HomerJAU would know?

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Switching back and forth a few times, trying to adjust for the massive level difference... I think I like the 2001 5.1 mix a lot better than the new Atmos mix. Of course, that was one of my most listened-to DVD-Audio discs, so maybe it's partly familiarity. The Atmos mix is fine, but I've always loved that 5.1.
Can you tell if the 5.1 on the new disc is mastered the same as the DVD-A?
Wondering if you pros would know the answer to this new release. When hard disc is in player a nice menu/tracklist shows with audio choices. But when ripped the MKV file does not have the info on the right side like what you see when in player. I have never seen this before. Maybe @HomerJAU would know?

View attachment 105156
I'm not a technical person but I believe the issue is that the screen pictured above is actual video and the track listing is authored as a static display. It's the same on the Chicago quadios. MKV can't grab the static display for what ever reason.
Sorry for the loose explanation but I hope it helps.
What I've noticed with a number of Atmos releases is that that they're especially great at use of reverb (which I often feel is poorly used in some earlier 5.1 mixes), but they're often afraid of having fun with the entire surround sound space. For this Atmos mix, the rears are supplementary, just having a bit of extra material they found to push into the back speakers. As surround sound mix, I feel it leaves so much to be desired. (Listening through a 7.1 setup, for reference.)
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I went with 8. When it shines, it really shines. Most of the tracks are an improvement over the 5.1. But, at least on my setup, Don't Stop and Go Your Own Way end up sounding a bit underwhelming. Still glad I have it and it will be my go to for the album.
I thought Don’t Stop was also a bit underwhelming. Glad it was not just me. Other songs had more dynamics. Only listened through once, but overall sound was solid on the Atmos mix.
Can you tell if the 5.1 on the new disc is mastered the same as the DVD-A?
Not sure if it is remastered or not but it is the same mix (with the "marching snare" NGBA), although it is in a different running order as Silver Springs was tacked on the end as a bonus track instead of in the middle on the DVD-A/SACD. I think I read that SS in the middle was the original intended running order before it was cut. The Atmos mix has the "non marching snare" NGBA mix.
Not sure if it is remastered or not but it is the same mix (with the "marching snare" NGBA), although it is in a different running order as Silver Springs was tacked on the end as a bonus track instead of in the middle on the DVD-A/SACD. I think I read that SS in the middle was the original intended running order before it was cut. The Atmos mix has the "non marching snare" NGBA mix.
After a preliminary listen, the mastering for the BD 5.1 sounds a bit different than that of the DVD-A.
I'm sitting here completely mesmerised in how good this Atmos release sounds.
I'm hearing things I haven't heard before from these terrific musicians and singers.
It's like it's brand new to my ears.
And I've owned various formats of this release from 1977!!

Blimey, Is it really 47 years ago? Seems just like yesterday.
Nothing dated about this album.

And Christine Perfect is just that. Beautiful voice and sadly missed.

A 10 and thats the Truth.
I voted 9. I don't know why, maybe because I didn't want it to be equal to The Best Of The Doors. Yeah that's probably it.
I listened to ripped Blu Ray, MKV file, Dolby Atmos, 24bit/48Khz True HD. DR's are 12's, 13's, 14's, 15's.
I have one other version the 5.1 SACD Japanese 2011 version.
This Atmos mix will now be my definitive version.
I have not listened to the 5.1 or Stereo from this Blu Ray, I will.
The biggest take I get from this Atmos mix are the drums are fantastic, maybe Mick said I want more?
Also, most important it is an actual full immersive Atmos mix, so it should make most happy.
Sonic clarity is perfect.

Hmm, if you don't have an Atmos set up, but have the previous surround, probably best to just stick with what you have.

From my rip I just get a picture only, no track titles, when each song plays. I'll have to see if I made a ripping mistake by popping the hard disc in the player.

Please keep poll threads pure to your listening experience only.
Re: The Best Of The Doors.

Out of curiosity; do you know how it compares to the 2015 Hybrid SACD remaster from Audio Fidelity?
I prefer the mixes of certain Rumours songs in Atmos while I prefer others in 5.1. HOWEVER, the EQ and tonal balance of the Atmos mix is superior. This is the first recording of Go Your Own Way where I can make it through the entire song. On the 5.1 version, I make it to about 2:15 and cannot take it any longer because of the grainy sounding vocals. I also can get listening fatigue from some of the other 5.1 mixes, but not to the extent of Go Your Own Way.

The Atmos mix does have what @Dynamic Editor describes as 'whispy reverb,' but it doesn't bother me as long as I don't stray too much from the MLP.

My rating of releases of classic albums gives higher marks to fidelity and 'balls' as opposed to the mix. Plus I rate new releases based on what I perceive of any improvement over what had come previously. While the 5.1 DVD-A used to be a 10, this Atmos version becomes my new standard.
What I've noticed with a number of Atmos releases is that that they're especially great at use of reverb (which I often feel is poorly used in), but they're often afraid of having fun with the entire surround sound space. For this Atmos mix, the rears are supplementary, just having a bit of extra material they found to push into the back speakers. As surround sound mix, I feel it leaves so much to be desired. (Listening through a 7.1 setup, for reference.)
One would wonder if a mix like this one is going to sound really good when mixed down. Wandering around the room listening to the various speakers, and then returning to the MLP, I don't think that any sort of mixdown would compare favorably to a full blown Atmos rendering.
I purchased the DVD-A, after being underwhelmed by the 5.1 mix on the SACD. On my system, the DVD-A sounds better. But I'm betting that I won't gain any real benefit from a 7.1 downmix of the Atmos mix from the blu-ray - it's the drums om the DVD-A which have more punch and the feedback is that they have used the same mix.