HiRez Poll Hancock, Herbie - THRUST [SACD]


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Rate the SACD of Herbie Hancock - THRUST

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  • 1: Poor Surround, Poor Fidelity, Poor Content

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Nice mix and good fidelity on this one.Had not heard it before and I don't like
the music so much as Spectrum,a little to jazzy for my taste.Best track for me Spank-A-Lee
An 8,
This is an '8' from me, breaking down my vote this way:

Content: 2/3
Surround Mix: 3/3
Fidelity: 2/3
High-Res Disc: 1/1

I would put this disc towards the lower end of Audio Fidelity's Multichannel SACD series in terms of content and fidelity. The surround mix however is very discrete but very tasteful, all while still befitting the experimental and improved nature of the material. I can't imagine I'll be listening to this disc that much when there's better ones out there. I would advise that people listen to it in stereo first before purchasing the SACD.
I'm waiting for this but , even the SQ LP is not too bright , as opposed to Sextant and HeadHunters..now SEXTANT in Quad would be nice!!!!!
A 10 easy -- a fun, funky masterpiece. Great mix. I love the looseness of it, especially on cuts like "Actual Proof." (When is that crazy bass riff gonna show up again? Whenever it wants to!)

I was already pretty familiar with the material, so was stoked to get this in surround. It's a gem.
On my 2nd listen.

Content - 8
Mix - 9
Fidelity - 7

I guess it gets an 8.

I love old school jazz/funk. This is good, personally, I don't like it as much as other jazz titles I have, but I won't discount it due to my personal preferences. I mean, these are old titles, we all should be able to listen via youtube to decide up front if we like them...and if we don't, then why purchase...only to diss to content?

Glad to have it, I will spin it once in a while - but good for the collection! Dig it man...
On my 2nd listen.

Content - 8
Mix - 9
Fidelity - 7

I guess it gets an 8.

I love old school jazz/funk. This is good, personally, I don't like it as much as other jazz titles I have, but I won't discount it due to my personal preferences. I mean, these are old titles, we all should be able to listen via youtube to decide up front if we like them...and if we don't, then why purchase...only to diss to content?

Glad to have it, I will spin it once in a while - but good for the collection! Dig it man...

I agree with your reasoning completely. Why diss the content on a surround poll. Makes no sense to me.
I agree with your reasoning completely. Why diss the content on a surround poll. Makes no sense to me.

Yes, I agree that it's usually not fair to "diss" the content, but it's certainly fair to judge the content against the content of other surround discs when devising a rating. This disc IMHO is nowhere near the content of other discs like "Hand Cannot Erase" or "Oranges & Lemons" and I take that into account while voting.
Some discs are worth owning more for the surround mix than content (like this one). Others have better content but a weaker surround mix (like "Ziggy Stardust"). Then there are the best of the best (HCE, O&L, etc.) that are great in all fronts.

As long as members say why they voted the way they did, any vote is a valid one. (Unless of course they rated a good disc a '3' or lower for the silliest reasons.) ;)
I agree with your reasoning completely. Why diss the content on a surround poll. Makes no sense to me.


This comes up every few months and I understand the thought... BUT:

The reason content is included is because way back when the polls were started (over 10 years ago!!!), when SACDs and DVD-As were somewhat readily available and new releases were still coming out frequently, the polls were not just "surround polls", they were set up as disc reviews, like you would find in Stereo Review and other magazines. A real review of a disc includes whether you like the content or not. If you see a movie that sucks but it looks great and has a terrific soundtrack, you're still going to include your opinion on the movie when you discuss it with friends.

So, because the polls started out as reviews, changing the format now, 10 years later, would mean that all of the earlier data would have to be dumped and recast.

Those who want these polls to be about surround and surround only are looking in the wrong place. The QQ Polls are nothing more than reviews of the disc. We can't change the rules 10+ years later. If someone does not like what's on the disc, they should be free to say so and take that into consideration when they vote.

ALSO: As an example - If you hate country music, and a country music surround disc comes out and you buy it but hate the content and want to sell it off immediately, all you have to do is respond to the poll saying that the surround and audio are great but you don't like the content - AND NOT VOTE!! You don't have to vote to comment.

This comes up every few months and I understand the thought... BUT:

The reason content is included is because way back when the polls were started (over 10 years ago!!!), when SACDs and DVD-As were somewhat readily available and new releases were still coming out frequently, the polls were not just "surround polls", they were set up as disc reviews, like you would find in Stereo Review and other magazines. A real review of a disc includes whether you like the content or not. If you see a movie that sucks but it looks great and has a terrific soundtrack, you're still going to include your opinion on the movie when you discuss it with friends.

So, because the polls started out as reviews, changing the format now, 10 years later, would mean that all of the earlier data would have to be dumped and recast.

Those who want these polls to be about surround and surround only are looking in the wrong place. The QQ Polls are nothing more than reviews of the disc. We can't change the rules 10+ years later. If someone does not like what's on the disc, they should be free to say so and take that into consideration when they vote.

ALSO: As an example - If you hate country music, and a country music surround disc comes out and you buy it but hate the content and want to sell it off immediately, all you have to do is respond to the poll saying that the surround and audio are great but you don't like the content - AND NOT VOTE!! You don't have to vote to comment.

I get that...but what seems a little unfair is when someone votes...says they never liked the disc...but they hoped somehow the new mix would sway them...ugh. To me that's just wrong.

This comes up every few months and I understand the thought... BUT:

The reason content is included is because way back when the polls were started (over 10 years ago!!!), when SACDs and DVD-As were somewhat readily available and new releases were still coming out frequently, the polls were not just "surround polls", they were set up as disc reviews, like you would find in Stereo Review and other magazines. A real review of a disc includes whether you like the content or not. If you see a movie that sucks but it looks great and has a terrific soundtrack, you're still going to include your opinion on the movie when you discuss it with friends.

So, because the polls started out as reviews, changing the format now, 10 years later, would mean that all of the earlier data would have to be dumped and recast.

Those who want these polls to be about surround and surround only are looking in the wrong place. The QQ Polls are nothing more than reviews of the disc. We can't change the rules 10+ years later. If someone does not like what's on the disc, they should be free to say so and take that into consideration when they vote.

ALSO: As an example - If you hate country music, and a country music surround disc comes out and you buy it but hate the content and want to sell it off immediately, all you have to do is respond to the poll saying that the surround and audio are great but you don't like the content - AND NOT VOTE!! You don't have to vote to comment.

+1 million...this would eliminate a lot of problems on the polls...commenting gives other members some insight without altering the poll results by negative voting due to personal preferences...and IMO these polls are STILL disc reviews...I've used them before I joined the forum..it's one of the few places you can get input like this...a valuable tool IMO..
I understand completely. My only point was that some reviews overemphasize the musical content and not pay much attention to the surround. It's all kool. All this is sort of irrelevant to me though as I purchase everything in multi channel that's released. Was just rambling on.
The quad mix is very nice, but the music is not that great to me. If this wasn't good quad, idon't think i would keep it. But the quad mix is good enough to keep my interest. Not one i will play to often, but a keeper. My overall enjoyment is 7.
I find this mix more enjoyable than the repurposed quad mix of Headhunters, but what happened to the bass and drums? They sound as if sourced from inferior tape dubs and are lacking the high end clarity and snap of the other instruments or of what they had on the stereo mix. (Compare the stereo and quad layers of the “Actual Proof” intro for a quick comparison of fidelity.) As a result the 4-cornered soundstage never quite gels for me. But, hey, I’m always willing to cut these older quad mixes some slack so it’s not as big of an issue for me as it might be if on a contemporary mix. The mix is pretty entertaining and the funky grooves and tasty interplay always brings a smile to my face. I give it an 8.
What was I saying about "Spectrum"?
Well, this is is the other end of the "spectrum".

Unbelievably murky sound. Sounds like a 3rd or 4th generation tape...
My SQ LP's fidelity runs rings around this...

What a mess...

and it was done by Kevin Gray too...
He must have gotten some REALLY shitty tapes to work with...I tell ya, I've heard Q8s sound WAAAAAAYYY better than this......yuck!!!

Maybe Kevin got orders "from above" to not make it sound better-that would be the only reason for this mess....
I'd have EQ'd and "unhissed" the shit out of this if this had been my only source...don't know if Kevin actually did this and it STILL wound up sounnding like this...

I'm so upset that I'm not going to vote for now...:nuke
What was I saying about "Spectrum"?
Well, this is is the other end of the "spectrum".

Unbelievably murky sound. Sounds like a 3rd or 4th generation tape...
My SQ LP's fidelity runs rings around this...

What a mess...

and it was done by Kevin Gray too...
He must have gotten some REALLY shitty tapes to work with...I tell ya, I've heard Q8s sound WAAAAAAYYY better than this......yuck!!!

Maybe Kevin got orders "from above" to not make it sound better-that would be the only reason for this mess....
I'd have EQ'd and "unhissed" the shit out of this if this had been my only source...don't know if Kevin actually did this and it STILL wound up sounnding like this...

I'm so upset that I'm not going to vote for now...:nuke

What was I saying about "Spectrum"?
Well, this is is the other end of the "spectrum".

Unbelievably murky sound. Sounds like a 3rd or 4th generation tape...
My SQ LP's fidelity runs rings around this...

What a mess...

and it was done by Kevin Gray too...
He must have gotten some REALLY shitty tapes to work with...I tell ya, I've heard Q8s sound WAAAAAAYYY better than this......yuck!!!

Maybe Kevin got orders "from above" to not make it sound better-that would be the only reason for this mess....
I'd have EQ'd and "unhissed" the shit out of this if this had been my only source...don't know if Kevin actually did this and it STILL wound up sounnding like this...

I'm so upset that I'm not going to vote for now...:nuke
