Have they ever released stems for any of their studio albums? A lot of their studio material would sound amazing with an aggressive (i.e. Flaming Lips-style) surround mix!
The only studio album that’s part of the Official Bootlegger program is actually my favorite, their polyrhythm prog album Polygondwanaland, but that was the first thing they put out under that program which has evolved over time. The assets for that one are the front cover in high res, and vinyl and cd masters in high res.
The 2024 US Tour was the first time they’ve committed to stems, so at the moment those shows (37 releases, some have been retroactively lumped into one release, Red Rocks was 3 different releases but now is one, I’m counting based on the current grouping) are the only things with stems.
Considering they seem to change their approach each tour, its entirely possible that all things going forward could have stems… or these might be the
only releases with stems, who knows.
That said they did mix their 2019 Europe Tour concert film Chunky Shrapnel in 5.1 for the limited theatrical release (and a blu ray that’s been promised… since 2019), and their latest Flight b741 has a streaming only (at the moment. A different release has been teased) Atmos mix. It’s kind of an open secret that this year’s US tour is going to be edited into a Chunky Shrapnel style doc, so it’s possible there’s more official surround mixes coming when that’s out.
That said, with 37 releases full of stems that’s a lot of material to work with. With the band officially sanctioning “do whatever” with these, the sky is the limit. Full show remixes like this, or compilations, or mashup-remixes (one of the companies putting out the all-synth San Fran show on vinyl realized they had an entire side to spare so they commissioned a remix using the stems). Heck if QQ’s mixers wanted to do a professionally minted and sold blu ray of mixes that would be allowed as long as the band gets sent “as much as you think is fair” to sell in their online store/pre-show “Record Fairs”.
Ninja Edit: in the past I asked in an AMA if they’ve considered doing surround sound since they are so suited for it, and Stu responded “we’ve looked at Atmos… but we fold out drums and bass down to one track so it makes mixing hard”, that was a couple years ago now, and they do have one studio Atmos mix so maybe they’ve changed their process