Manuel Gottsching - "Inventions For Electric Guitar" Remastered version (in SQ)


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Active Member
Sep 29, 2018
Huntsville, AL
Here is an email I got from MG.ART:


sorry for the delay, but finally I got an answer from Mr. Göttsching.

"Inventions for Electric Guitar" was mixed in Quadro to a stereo Master with encoded SQ Quadro.
A copy of this master tape was used for the rerelease on CD (MG.ART 401) and for the rerelease on Vinyl ( MG.ART 901).
(see our website)

As it seems rather unlikely that there were copies of the original Master then made "without" containing the original encoded SQ, all rereleases on should possibly still replay with an appropriate SQ Decoder in Quad.

Unfortunately the idea of SQ Quad and its devices/decoders was "short-lived", and those few are gone for longtime.
Never been able to check this properly we did not mention the original notice on the back of the Vinyl cover for the option of Quadrophonic replay with an SQ decoder. We only left the front sticker ("Galaxy sound" etc.) as a "historic" reference to the original cover.

If you still find someone today who owns and / or uses such equipment Mr. Göttsching will be happy to hear about.
A probable significant audio reference part may be heard at the end of the track "Pluralis" when the chords turn around the four channels in circles.

Yes, we are going to rerelease all the old albums on Vinyl, the first will now be "Schwingungen" around end of May 2021.
("Inventions for Electric Guitar" had already been rereleased on Vinyl in 2016)

Best regards,

So this is the information that I got from Manuel Gottsching's representative about the "remastered" CDs. So all are SQ quad stereo encoded and can play back with a SQ decoder (such as the Surround Master v2 from Involve Audio which is what I do). And they used a tape master for "Inventions for Electric Guitar" at least.
That's good news regarding ASH RA TEMPEL quad SQ reissues.
Some of the best quad mixes I own !

Will be looking forward to the SQ reissue of "Communication , The Best Of Ash Ra Tempel " . in lp and cd.
I have the SQ LP on PDU .
You can see Manuel Gottsching at the mixing console with a Teac 4ch Reel -Reel.(back cover)
like this :


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That's good news regarding ASH RA TEMPEL quad SQ reissues.
Some of the best quad mixes I own !

Will be looking forward to the SQ reissue of "Communication , The Best Of Ash Ra Tempel " . in lp and cd.
I have the SQ LP on PDU .
You can see Manuel Gottsching at the mixing console with a Teac 4ch Reel -Reel.(back cover)
like this :

I saw that compilation on Discogs. It's a rare one! It has some great songs on it too! I doubt that will be reissued, it's not even on Gottschings website in his discography.
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Interesting, I love Gottsching and Ash Ra Tempel stuff. Pardon my lack of knowledge, but does this mean a separate Quad master was not made originally, so we will never be able to hear these in fully discrete quad on, say, a SACD?
Ash Ra Tempel VI
Inventions For Electric Guitar

Excellent SQ quad vinyl and SQ CD. Original recording 1975.

Quad surround panning moving in a clockwise motion is heard very subtlety through a dubbed electronic track from the onset of the song Pluralis.


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Of all the ASH RA TEMPEL discs I've listened to in quad , I would recommend -Join Inn , 7 Up (w/Tim Leary ),
Starring Rosi , Inventions For Electric Guitar , and Communication .(all very good quad SQ albums)

I don't know if Schwingungen was ever a quad release . At least I never saw any indication on the album jacket , so I never purchased it . If anyone knows if it is or is not , please pipe in. I was always curious about this title.

I had the Italian PDU of the first album which stated SQ Quad. But I never felt it was very well encoded at least in my opinion.

I don't know if Schwingungen was ever a quad release . At least I never saw any indication on the album jacket , so I never purchased it . If anyone knows if it is or is not , please pipe in. I was always curious about this title.

I don't know if Schwingungen is or not but I think that the 1st, Join Inn and Schwingungen are essential krautrock or any other rock for that matter. Quad doesn't make a difference, the music speaks for itself.

I had the Italian PDU of the first album which stated SQ Quad. But I never felt it was very well encoded at least in my opinion.

I have the PDU of the 1st and have played it with my Surround Master v2, not very quad like in my opinion. Rumor has it that Dieter Dierks studio recorded most things in quad; early Tangerine Dream, early Klaus Schulze, Cosmic Jokers/Couriers etc.
I don't know if Schwingungen is or not but I think that the 1st, Join Inn and Schwingungen are essential krautrock or any other rock for that matter. Quad doesn't make a difference, the music speaks for itself.

Oh yes I like krautrock , especially when they employ unique synths , but unlike you I've usually been smitten when it's quad . So there are probably lots of krautrock and rock , progrock , etc I don't or won't buy and all because I favour quad over stereo. And I've been that way for decades.
Also like "kuntstofe" recordings ,,, , lots of krautrock in binaural fwiw.

I have the PDU of the 1st and have played it with my Surround Master v2, not very quad like in my opinion. Rumor has it that Dieter Dierks studio recorded most things in quad; early Tangerine Dream, early Klaus Schulze, Cosmic Jokers/Couriers etc.

My Fosgate plays out the same, kinda dead surround (faux quad ). I suppose it's possible they ran stereo through an SQ Encoder .
The remastered encoded CD of "Inventions For Electric Guitar" decodes well with the SM2 - Tangerine Dream meets Fripp & Eno, and makes me wonder where the Ozric Tentacles got their influences from
Those are some great news for music lovers all over the world. The quad albums were quite underrated for some time, but now they finally get the recognition they deserved. I saw on many platforms like Amazon or Aliexpress that the prices were huge. Still, I don't mind paying more for getting those awesome CDs. I saw a person who was selling this album at a lower price on a classical guitar tab. I think I might buy them from there. Anyway, thanks for the amazing news about the new quad album, and I hope you will also get some copies as soon as possible.
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Yep , that's an excellent price , in my frugal opinion.

I noticed a few SQ CD'S at Grooveland's website in Berlin . A couple of Bellaphon Bacillus SQ vinyl and CD , and some Popul Vuh and Ash Ra Tempels'.

I've used their services recently to obtain an elusive King Crimson DVDA , namely Reconstrukction Of Light.
So it looks as if I will purchase some of those aforementioned CD'S .