Mix Engineer Tag?


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Nov 11, 2013
I want to add the mixer to my ripped FLAC files tag. What is the most universal extended tag? I mainly use Mp3Tag, jRiver, Foobar2000 and Kodi. I added a field in Mp3Tag under MIXARTIST, but it didn't show up in jRiver, when I added the same tag field. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I got it working with Mp3Tag and jRiver. I just had to manually select Update Library From Tags in jRiver, and the Mix Artist field I created in Mp3Tag, populated in jRiver, once I added it!

I am still curious how other members here are adding the Mixer to their tags...
Remixed by is a standard tag supported by most tagging apps
Don't see it in Mp3Tag or jRiver which I use the most.

Is that the tag you use?
Specifically which tagging apps use it?
Tagscanner, MMH, MusicBrainz Picard.

Look at the tag table here: It’s ‘Remixed’ MMH labels it ‘Remixed By’ I’m it’s UI:
Looking at the Kodi Tag chart, Remix Artist and Remixer are interchangeable. I also see Mixer. I don't see Remixed, but I may be overlooking that field.
It would be nice to get the Remixed field in MMH, interchangeable in Mp3Tag, jRiver, Kodi and Foobar2000. Right now I have Mp3Tag and jRiver linked, where if I change the Mix Artist in one, it also shows up in the other.
Tagscanner, MMH, MusicBrainz Picard
I have it working in all these now including Mp3Tag and jRiver. My only issue is with Foobar2000 in the Columns. The Properties metadata works great in Foobar, but I can't get the Columns to show the Mixer in the tag. It just stays blank and it doesn't even allow any editing.