First up, thanks for your efforts with this program; I'm finding it to be indispensable in keep my media library tamed!
I'm wondering if you can help me out with a little issue that's been driving me to distraction recently...
All my media files are on a Qnap NAS for Audio or on a Synology for video/movies/TV etc.
Both NAS drives are connected to a Windows 11 PC that sits near my LG TV, which is in turn connected to my Onkyo receiver. All these connections are by HDMI. The whole thing works well; I've even managed to get JRiver to play Atmos albums. But...
I'm usually able to sort out various IT and audio stuff myself, but lately I'm finding that the combination of ever-advancing years and brain fog induced pain meds has rendered me clueless!
When I use MMH to open the root folder on the NAS where my audio lives,for some reason the (long) list that is generated never shows the folders in alphabetical order - the results are a list seemingly 'sorted' at random (although the list contents never vary). I cannot work out how to make 'add folder' (using the Tag & Rename Media Files element) produce a list of folders in alphabetical order. I have to to scroll through over 1,000 folder to select the folder I want to work on! This is making my brain hurt. Can you make any suggestions as to how I may be able to remedy the problem? (I only have this 'inscrutable folder list' problem in MMH). I've tried Ctrl-F to search, but looking for Van Morrison, Van or Morrison always returns Vagabonds of The Western World for some reason!
EDIT: a few minutes later.... the last folder I worked on was the one just mentioned (in the 'Thin Lizzy' folder. I collapsed the Thin Lizzy folder, highlighted the root folder, repeated the 'Van Morrison search - and got a message something about not supported. Clicked on 'Add folder' again... and voila! A well-behaved list of folders! Hopefully this little ramble might help others....