Ogre: The Last Neanderthal


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The Quadfather

1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
Mar 7, 2002
Byron, Georgia
In the interest of full disclosure, Quadro-Surround sent me this recording at no charge in exchange for my review.

I received my copy of Ogre: "The Last Neanderthal" about a week and a half ago. I listened once last weekend and last night. The album starts with what I would imagine a UFO landing nearby sounds like. This short track, "Shadow Earth" is louder than the rest of the album, so don't adjust the volume on it. Ogre reccommends that you play this music "as loud as humanly possible". Well, I didn't do that, but I had it up pretty loud. My first impression is that once past "Shadow Earth" it sounds similar to early Black Sabbath. The music, and the singer's style is similar. Having said that, it's good music, and shines in it's own right. There is a bit of humor on the cover, I'll leave it to y'all to find it. The second cut, "Nine Princes in Amber" is a warrior song, the lead singer is a bit above the level of the rest of the band, but this smoothes out on following tracks. It's not bad though. Next is a drug song, "Bad Trip" a tragic tale of a strung out father who sells his daughter for dope. The next cut "Son of Sysiphus" is all about the drudgery of factory work. On "Soulless Woman" the tempo picks up, but for some reason the lyrics are not displayed, as they are on the other songs. It's a good cut though. The next cut."Warpath" well, you could guess that it's a war song. I'm not sure when and where the story is set. White Plume Mountain displays no lyrics also, because there are none. It's an easy going instrumental that mellows the mood a bit. "The Hermit" is the final cut, it chronicles the thoughts of a homeless man. It has some nice guitar work in it. Overall, the album has an agressive surround mix, and it's quite playful, without sounding contrived. Us older quadraholics will love it. Another good addition to my collection, it'll fit right in.

The Quadfather
Quadfather - Thanks for the great review! I haven't heard the full quad mix yet (my discs are still on the way), but I am really looking forward to it.

GOS - The quad DVD-A is available through the Quadro-Surround website: http://www.quadro-surround.de/english/avaiable_productions.html If you want to check out our music, there are plenty of songs uploaded to YouTube. Here's one for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd9Gl9pPgyw

And, if you are interested in a copy of any of our stereo CDs (we have released 4 albums in total), then please feel free to PM me. If you like early Sabbath, then I think you'll dig what we are going for in our sound.
Quadfather - Thanks for the great review! I haven't heard the full quad mix yet (my discs are still on the way), but I am really looking forward to it.

GOS - The quad DVD-A is available through the Quadro-Surround website: http://www.quadro-surround.de/english/avaiable_productions.html If you want to check out our music, there are plenty of songs uploaded to YouTube. Here's one for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd9Gl9pPgyw

And, if you are interested in a copy of any of our stereo CDs (we have released 4 albums in total), then please feel free to PM me. If you like early Sabbath, then I think you'll dig what we are going for in our sound.

I clicked your link - I see the disc, but don't see any way too place an order. Probably I missed something??
On the sidebar, there is an "Order and Feedback" button, which will send you to ordering info. Basically, you just end up emailing Dietrich (who runs Quadro-Surround) and setting up payment directly with him. Dietrich is also a member here at QQ, so I'm sure he'll read these messages and help you out, if need be.