My experience as well, going back to ISO2DSD and sacd_extract 3.6, straight through to October 2018 and Setmind's SACDExtractGUI with the original v3.9, on through to today with the latest EuFlo enhanced versions released over the past couple of years.
There has been no special combination of files, specially revised procedures, nor any other secret sauce necessary with the Oppo players, they are very straightforward to use for ripping SACD. The AutoScript folder used on the USB flash drive is the same as it was in 2015, and that has been compatible with all PC/host versions of sacd_extract since v3.6.
Any suggestion to the contrary is false and misleading nonsense, and does a disservice to newbies and lurkers who might be scared off in thinking this SACD ripping endeavor is too daunting and/or difficult to undertake.
I as well have had that same old AutoScript folder kicking around for years, as well as copies on 3 different HDD. I keep redundant backups of all my important utilities on separate HDD's and for the Oppo and other electronics also in a folder in my Documents, which resides on my D: drive because that is where I keep it to avoid the vagaries of Windows crashes, reinstalls of Windows, etc.
I too used the ISO2DSD and the earlier version of sacd_extract...I'm not new to this either, only new to the SACDExtractGUI and was curious to try it out.
I can not tell you why, but every time I tried to rip a SACD it would fail, the gui saying it could not connect to port 2002. I tried every copy of the AutoScript folder I had and got the same result. Now mind you I've had this folder for years and it always worked in the past.
But now after inserting the USB stick, although the drive would open, I would insert the disc and close the drive, it would fail every time.
I even downloaded a copy from the page 2 link on the now rather huge thread on hifi haven. Same result. Each time I would delete the old files on the flash drive and copy a "fresh" AutoScript folder from another location on my pc, and this with absolutely no other files on the USB drive.
One thing I did notice, one of my AutoScript archived folders had an sacd_extract date of 2018, other folders an sacd_extract of 2019.
Otherwise a file compare using a utility showed the other two files in my AutoScript folders identical. Regardless, all failed to work.
Once I changed out the AutoScript folder with the one I got from B&W Driver it worked first time. That's just a fact, plain and simple.
I can not tell you why, and we can speculate all we want, but I don't see any point.
Now it seems very odd that at least two people went through the exact same experience, and I can't explain exactly what happened.
Whether somehow both of us experienced some sort file corruption, a few bytes rearranged, I can't say. In my case though odd that it could happen on separate copies of the folder/files that I had successfully used in the past; I'm still investigating, trying to nail down what went wrong because it all just seems so... unlikely . Using a file compare utility has not yielded anything tangible, but still I will keep trying to understand, though it seems the prospects are diminishing.
@B&W Driver nor myself are trying to do anything but get the desired end result. Successfully rip SACD's using the SACDExtractGUI.
Because he and I had similar problems, displayed them publicly and are somehow guilty of trying to run a line of BS, or do a "disservice" to anyone is patently absurd.
Sometimes "stuff" just happens. Don't shoot the messenger.
Bottom line:
Chances are no one else will have problem one using these utilities for ripping SACD's, and I encourage newbies to SACD ripping to proceed without worry.
Whatever the monkey wrench thrown in the gears existed for me, it's gone now and I can appreciate using the SACDExtractGUI over it's Sonore predecessor.