Rhino Quadio Batch 5 for August 2024!


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Maybe , but I think with the addition of Tommy Bolin on guitar...,
this one of a kind disc is a crossover Jazz/Rock/Fusion album .

Also another consideration for Electra could be Judy Collins -Judith .
Electra EQ -1032
Tommy Bolin was an amazing guitarist and certainly a big contributor to that album. In the eighties I met the drummer who played on Bolin's second solo album. He was giving drum lessons in Boulder, Colorado. Very nice guy.

By the time Collins released Judith she was almost fully transitioned into her MOR pop period. I'm a big fan of her old folk records up through Who Knows Where the Time Goes. Seems like an unlikely release, but even though it's a minor part of her catalog I'd gladly go for a Quad release of Judith.
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Two things;

Would love to see either Aerosmith Rocks or Draw The Line released this time.

Also some decent protection for a change, it's been a growing trend order arrives and Blu ray cases cracked and those Quadio cases cracked, hinges broken.
Apologies I meant Get Your Wings.
Machine Head did, yes, but there's also the quad mix of Stormbringer. I don't expect a standalone Quadio release of that one, at least not until the Deep Purple team has a crack at it first, just like Machine Head.
They already had their crack at it you may recall. It sounded imo like it was from a 2nd or 3rd gen tape. It's time for Warner Music / Rhino to do their own issue of this one.
Some of us purchase titles we don't get to for a while. Never mind that, please continue to strike while the iron is hot!
"Not previously reissued" would point to quad titles issued at some point I read that as no unissued titles in this batch. (as he closes the unreleased quad list)
Likely candidates:

Elektra: Stardrive - Intergalactic Trot
Atlantic: Duke Ellington - New Orleans Suite
Atlantic: Bette Midler - The Divine Miss M
Warner: Seals & Crofts - Diamond Girl
I don't see another Seals and Crofts title coming right after Summer Breeze was just released. I would expect James Taylor to arrive before a "repeat" of any artist on a Quadio. I expect to see James Taylor, Carly Simon, Bread, MJQ, and maybe Jackson Browne before we get another Gordon, Newman, Starship, War, or Seals and Crofts. Just going by how they are mixing it up me thinks.
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As nice as the boxed sets can look on the shelf, I'd be pretty surprised if we saw this. I wouldn't recommend Rhino do this, but they know better than me, I'm sure.

No disrespect to Carly or any of her big fans AT ALL, but she was never really known as an album artist. Certainly not in the way Joni, Chicago or even the Doobie Brothers were. Did she ever have a non-single album track that ever received any significant attention or airplay? I can't think of one. And few people, if any, talk about how great any Carly Simon album was as a work of art (the album covers notwithstanding :cool: ). So I don't think it would either be fair OR good business to force anyone interested in purchasing, say, "No Secrets", to have to buy an entire set of albums for $80 to get it. I think they'd be better off to market and sell them individually.

Then again, I could be wrong and this might be Rhino's next big announcement and it'll sell like hotcakes. (pun intended)

Beyond that -- it seems at this point that Carly and James Taylor are the two biggest artists left to not receive any Quadio treatment. If we go through 5 batches without anything from either, I'll start to think something must be up. That either the artists are nixing the releases or their royalty agreements are such that the bean-counters at Rhino have determined it won't work for them.
Carly's early albums did get some album tracks played on rock based US radio stations, but that faded quickly with newer releases and radio stations getting tighter (and more boring IMO) playlists.
Carly's early albums did get some album tracks played on rock based US radio stations, but that faded quickly with newer releases and radio stations getting tighter (and more boring IMO) playlists.
Her fans would tell you that they indeed love her albums as complete programs. And would also say that her writing quality was up there with the better or even best female singer songwriters.

I sense that Playing Possum could arrive before No Secrets would on a Quadio release. That is unless they do a Quadio box set.

If they were to do a Carly Quadio box, then it just makes sense that they would need Bruce Botnick back at the mixing board to complete a stunning new quad mix of the Anticipation album so that they have all of the early albums covered. Just like Joni needed that one album completed, Carly would require the same, fair is fair right.

Then you have (I would predict) the units sales smaller than the Doobies or Joni sets. The cost of doing a new quad mix adds to the tab. So it's a higher priced set in order to recoup. Is everyone on board to pay a higher list price for this?

Everyone can speak up now - that you are up for a price hike per disc here, we want to be heard right!!!! ;)
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For WB I'm still holding out for JT's best ever, Gorilla!! Even the old R2R quad holds up well today!
Gorilla is a good modern 70's pop album, and has been given the audiophile treatment before. It holds up for the material and recording. Personally I'd prefer some rock titles. But this is the album which they could test the water on a James Taylor album in quad, and reviews would be favorable on the quality of the release.

I was in "Mexico" two weeks ago actually. Drove down there over to the border and walked across.
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I really hope Janis Ian makes the cut at some point
A Sony album that we've been told is now controlled by Janis Ian. Maybe her manager has a partial say in it.

Anyway, not a Warner owned album. No Quadio potential.
New Quadio's being released in a few months.......As usual, I haven't a clue on what artists will be included in the bundle and also, as usual, Iam all in for the bundle.
I am hoping for classic rock and jazz😁

But something that has me puzzled. Why would an estate or sole surviving band member(s) not want to release their catalogs? What I mean, Isn't that money in the bank on royalties? Or an outright lump sum?
The days of just making music for the people are over, as everyone is out to make a buck or two.
Or has age just made me too cynical?
Elektra? Could it finally be time for some Carly Simon?

As for Atlantic.... Aretha at the Filmore, Bette Midler Divine Miss M or the unreleased J Geils Bloodshot would make me very happy.
I’d prefer that they save Carly for a Quadio box. Aretha at the Fillmore would be great(with King Curtis killing it on sax!) and, as always, my fave: Miss M!