HiRez Poll Suede - SUEDE [Blu-Ray Audio (Dolby Atmos)]


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  • 1: Terrible Content, Surround Mix, and Fidelity

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Oct 31, 2008
Middle TN
Please post your thoughts and comments on this new 30th anniversary edition of the self-titled album by Suede.
This Blu-Ray audio edition, exclusive to the SDE web store, features new remixes in 5.1 surround and Dolby Atmos from Steven Wilson.

The Dolby Atmos mix is also available to stream on all Dolby Atmos streaming providers:

(y) :) (n)


Pre-release thread for all shipping/ordering queries and non-poll related posts:
His vocals are what they are. Kinda like Morrissey in that eventually you come to embrace the effeminate delivery.

This mix is astonishing to me. I really love this album and when I heard SW was going to mix it, I gave it a more critical listen, trying to separate the various parts and think in my mind how they could be panned, etc. I was skeptical that he could do it. There were a lot of cut and paste guitar parts, and while I felt they could/should be panned, I wasn't sure how SW could do it without dropping too much volume from the front. Well, he has managed to do it anyway and it is seamless.

Sleeping Pills is an absolute trip. IMO, this mix is more adventurous in its panning than most of what SW puts out. I don't know if the original was that way (it never struck me as such), but he is using the full stock of speakers at his disposal.

A couple weird things. I think it's out of the solo of Animal Nitrate where the sub really activates and it threw me for a loop. Also, it's either Sleeping Pills or the song before or after it where the kick really bumps that sub every time it is hit. Eventually, you kind of just get lost in the rhythm, but it seems inconsistent with the other songs.

And yet in spite of that, I have no hesitation giving this one a 10. I know this album pretty damn well, and there is stuff going on here that I haven't heard before. The mix is balanced great as usual. I think those that opted out may regret that decision. I buy a lot of stuff I don't care for and come to appreciate it in quad because it's just a completely new way to experience the music. And Bernard Butler's playing on this album is so sublime and original. Really an overlooked guitar player.

Oh, one more thing...on the menu it's an instrumental of Animal Nitrate playing (in surround) and I don't see an option for instrumentals among the SW mixes. Dang. Missed opportunity, IMO, especially as cool as this mix is. Those who don't care for Anderson's vocals could appreciate it just as an instrumental album.
Sleeping Pills is an absolute trip. IMO, this mix is more adventurous in its panning than most of what SW puts out. I don't know if the original was that way (it never struck me as such), but he is using the full stock of speakers at his disposal.
Yeah, that one and "Pantomime Horse" impressed me the most ("Breakdown" could have been equally amazing had the multis been available). The harder-rocking songs are great too, as even the loudest passages - like the end of "The Drowners" - are not fatiguing at higher volume. Sound quality in general I feel is a massive improvement over the original, both the highs and lows are better defined.

I noticed this more in the Atmos mix than the 5.1, but there are definitely a lot of parts that move around which were previously static in the original stereo mix (first guitar line in "So Young", rhythm guitar during the solo in "Animal Nitrate", lead vocals during the chorus of "Moving", etc. The handclaps at the end of "The Drowners" bouncing from speaker-to-speaker around the room is the kind of the thing that might sound gimmicky on paper, but in execution it felt 'right' to me.

Another cool thing that stood out to me was the different treatment of the guitar parts - sometimes the lead riffs, like in "Metal Mickey", span an entire side of the room (FR & RR in 5.1 or FR + SR + RR in Atmos) and sound gigantic whereas other parts that are more like quick accents (there's one towards the end of "Sleeping Pills" in the front left height speaker) tend to pop up in the corners.
I'm playing through a 5.1 soundbar, and when playing the album in 5.1 the lead vocal on all tracks comes through the centre nice and clear, all except track one, So Young. The vocal is distant and echoey. Fine in Atmos and Stereo. It's the first time I've encountered this, just wondered if anyone else had?
An easy 9.
Had all the multitracks been found and the fantastic b-sides included, it would've been a 10.

Was slightly underwhelmed when when I checked out the Tidal stream 5.1 downmix a month ago, but the deticated 5.1 mix on the SDE disc is great.
A lot of discrete stuff, but I was particulalry impressed by the ambiance and synth effects filling up the room.

Hoping to see the same treatment for Dog Man Star next year!
1, Mine arrived in NZ unscathed yesterday.
2. Backed up and spun up last night.
3. Superb fidelity.
4. Bass hits low and hard.
5. Excellent surround mix really opens it up to hear things I've never heard before.
6. Music videos were a sensible addition.
7. Animal Nitrate instrumental menu tune is great.
8. Hopefully Dog Man Star and Coming Up get similar treatment soon.
9. Just think; if it weren't for Steven Wilson, we probably just wouldn't have these releases at all and our collections would be about a third the size.
10. A 9 I votes I does.
I went into this almost blind but the Steven Wilson "remixes" are amazing. The sound extends beyond the speakers! Suede is a bit like Oasis but without the brickwalling. They also remind a bit of the Canadian group Tragically Hip who sadly lead singer Gord Downie died of cancer in 2017.

I'm not familiar with the group or the original mixes but based on this mix a ten!

I've listened to the Atmos mix twice, and to some of the stereo tracks with my earbuds. I am not particularly fond of the music, with the exception of a few tracks, and I find the sound a bit harsh and fatiguing at times. I thought the atmos mix was good but I was bored by the music. At this stage, I would be tempted to vote 7, but I'll wait and give it another spin before casting a vote. I haven't listened to the 5.1 mix, but I would expect it to be different from the Atmos. For The Hurting, they are definitely different and in some cases I found the 5.1 to be better.
I can’t believe I missed this album & this band back in the day.
I think I incorrectly- like many apparently - lumped them in with the lighter, poppier Britpop bands of the era.
These guys are darker & heavier in terms of sound & subject matter.
Killer guitar work & great songs.
Once again an excellent mix by Mr. Wilson.
I say this because I have since bought a 4 CD Suede retrospective & the songs sound flat in comparison.
10 for the album
10 for the mix
10 for SDE for making this available
Can I vote 30?
No…so I’ll divide by 3.
10 all the way 😁
No laughing....

So, I finally got around to playing this title today. I had ripped my copy, put the disc away and never even gave it a listen. Decided to listen today, couldn't find my rip. LOL!

Anyway, here we are. I seriously had made up my mind I didn't like this title before even giving it a chance. Much to my surprise, I think it's AWESOME! The songs are really interesting, with lots of little influences here and there. Fidelity is very solid, with incredible bass. The Atmos mix is really nice.

I'm voting a strong 9 on this. Just super. Crank it for full effect!!
No laughing....

So, I finally got around to playing this title today. I had ripped my copy, put the disc away and never even gave it a listen. Decided to listen today, couldn't find my rip. LOL!

Anyway, here we are. I seriously had made up my mind I didn't like this title before even giving it a chance. Much to my surprise, I think it's AWESOME! The songs are really interesting, with lots of little influences here and there. Fidelity is very solid, with incredible bass. The Atmos mix is really nice.

I'm voting a strong 9 on this. Just super. Crank it for full effect!!
Totally agree.
Much to my surprise this is a ROCK record with killer guitar…which sounds great LOUD!!!
No laughing....

So, I finally got around to playing this title today. I had ripped my copy, put the disc away and never even gave it a listen. Decided to listen today, couldn't find my rip. LOL!

Anyway, here we are. I seriously had made up my mind I didn't like this title before even giving it a chance. Much to my surprise, I think it's AWESOME! The songs are really interesting, with lots of little influences here and there. Fidelity is very solid, with incredible bass. The Atmos mix is really nice.

I'm voting a strong 9 on this. Just super. Crank it for full effect!!
Check out their 2 subsequent albums: Dog Man Star and Coming Up. A leap in songwriting/musicianship and different production on both make the 3 albums really stand out. Hope these 2 get surroundified too.