The Residents' "Eskimo"?


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1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
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Feb 27, 2005
I love The Residents, but I've always disliked "Eskimo." Is the 5.1 DVD worth getting? Will it help me to like this album at all?

J. D.
I can't predict whether or not the 5.1 mix will turn you around on this, but it is worth noting that the surround mix is extremely discrete. Having heard it only in surround, I can't imagine wanting to hear it in stereo.
There's a 5.1 DVD of this??? How do I get it? Gosh, it's one of my favorites - the thought of it in surround makes me melt.

Is it the original studio version, or live?
There's a 5.1 DVD of this??? How do I get it? Gosh, it's one of my favorites - the thought of it in surround makes me melt.

It's widely available. Just do a search (RESIDENTS ESKIMO DVD should do the trick).