For all that those unexpected new 12 channel mixes of Waka Jawaka and Grand Wazoo hit it out of the park, the Atmos remix here fails. If there was anything to critique about bright or thin in the original mixes, there sure isn't next to the remixes. Dulled sounds, poor attention to mix balances, and this 80Hz or thereabouts constant ringing resonance. The bass end was tight instrument to instrument in the originals. The 5.1 remix isn't any better. This all went really wrong.
Are you sure there wasn't something amiss with your settings at the time or something, because I think it sounds great. I mean, it's maybe mixed a bit dry and warm overall, but it's mostly rather crispy and clear all around to me. And it does have the Zappa vocals spread "Central Scrutinizer" style in the center
and front height speakers, like all of the other Zappa Atmos albums mixed by Erich Gobel and Karma Auger (which I find a bit odd, but it's starting to grow on me), and it does have maybe a touch of mid-bass going on, but I've always found this album a bit warm and dry, and mid-bassy.
"Apostrophe" with Jack Bruce on bass and Jim Gordon on drums definitely sounds a bit muddy, but from my understanding, it was basically a garage band style recording of a jam session (Zappa said about Bruce's performance "He sure doesn't like to stick to the root, for a bass player, does he?"

This album also has much less overall horns and crazy effects than the preceding albums, and seems more "meat and potatoes rock band" than some of Zappa's other stuff, but I'm hearing everything nicely balanced, with some great Atmos spreading of sounds, and fairly well balanced levels.
I'm actually kind of perplexed that you're finding such a vast discrepancy with these exact same mixer guy's approach on just this one particular album, when to me it sounds right on par with the other three mixes of Zappa's that they've done, especially with the tremendous amount of respect that I have of your opinion.
As an aside, this was the very first Zappa album that I got turned on to by my drum instructor, around 1982 when I was 12 years old. At one of my first lessons, after showing me some basic rudiments, he went to make a Zerox copy for me to take home, and put this record on "St Alfonzo's Pancake Breakfast" and said, "Try to play along to this", all casual like.

My life was never the same, as a drummer, a musical artist, and as a 12 year old boy: "As he stumbled on his
cock, he was delighted as it stiffened, and ripped right through his sock!"