any info, either your experience or literature regarding recording a Classical Orchestra?


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kap'n krunch

2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Nov 25, 2008
Erased land
Hello guyses,
I have been trying to put my foot in the door regarding recording a Classical Orchestra an was wondering what experience any of you may have doing so or any book (I have the Eargle "bible" but it's in MADRID) which may discuss it?
I want to mix it in ATMOS also, so my uneducated guess is at least one good mic per channel..perhaps get 7 more TLM 103s to have at least 2 mics for the ATMOS height speakers...
There are Morten Lindberg interviews that might be interesting. 2L releases often include pics of the mic trees. (I know nothing about recording)
A mic for each each channel including heights?
"The microphone array is really a direct consequence of the speaker configuration in the Auro-3D playback system. Time of arrival, SPL and on-axis HF texture is directly preserved in this 7.1.4 microphone configuration."

"The most important aspect of post production is to not destroy the fine qualities captured at recording. Instead of EQ in post I much prefer to rather shift the angle or the distance of a microphone already in recording. It just takes planning. With a good recording I never use any EQ or dynamic processing at all." fanboy :)
There are Morten Lindberg interviews that might be interesting. 2L releases often include pics of the mic trees. (I know nothing about recording)
A mic for each each channel including heights?
View attachment 83855
Thank you !
I found those and they are very instructive..
recording Classical Orchestras IN THE USA IS PROHIBITIVE because of a fee imposed many years ago and that is why almost all Classical recordings are from EUROPE!
Thank you !
I found those and they are very instructive..
recording Classical Orchestras IN THE USA IS PROHIBITIVE because of a fee imposed many years ago and that is why almost all Classical recordings are from EUROPE!
I recall from the previous century, when my wife and I had season tickets to the Pacific Symphony, that they were broadcasting their performances live over a Los Angeles NPR station (could have been KUSC, but it was over 20 years ago). The orchestra members were generally studio musicians, who made most of their income from recording work, so the presence of microphones in the hall wasn’t anything that they would feel intimidated by.

If I recall correctly, the mic setup was just a Blumlein pair suspended over the conductor. I never heard the broadcast, because I was at the performance. I had thoughts about setting up a recording rig, and putting the show on a CD, but that’s one of the many “coulda-shoulda” events from my life.