SQ channel ID test


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Well-known Member
Jul 9, 2003
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
I have wanted a SQ channel identification test, so I decided to encode my own. I created four tones using Cool Edit Pro and I have tried to encode them using the SQ matrix (using Cool Edit Pro). But since I only have a non-logic SQ decoder, I cannot tell if it worked properly. Could someone out there with a full logic decoder (like the Tate 101a) download the file and play it through their decoder and then tell me the results? Here is the link:

The tone should start off in front left, then go to front right, then to rear left, and finally to rear right.


No, I just used a combination of the multitrack mixer as well as the phase shift effect (called the graphic phase shifter) to "encode" four tones into what I hoped would be like encoding it to SQ. I played it through my non-logic reciever and it "seems" to work, but I can't really tell.

I also figured out a way to use the Cool Edit Pro to "encode" to QS/RM.

Hmmm, well I doubt these methods will result in 100% compatible recordings for the desired format (SQ/QS) even if they seem to decode properly. Kind of a fun project, though!

True, the recordings are not 100% compatible, but they do work very nicely. When I "encoded" a channel ID test into QS/RM and then played it through the DPL-II decoder (which is supposed to decode QS pretty well) in PowerDVD, it works almost flawlessly. When the sounds are in the front, there is no bleeding into the rear channels. However, when the sounds are in the rear channels, there is a very tiny amount of bleeding into the front in the respective channels (ie - when the tone is in rear left, a very tiny amount of the tone can be heard in front left). However, this bleeding is almost unnoticeable.

The next thing I should try is to take the sound from a DTS CD and attempt to "encode" it to RM and see how well it turns out. If it works, it would be great b/c the RM decoder in my old receiver seems to work much better than the sad non-logic SQ decoder.


I have tested my SQ decoder (motorola full-logic IC'S) and the difference between rear channels is poor, probably my system needs a calibration of the variable blend circuit. :(

Antonio Perez
Speaking of decoders, Does anyone know what ever became of the sq decoder software that was being designed? did it ever make it to completion! I think Tab may know the guy that was working on it ?
I think he gave up on it. He sent me a beta version a long time ago, but it was really quite clunky and pumped like you wouldn't believe. It's sad that he gave up on the idea...
That's to bad . It would have made a nice plug in for say, Cool Edit Pro! Where you been hidding, haven't seen you on in a while!

<blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>I encoded the MP3 [/quote]
MP3 - I was thinking the same thing Cai did! MP3? What a waste of time ! MP3 Is VERY VERY LOSSY![/quote]

I only used MP3 because I only have an extremely small amount of webspace

BTW, I wasn't making this test as a little hobby to see if it was possible.

I never like using MP3 for music listening (crappy sound). I usually listen to my LPs