What's the Latest DISCRETE Quad LP Added to Your Pile? CD-4, UD-4


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Quad Linda

Staff member
Jun 3, 2011
DROP YOUR WAD ON QUAD Chicago, Illinois
Another thread begging to be started. There is a seperate MATRIX thread. A new CD-4 is a thrill! Please note if you acquired a sealed LP.

Cat Stevens' Greatest Hits CD-4. Great tunes, another "Quad lite" mix from A&M. Although I owned all the other CS Quads when they were released, I never owned this one. I have a CD and Canadian A&M Audiophile Series half-speed mastered 2ch LP.

Killing Me Softly CD-4- Roberta Flack Great songs, nice mix. Had a 2ch LP, cassette and CD of this. YOU NEED IT!

I felt he found my letters and read each one out loud...
Supremes - Greatest Hits
Van McCoy - Disco Baby
Stylistics - Round 2
Stylistics - Let's Put It All Together
Carol King - Tapestry

And I'm awaiting the arrival of Stylistics - Rock 'N Roll Baby

I've decided to take on attempting Malcolm's modifications to my marantz cd-400, so I'm looking forward to hearing how these sound on a modified demodulator.
Army of Quad, I'm envious! Is Tapestry the same "echo chamber" mess as my US Q8?

They'll take your soul if you let them, but don't you let them!

Supremes - Greatest Hits
Van McCoy - Disco Baby
Stylistics - Round 2
Stylistics - Let's Put It All Together
Carol King - Tapestry

And I'm awaiting the arrival of Stylistics - Rock 'N Roll Baby

I've decided to take on attempting Malcolm's modifications to my marantz cd-400, so I'm looking forward to hearing how these sound on a modified demodulator.
Yeah, the Tapestry one isn't anything to write home about. I haven't actually heard a Q8 of it, but from the description I've heard I'd say it's the same mix as the Q8. I definitely prefer my SACD for that one, but I wanted to have a decent copy of the quad mix just to be complete. I've been working on increasing the Japanese cd-4 collection. It isn't cheap, but I've just got to have some of these.
Hawaiian cd-4 deluxe with obi
Henry Mancini A warm Shade of Ivory cd-4 with obi
Paul Mauriat cd-4
Chaquito Latin Colours cd-4
All Japanese editions

Cut and pasted from the other lp thread Quad Linda started....
reverse that - in a bit i am going to get all quad lps out of my life - i will post here - and let you peeps know first - and no - i dont have anything rare - but what i did buy last was a childrens '4 record set' in one package - but there were 2 available so i bought both - 'cock a doodle doo and mother goose too' 118 childrens classics - somebody tell me which one is quad - i can tell there is something amiss - one sez -

pca-8000873 - stereo - qs - regular matrix .............1973 telecast product
the other
pca-8000 and the same jibberish as the other
but on the back of this one it does say real tiny - this is a stereo record produced for and dist. by telecast marketing - one of the carlson companies.......
well - whoever carlson is - must be a bigshot to have so many companies and all.

i think i just answered my own question.

but you know what? the only info i could find on this lp after googling it was on this site - doug g - you need these so you can hear them in stereo and in quad - y'know a testlike thing - you too old quad guy.

cheers to all and jeers to none

William, it is very sad that you are ridding yourself of quad LPs. I believe everybody should have SOME quad LPs. :D

Anyway, it's been so long since I've bought a CD-4, I'm not absolutely sure which one was the latest. I think it was Hot Tuna "Yellow Fever" though.

A Different Drummer - Buddy Rich Japan CD-4
Bermuda Triangle - Tomita Japan CD-4
Ravel: Daphis et Chloe - Tomita Japan CD-4
Theme from Z and other movies - Henry Mancini Japan CD-4
Hold On, I'm Comin' - Herbie Mann CD-4
A Different Drummer - Buddy Rich Japan CD-4
Bermuda Triangle - Tomita Japan CD-4
Ravel: Daphis et Chloe - Tomita Japan CD-4
Theme from Z and other movies - Henry Mancini Japan CD-4
Hold On, I'm Comin' - Herbie Mann CD-4

Those Tomita ones (I'm a sucker for his stuff) sound scrumptious...bon appetit!
I just purchased from eBay:

Gordon Lightfoot - Sundown I already had it, but my original pressing was always noisy, hopefully this one will be free of flaws in the vinyl. It should arrive shortly.

Latest one I've received:

The Doobie Brothers - What Were Once Vices are Now Habits a stunning quad mix and gorgeous sound.
I hope your new copy of "Sundown" is a good one Joe. It is a wonderful example of quad done right and is one of the top, if not THE top, quad album.

I don't have that Doobie album but I sure want to get it.

It's kind of funny. Back when the early Doobies were contemporary, I didn't much like them. Now I think they were/are wonderful.

I hope your new copy of "Sundown" is a good one Joe. It is a wonderful example of quad done right and is one of the top, if not THE top, quad album.

I don't have that Doobie album but I sure want to get it.

It's kind of funny. Back when the early Doobies were contemporary, I didn't much like them. Now I think they were/are wonderful.


Sundown is truly a great quad mix, and my copy suffers from impurities in the vinyl which make it sound like it has a lot of scratches. Fortunately, it is mostly confined to the outer portion of the record and effects the sound only on the first songs on each side. My worst CD-4 disc in that regard is Roberta Flack's Killing Me Softly, which suffers from snap, crackle and pop throughout. Back when I bought it, I returned two other copies to the store because they were worse. Too bad, it's a great record and the quad mix is also beautiful.

All of the Doobie's Quadradiscs are well done and well worth pursuing, as is Nilsson Schmilsson, which is perhaps the best sounding CD-4 I own followed closely by Scheherazade (Eugene Ormandy), both RCA discs.
Bachs Greatest Fugues Eugene Ormandy RCA quadradisc
The Fantastic Philadelphians Vol 1 Eugene Ornmandy RCA quadradisc. Thrift store finds today along with Exotica vol lll Martin Denny

I have the Nilsson and Scheherazade discs referrd to above. Guess I'll have to look for Sundown now.
Sundown is the #1 CD-4 and in my top 10 albums, out of 20,000.
Tomita is a master. I have 5 CD-4's of his.
Nilsson Schmilsson is a terriffic Quad. I have a Q8 and a promo CD-4.

Martin Denny is a wonder. I especially love his albums w/Julius Wechter. Are they available in CD-4? lol!!

My 2 cents.
The Arthur Lyman is on ebay right now. I am tempted, but have other priorities now. Hopefully someone will buy it and convert it so we can all hear it!
I had to rectify the Sundown situation, I've had it on Q8 and a nice DVD-A conversion but went out and got the CD4 also.
Souther Hillman Furay self-titled also.
A smattering of new matrix also....Angel Claire by Garfunkel

Latest- Quad Reel 2 Reel of Country & The Fish's Greatest Hits, literally moments ago. :D John