David Bedford Instructions for Angels - Matrix H LP/CD


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Apr 22, 2005
Cabras, Sardinia, Italy, Europe, World, Solar syst
I was searching on the net when I got into eil.co.uk and took a look into quad vinyls.
I've found a recond made by David Bedford called "Instructions for Angels" labelled Virgin V2090.
This 1977 release is quad, not Sq or Qs but BBC matrix H.

Googling around I've found this release was made in CD too and the s/n is CDV2090.

Do you think this is the same quad release as LP?

guest appereance Mike Oldfield...

anyone gets more info please


p.s. take a look there and see lots of releases I've never heard of in quad...
My cd of "Instructions for Angels" doesn't mention any sort of matrix, but it seems to decode pretty well in the Tate surround mode.

Unfortunately I don't have the album with which to compare the two.
The MATRIX H disc's are a product of The BBC 'S own matrix , so that's why David Bedford's album is in H and not SQ. I read somewhere that Virgin Records planned to release more BBC H encoded albums , once MATRIX H caught on . But it never got that far.
All of the quad Decoders that are H or HJ , were made in Britain in 1977 and 78 , mainly to take advantage of the BBC Broadcasts which were in H and later in HJ. I believe there are only about nine albums , and all British , available in BBC H/HJ.
Perhaps one day those BBC H and HJ Broadcasts will be made available , as they are truly worthy quad transmissions in a variety of music genre. My late friend who supplied me some of the rock music Broadcasts, had 22 REELS of music Broadcasts. (and BTW he didn't capture all of those broadcast )

So outside of the UK , that album was made for quad decoders in use , such as those with CBS SQ . That's why we see French and New Zealand and Australian David Bedford albums in SQ . There would not be any BBC H Decoder's outside of those issued by various British Audio companies for their local market in the UK .