The following Billboard review is rather curious:
"Funkadelic - Cosmic Slop - September 29, 1973 -This album grows on you musically; it sounds exceptionally well when played through a quadrasonic synthesizer ... all of those funky, rhythmic sounds sort of stir your soul. Best cuts: "Trash a Go Go."
As this title was only released in quad on 8-track format, this review implies that either a matrix version was available to him or that the reviewer was listening to the stereo mix through a "quadrasonic synthesizer". If the latter, why wouldn't he have listened to the q8 for the review?
"Funkadelic - Cosmic Slop - September 29, 1973 -This album grows on you musically; it sounds exceptionally well when played through a quadrasonic synthesizer ... all of those funky, rhythmic sounds sort of stir your soul. Best cuts: "Trash a Go Go."
As this title was only released in quad on 8-track format, this review implies that either a matrix version was available to him or that the reviewer was listening to the stereo mix through a "quadrasonic synthesizer". If the latter, why wouldn't he have listened to the q8 for the review?