Would you purchase new Quadio releases as lossless downloads?


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900 Club - QQ All-Star
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Jan 26, 2022
All 4 of these new Quadio’s are totally not in my normal listening bracket, but I’m somehow more excited for these 4 than I was for the last batch. I auditioned a little bit of Sundown having only known the title track, and while the stereo mix is what it is, sonics wise, I’m sure the quad will be beautiful.

@ForagingRhino since the market for these unreleased quads I would think is pretty niche, have you guys considered the purchase of lossless downloads of the quad master and skipping the Blu-ray manufacturing process entirely?

Maybe by some divine miracle, the remaining Eagle with all the power will sanction the first two records to be candidates for the newly mixed quad program. How awesome would that be?
I hear you, just was throwing it out there. If it means getting more of these out then I could live with a download as long as it’s lossless.
Well, let's hold that option in our back pocket for the, hopefully never, announcement that they are discontinuing the Quadio program. Ideally, the Quadio program should continue, as is, until there are no more Quads left for Rhino to release. :)
There's this sort of in between option (so long as the quad master tape has been restored and saved in a digital format), the booklet could be made available as a download and jewel boxes can be purchased in bulk, this approach would mean that there's no limit to the number of copies of a BD-R (mostly audio in this case) disc and it could be mailed in an envelope instead of a cardboard box.

Kirk Bayne
Please don't! I want physical releases!
Thirded!!! Not sure if that's even a word.
But I wholeheartedly agree. Actual physical media. When I read the, well intended, post from bookofsaturdays, I cringed!!!
Please don't give 'them' any ideas or encouragement in this regard.We are already fighting an up hill battle with the tend towards streaming only.
IMO, this batch of 4 is better than the first 4. I did purchased those but have yet to play any.
Btw, I also am going to do the 4 preorders plus Moondance preorder plan ( over $100
for free shipping) someone earlier mentioned. 😊
...let's hope WB/Rhino has the shipping thing a bit more 'perfected' this time.....
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Thirded!!! Not sure if that's even a word.
But I wholeheartedly agree. Actual physical media. When I read the, well intended, post from bookofsaturdays, I cringed!!! Don't give 'them' any ideas or encouragement in this regard.
We are already fighting the tend towards streaming only.
IMO, this batch of 4 is better than the first 4. I did purchased those but have yet to play any.
Btw, I also am going to do the 4 preorders plus Moondance preorder plan ( over $100
for free shipping) someone earlier mentioned. 😊
...let's hope WB/Rhino has the shipping thing a bit more 'perfected' this time.....
Fourthed! But not to worry: here is something @quicksrt posted on the "A Special Preview of Quadio" THREAD

The one thing that each of the stated was that "physical media" was a focus of their work, and Quadio was but one important part of that work. I was told that physical discs with surround would be forthcoming, and that meant Atmos, 5.1 and 4.0 mixes potentially all on the same disc.

Sounds as if those of us who love/covet physical media will be more than satisfied! I'm ALL in for ALL media they release! Stay Surrounded, Comrades!
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Wow, I'm kind of baffled at the negativity here towards the idea of downloads. You get to own them, they sound just as good as Blu-Rays, there's no extra charge for shipping or having to wait for the disc to arrive, and the labels get to save on authoring/manufacturing. What's the downside?
That’s what we grew up with, that’s the model we like, and that’s the way we’d like to keep it.
I would love lossless downloads (at a cheaper price)… I’ve already sold off most of my physical media collection after ripping them, but now with the recent slew of surround releases, my shelves are getting full again. And with downloads I won’t have to rip them (which can sometimes be a hassle). I almost never listen to actual discs (I rip and then listen… then tinker, then listen again… and so on and so on…)
I would love lossless downloads (at a cheaper price)… I’ve already sold off most of my physical media collection after ripping them, but now with the recent slew of surround releases, my shelves are getting full again. And with downloads I won’t have to rip them (which can sometimes be a hassle). I almost never listen to actual discs (I rip and then listen… then tinker, then listen again… and so on and so on…)
Another great point. Most people here rip the discs and never listen to them again anyway, so what’s the difference?
Wow, I'm kind of baffled at the negativity here towards the idea of downloads. You get to own them, they sound just as good as Blu-Rays, there's no extra charge for shipping or having to wait for the disc to arrive, and the labels get to save on authoring/manufacturing. What's the downside?

I guess there are a significant number of people who still don't know how to deal with / play downloads for whatever reason. I will take a lossless download of a title if that is the only way to get it.

One of the benefits of physical discs is that they serve as a hard-copy backup should something happen to the primary disc drive and secondary backup drive.
One of the benefits of physical discs is that they serve as a hard-copy backup should something happen to the primary disc drive and secondary backup drive.
On the flipside, it feels like we're often reading about disc failures or authoring errors on this board (disc rot on the PF immersion releases & Tull's Aqualung, dialnorm encoding errors on the Zappa Waka/Wazoo set, stereo folded-down to mono on two albums in the Chicago Quadio set, lossy 5.1 and a missing track on the new Elton John Madman Blu-Ray, etc). If these titles were available in digital download form, updated files could be supplied to users quickly and free-of-charge rather than the label having to repress discs and mail them out.
I find the attachment strictly to the quadio series to be a bit odd. Physical media is nice, and so is the ability to obtain various material digitally as well. In the age of streaming, I find it more likely that people of older ages will buy stuff like quadrophonic mixes physically.

In regards to lesser-known acts and new ones that may not benefit as well from a production run of physical discs, I see releasing surround sound mixes via digital download to be a sensible option. Is it possible to release Atmos mixes via downloads and have it play back as intended? (I genuinely don't know.)

Make sure to take my words with a grain of salt, as I have no experience in the marketing, creation, or distribution of any of this stuff.