Please post your thoughts and comments on this new reissue of the classic album "Space Ritual" by Hawkwind, which has been newly remixed in 5.1 surround by our friend @Stephen W Tayler

I felt the same way with my 9 vote9
Wow, I feel a little out of place giving it a 9 in the face of all these 10s, but having listened to the whole thing yesterday, I wasn't any more overwhelmed than I am with most surround discs I play for the first time. It's a great LP, and the 5.1 mix didn't disappoint, but still not sure this is on Dark Side of the Moon, Larks' Tongues, or Topographic Oceans territory in terms of 1973 recordings.
Still, it's live, so there's that, and if you love the record, this is a more-than-good purchase
Yup.I get that.For instance I could care less for DSOTM or TFTO musically but they are great mixes!I felt the same way with my 9 vote
I assume the difference may lie in the fact that the album itself isn’t as important to me as it is to the rest of those that voted.
Part of the reason I'm giving this a 10 is because I'm absolutely shocked at how great this mix is. Maybe I shouldn't be, but my expectations were middle-of-the-road and I was knocked out of my seat. The fidelity is tremendous and the surround mix is beyond every live album surround mix I've heard to this point. It's a pity that none of these shows were filmed. What I wouldn't give to see what this actually looked like aside from those few photos that are floating around. The other 10 CDs may be overkill to those who aren't big fans of the band like I am, but if you were lucky enough to get in on the Amazon DE price early on it was a steal. Maybe there will be a future markdown? The book is fantastic read as well. A solid 10.
That's a good point, I don't know that I've ever seen good footage of their hayday concerts. Man, I bet it was a total trip.
Yes that is weird!! Nice to have three in the top ten!! SWTxWhy does this say "quad" in the surround polls ranking (no. 10).
Songs For A Tailor is next!Yes that is weird!! Nice to have three in the top ten!! SWTx