Steven Wilson Pink Floyd - Live at Pompeii - Steven Wilson mix - May 2nd 2025


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I have not been to a movie theater in many years. I don't know how things go these days, but phones ringing, people yakking, just turned me off to what was a beautiful experience in my younger days.
The total disregard some seem to have for others became too appalling to tolerate.
But I do hope your experience is great!
Whilst I’d genuinely agree with you going to the movies these days, I think going to one of these specialised concert films where people are only there because they’re true, true fans it’s a different experience
Yes. I’ve just bought the 4K version of Can’t Stop the Music. Truth be told I struggle to tell the difference between the Blu Ray and Ultra
Blu-rays usually come in a blue case, while 4Ks are in a black case. :p
I think he was referring to the disappointing 4K transfer ...that it was NOT appreciably better than the standard blu ray edition!
Whilst I’d genuinely agree with you going to the movies these days, I think going to one of these specialised concert films where people are only there because they’re true, true fans it’s a different experience
I saw Oppenheimer on 70mm film IMAX at the Science Museum, London and that was a truly special experience. No-one was messing with their phone or talking.
I watched the 6-ish minute long youtube video (think it's for Echoes?). It looked and sounded good. On one hand it hasn't aged very well (the editing style and images are a bit corny IMHO), but the performance and footage quality is notably good. I'll eventually get this bluray, might wait for sales if it looks like the last few PF releases and tons get printed. Of course tons will be printed (I mean it is Pink Floyd).