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Dave, just got in this Brubeck title to decode QS and it appears to me, to be mostly up front with only some light ambience in the rears; so not sure what's been said about this "Stealth Quad" elsewhere, but unless I missed a post, I'm not convinced it's encoded (also it is 'Live' BTW.) Or maybe I got the wrong release etc?So I'd been meaning to update the quad engineers list for ages, and the COVID lockdown these past few months has finally given me some time to dig into a bunch of tasks including this one.
When @fredblue and I first started putting together this list in 2015, I was kind of insistent that we didn't add anything that was guesswork or otherwise unsubstantiated, because I didn't want it to be the kind of thing where we were turning rumours into gospel truth.
Take for example, the discogs entry for Billy Joel's Turnstiles - there's no quad remix credit on the sleeve, but someone's added Don Young's name to the discogs page based on the fact that he did the quad mixes for Joel's previous two albums, Streetlife Serenade and Piano Man. A quick look at the stereo LP credits however, shows that Bruce Botnick was the engineer - I think it's far more likely that Botnick did the stereo and quad mixes at the same time (like he did with Weather Report's Tale Spinnin' for example, another quad LP with no quad remix credit) and that's why they didn't bother updating the sleeve. But as far as discogs is concerned, Don Young is the quad remix engineer and the only evidence is hearsay - that's the kind of thing I was trying to avoid.
So we basically erred on the side of caution in the creation of the original list, only adding credits where there where there was an explicit "quadraphonic remix engineer" credit. However, in the last five years or so, I've learned a ton about the labels, engineers and studios involved in this stuff thanks to all the writing I've done (not to mention my own independent research) so I have a much better grasp on who did what (and where), and what LP sleeve credits mean.
Because we only added explicitly credited quad engineers (for the most part) it meant that certain labels (like the CBS family, Columbia, Epic, PIR, etc.) were disproportionately represented because they credited quad remixes, whereas labels like RCA and Elektra (and many others) didn't. I wanted to try and go some way to rectify this - my original plan was to add all the RCA quad remix credits from D-V releases (which we've gleaned from the master tape boxes) along with sleeve credits from a few labels that did single-inventory quad releases like Ovation/Black Jazz and Impulse, because I now understand that the engineering credits on those LPs were for the quad mix, and I actually discovered that many of them actually mention quad remixing in some form, even if the engineering credit isn't specifically credited as "quadraphonic remix engineer."
After I got through doing Ovation and Impulse, I kinda fell down the rabbit hole of single inventory quad releases, and I figured if I was going to do it, I might as well go through @Mark Anderson 's quad discography (can I just say again, what a resource that is!) and dig out every single-inventory quad release I could find, and add a remix credit. The result is that I've added almost 450 new credits to the Quad Engineers Database, almost doubling its size from around 500 credits to about 975.
I've added complete or mostly complete quad remix credits for the following labels: ABC Bluesway, Audio Lab (Japan), Bellaphon (Germany), Black Jazz, Creative World (Stan Kenton), Horizon (A&M sub-label), Impulse!, Intercord, Kosmiche Muzik (Germany), Mirror, Ovation, Passport, Project 3, Pye, Stanyan, USTI, and new or partial credits for Audio Spectrum (the first 4 101 Strings albums), BASF Germany, Capitol-EMI, CBS (including many CBS Japan), RCA (single inventory quadradiscs + DV releases), Toshiba-EMI Japan (Pro-Use series, and a few others), United Artists, WEA, and Virgin Records.
I've also made some alterations to the format of the table - I added a column for release year, and the database should now sort an engineer's credits chronologically, so if you look up Don Young for example, you can see how his mixing career progressed from 1972 to 1978. I also split the credits so that for any album with more than one engineer, each engineer gets a separate credit, with the notes section (usually) indicating that the album was mixed with others.
Speaking of the notes section, I also added significant new information to it - for most single-inventory releases, I've added the producer's name preceded by 'P:' because they would've been involved in the creation of the quad mix - this means guys like Ed Michel and Enoch Light get far more recognition because there were many quad LPs they were involved with where they didn't actually get an engineering credit. I've also added all of Columbia's "quadraphonic sound and remix supervisors" (using the abbreviation 'QSS:' - Quad Sound Supervisor) so chaps like Al Lawrence, Harold J. Kleiner, and Warren Vincent can finally get their due. I've also added any specifically credited quadraphonic producers ('QP:') and assistant quad engineers ('AQE:') as well.
There were a handful of LPs that I wasn't able to find pictures of or information about - if anyone has the following and can provide either the engineering credits or a photo of the same, I'd be grateful. This is what I'm looking for:
Various Artists - The Drums (Impulse! ASH-9272-3) (probably Ed Michel and Baker Bigsby)
Tony Mottola - Close to You (Project 3 PR 5050 SQ) (probably Steve Friedman)
Sammy Kaye - Swing and Sway (Project 3 PR 5065 QD) (probably Friedman)
Enoch Light - Greatest Movie Themes of the Decade 1964-1974 (Project 3 PR 5081 SQ) (probably Friedman)
Enoch Light - Serendipity (Project 3 PR 5093 Q) (probably Friedman)
Victor Silvester's Strings - Music of Tchaikovsky (Pye NSPL 41008)
Yorkshire Imperial Metal Band - Superstar Brass (Top Brass (Pye) TBX 3008)
Royal Chatham Engineers - Concert Parade (Top Brass (Pye) TBX 3010)
And last but not least, while I hope everyone will go and have a look through the database itself (you have to click the 'Quad Engineers' tab at the top) as @HomerJAU has put a lot of work into making it functional and user friendly, I thought I'd paste a list of all the new credits here so people can see what was added rather than trying to have to sift through the list and figure out what's new and what was already extant.
Engineer Artist Title Formats Notes Catalog # Year Co
(*)<no credit> Pharoah Sanders Live At The East QS LP P: Lee Young AS-9227 1972 <no credit> Pharoah Sanders Love In Us All QS LP P: Lee Young AS-9280 1974 <no credit> Sam Rivers Crystals QS LP P: Ed Michel ASD-9286 1974 <no credit> Sun Ra Pathways To Unknown Worlds QS LP P: Alton Abraham ASD-9298 1974 <no credit> Wallenstein Cosmic Century SQ LP P: Dieter Dierks, Jurgen Dollase KM 58.006 1973 <no credit> Harold Sliger We're Gonna Love QS LP P: Brien Fisher OV-1722 1976 <no credit> C. J. My Lady's Eyes QS LP P: Brien Fisher OV-1724 1976 <no credit> Don Barnett They Call the Wind Maria QS LP P: Brien Fisher OV-1725 1976 <no credit> String Bean Goin' to the Grand Ole Opry QS LP P: Brien Fisher OV-1726 1976 <no credit> Bobby Hackett A Time For Love EV LP, QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Julie Klages PR 5016 QD 1970 <no credit> The Free Design Kites Are Fun EV LP, QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Julie Klages PR 5019 QD 1970 <no credit> Tony Mottola Lush, Latin and Lovely EV LP, QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Julie Klages PR 5020 QD 1970 <no credit> Tony Mottola with The Groovies Warm, Wild and Wonderful EV LP, QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Julie Klages PR 5025 QD 1970 <no credit> The World's Greatest Jazzband The World's Greatest Jazzband EV LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Julie Klages PR 5033 QD 1970 <no credit> Tony Mottola The Tony Touch EV LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola PR 5041 QD 1970 <no credit> Tony Mottola Tony & Strings SQ LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5069 QD 1972 <no credit> London Pops Orchestra Hits Philharmonic Vol. 3 QS LP P: John MacLeod NSPL 41002 1971 <no credit> Rogero’s Brazilian Brass Musica Da Noite QS LP P: Cyril Stapleton NSPL 41007 1971 <no credit> Geoffrey Brand and His Orchestra Melodies with Memories QS LP NSPL 41009 1971 <no credit> Terry Cavendish Orchestra All in an Afternoon’s Work QS LP P: Ray Davies NSPL 41023 1973 <no credit> Ray Davies Orchestra A Tribute To Benny & The Duke QS LP P: Ray Davies NSPL 41027 1974 <no credit> Alan Haven The Alan Haven Organ Show QS LP P: Peter Johnson NSPL 41031 1974 <no credit> Synthesonic Sounds Ye Olde Moog QS LP, Q8 P: Mike Batt NSPL 41033 1975 <no credit> Synthesonic Sounds Moog At The Movies QS LP P: Mike Batt NSPL 41034 1974 <no credit> Eden Electronic Ensemble Plays Joplin QS LP P: Peter Eden NSPL 41037 1975 <no credit> Alan Haven I'll Walk Beside You QS LP, Q8 P: Peter Johnson NSPL 41040 1975 <no credit> Ken Moule and His Radio Orchestra The Wonderful Sound Of Hans Christian Andersen QS LP P: Steve Edroff NSPL 41042 1975 <no credit> Alyn Ainsworth Orchestra Plays Big City Soul QS LP P: Alyn Ainsworth NSPL 41043 1975 <no credit> Ken Moule and His Radio Orchestra Tribute to Fred Astaire QS LP P: Steve Edroff NSPL 41047 1975 <no credit> Cyril Stapleton and His Orchestra Great Film And Television Themes QS LP, Q8 P: Cyril Stapleton QUAD 1003 1972 <no credit> Roy Budd The Music of Gilbert O’Sullivan QS LP, Q8 P: Jack Fishman QUAD 1021 1973 <no credit> Victor Young/Ray Heindorf For Whom the Bell Tolls (Soundtrack) SQ LP P: Rod McKuen SRQ-4013 1973 <no credit> Enoch Light Big Band Hits of the 30's, Vol 2 SQ LP, QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5089 QD 1974 Adelman, Jack The Outrageous Dr. Teleny's Incredible Plugged-In Orchestra Stolen Goods: Gems Lifted from the Masters CD-4, Q8, QR, SACD P: Alan Blaikley, Ken Howard ARD1-0015 1972 * Barrow, Howard Cyril Stapleton and His Orchestra Play 'Theme from Ryan’s Daughter' QS LP, Q8 P: Cyril Stapleton NSPL 41001 1971 Barrow, Howard Drex Nelson The 4 Pianos Of QS LP P: Cyril Stapleton NSPL 41004 1971 Barrow, Howard Denis Lopez Latin Sound Caballero QS LP P: Tony Palmer NSPL 41015 1971 Barrow, Howard British Quadrophonic Brass Musical Carousel QS LP P: Tony Palmer NSPL 41016 1972 Barrow, Howard Ray Davies and The Button Down Brass Everybody’s Talkin' 'Bout QS LP P: Tony Palmer NSPL 41020 1972 Barrow, Howard Alan Tew Orchestra To The One I Love QS LP P: Terry Brown NSPL 41044 1975 Barrow, Howard Robert Farnon Scetches Of Tony Bennett And Frank Sinatra QS LP P: Derek Boulton NSPL 41048 1976 Barrow, Howard Alyn Ainsworth The Entertainer QS LP P: Alyn Ainsworth PKLX 5538 1976 Barrow, Howard David Snell Harp Transplant QS LP P: Tony Palmer QUAD 1002 1971 Barrow, Howard Ray Davies and The Button Down Brass The Real Sound Of QS LP, Q8 P: Ray Davies | with Ray Prickett QUAD 1009 1972 * Bartlett, Larry Acker Bilk Some of My Favorite Things QS LP, Q8 P: Terry Brown NSPL 41022 1973 Bartlett, Larry The Alan Tew Orchestra Don’t Look At Me, Listen To The Music QS LP P: Terry Brown NSPL 41025 1974 Bartlett, Larry The Alan Tew Orchestra Carnival! QS LP P: Terry Brown NSPL 41035 1974 Bartlett, Larry Acker Bilk That's My Desire QS LP, Q8 P: Terry Brown NSPL 41036 1974 Bartlett, Larry Acker Bilk Serenade QS LP P: Terry Brown NSPL 41046 1975 Bartlett, Larry Acker Bilk The One for Me QS LP P: Terry Brown NSPLX 41052 1976 Bartlett, Larry Acker Bilk Invitation QS LP P: Terry Brown NSPLX 41054 1977 Bartlett, Larry Acker Bilk Meanwhile ...... QS LP P: Terry Brown NSPLX 41055 1977 Bartlett, Larry Acker Bilk Free QS LP P: Terry Brown NSPLX 41056 1978 Bartlett, Larry Norrie Paramor Orchestra Classical Rhythm QS LP P: Terry Brown | with Terry Evenett NSPLX 41058 1978 * Bartlett, Larry Acker Bilk His Clarinet & Strings QS LP, Q8 P: Terry Brown QUAD 1016 1972 Barton, Ed Modern Jazz Quartet Plastic Dreams Q8 P: Arif Mardin | UNCREDITED, per Billboard 9/11/71 QT-1589 1971 Begley, Edwin Domingo / Caballe / Solti/London Philharmonic Puccini: La Boheme CD-4 QSS: Jack Pfeiffer ARD2-0371 1974 Bigsby, Baker B.B. King L.A. Midnight QS LP, Q8 P: Ed Michel ABCX-743 1971 Bigsby, Baker John Lee Hooker Never Get Out of These Blues Alive QS LP, Q8 P: Ed Michel ABCX-736 1972 Bigsby, Baker John Lee Hooker Live at Soledad Prison QS LP P: Ed Michel ABCX-761 1972 Bigsby, Baker Alice Coltrane World Galaxy QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9218 1972 Bigsby, Baker John Klemmer Waterfalls QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9220 1972 Bigsby, Baker Michael White Pneuma QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9221 1972 Bigsby, Baker Alice Coltrane Lord Of Lords QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9224 1972 Bigsby, Baker John Coltrane Infinity QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9225 1972 Bigsby, Baker Ahmad Jamal Outertimeinnerspace QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9226 1972 Bigsby, Baker B.B. King Best Of QS LP P: Ed Michel ABCX-767 1973 Bigsby, Baker John Lee Hooker Born in Mississippi, Raised Up in Tennessee QS LP P: Ed Michel ABCX-768 1973 Bigsby, Baker John Lee Hooker Kabuki Wuki QS LP P: Ed Michel | w/Dom Lumetta & Kathryn King BLS-6052 1973 * Bigsby, Baker Ray Charles Genius Live in Concert QS LP BLS-6053 1973 Bigsby, Baker Jimmy Reed I Ain't from Chicago QS LP with Ed Michel BLS-6054 1973 * Bigsby, Baker Andrew "Voice" Odom Farther on Down the Road QS LP P: Ed Michel BLS-6055 1973 Bigsby, Baker Brownie McGhee & Sonny Terry I Couldn't Believe My Eyes QS LP P: Ed Michel BLS-6059 1973 Bigsby, Baker Milt Jackson Quintet ft. Ray Brown Just The Way It Had To Be QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9230 1973 Bigsby, Baker Archie Shepp Cry Of My People QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9231 1973 Bigsby, Baker Alice Coltrane Reflection On Creation & Space QS LP P: Ed Michel | w/Tony May AS-9232 1973 * Bigsby, Baker Ahmad Jamal Tranquility QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9238 1973 Bigsby, Baker Michael White The Land Of Spirit And Light QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9241 1973 Bigsby, Baker John Klemmer Intensity QS LP P: Ed Michel |w/Dom Lumetta AS-9244 1973 * Bigsby, Baker Gato Barbieri Chapter 1 / Latin America QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9248 1973 Bigsby, Baker Mel Brown Big Foot Country Girl QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9249 1973 Bigsby, Baker Dewey Redman Ear Of The Behearer QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9250 1973 Bigsby, Baker Sam Rivers Streams QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9251 1973 Bigsby, Baker Pharoah Sanders Village Of The Pharoahs QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9254 1973 Bigsby, Baker Sun Ra Astro Black QS LP P: Ed Michel, Alton Abraham AS-9255 1973 Bigsby, Baker Sun Ra Space Is The Place QS LP P: Alton Abraham, Ed Michel BTS-41 1973 Bigsby, Baker Robb Kunkel Abyss QS LP P: Ed Michel TWS-111 1973 Bigsby, Baker John Lee Hooker Free Beer and Chicken QS LP P: Ed Michel ABCD-838 1974 Bigsby, Baker Pharoah Sanders Elevation QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9261 1974 Bigsby, Baker Gato Barbieri Chapter 2 / Hasta Siempre QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9263 1974 Bigsby, Baker Various Artists Impulse Artists on Tour QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9264 1974 Bigsby, Baker Michael White Father Music, Mother Dance QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9268 1974 Bigsby, Baker John Klemmer Magic & Movement QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9269 1974 Bigsby, Baker John Coltrane The Africa Brass Sessions, Vol. 2 QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9273 1974 Bigsby, Baker Marion Brown Sweet Earth Flying QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9275 1974 Bigsby, Baker Michael White Go With The Flow QS LP P: Ed Michel ASD-9281 1974 Bigsby, Baker Howard Roberts Equinox Express Elevator QS LP P: Ed Michel ASD-9299 1974 Bigsby, Baker Dewey Redman Coincide QS LP P: Ed Michel ASD-9300 1975 Bigsby, Baker Keith Jarrett Death And The Flower QS LP P: Ed Michel ASD-9301 1975 Bigsby, Baker Sam Rivers Hues QS LP P: Ed Michel ASD-9302 1975 Bigsby, Baker Marion Brown Vista QS LP P: Ed Michel ASD-9304 1975 Bigsby, Baker Keith Jarrett Backhand QS LP P: Ed Michel ASD-9305 1975 Bigsby, Baker Thad Jones and Mel Lewis Suite for Pops QS LP P: Phil Ramone, John Snyder SP-701 1975 * Bigsby, Baker Dave Liebman Sweet Hands QS LP P: Ed Michel SP-702 1975 Bigsby, Baker Sonny Fortune Awakening QS LP P: Ed Michel SP-704 1975 Bigsby, Baker Jim Hall Live QS LP P: John Snyder | w/Ed Michel SP-705 1975 * Bigsby, Baker Sonny Fortune Waves of Dreams QS LP P: Ed Michel SP-711 1976 Bigsby, Baker Dave Brubeck Quartet 25th Anniversary Reunion QS LP P: John Snyder | QSS: Ed Michel SP-714 1976 Bigsby, Baker Alice Coltrane Eternity QS LP P: Ed Michel BS 2916 1976 Black, Robin Cat Stevens Buddha and the Chocolate Box SQ LP, Q8 A2-A5, B1-B2, B4 QU 53623 1974 * Bogert, Dick Tower of Power Ain't Nothin' Stoppin' Us Now SQ LP, Q8 QSS: Warren Vincent [BOTH UNCREDITED] PCQ 34302 1976 Botnick, Bruce Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks Striking It Rich QS LP P: Tommy LiPuma BTS-36 1972 Brown, Bob Charlie Haden Liberation Music Orchestra QS LP with Ed Michel AS-9183 1973 * Butts, Ray Tommy Jones Tommy's Place QS LP, Q8, QR P: Henry Strzlecki OVQD-1420 1972 * Campbell, Elvin Dave Brubeck & Paul Desmond 1975: The Duets QS LP P: John Snyder SP-703 1975 Chiate, Bart Carpenters Now & Then SQ LP, CD-4, Q8, QR QSS: Marv Bornstein QU 53519 1973 Chiate, Bart Cat Stevens Buddha and the Chocolate Box SQ LP, Q8 QSS: Marv Bornstein | Tracks A1 & B3 QU 53623 1974 * Christian, Brian Bonnie Koloc Hold on to Me QS LP, Q8, QR P: Norman Christian OVQD-1426 1972 * Christian, Brian Bonnie Koloc After All This Time QS LP, Q8, QR P: Norman Christian OVQD-1421 1972 * Christian, Brian Morello - Burton - Christian Percussive Jazz QS LP P: Dick Schory OV-1714 1976 Christian, Brian The Guess Who The Best of The Guess Who, Volume II CD-4, Q8, SACD APD1-0269 1973 Christian, Brian The Guess Who Road Food CD-4, Q8, SACD APD1-0405 1974 Cicala, Roy John Lennon Imagine SQ LP, QS LP, Q8, QR, BD with Alan Steckler Q8W-3379 1971 * Crofford, Mickey Hugo Montenegro Love Theme from The Godfather CD-4, Q8, QR, SACD P: Jack Pfeiffer, Pete Spargo APD1-0001 1972 * Crofford, Mickey Henry Mancini Mancini Salutes Sousa CD-4, Q8, QR P: Joe Reisman APD1-0013 1972 Crofford, Mickey Henry Mancini & Doc Severinsen Brass, Ivory & Strings CD-4, Q8, QR, SACD P: Joe Reisman APD1-0098 1973 Crofford, Mickey Henry Mancini Hangin' Out CD-4, Q8, SACD APD1-0672 1974 Crofford, Mickey Henry Mancini Symphonic Soul CD-4, Q8, SACD APD1-1025 1975 Crotty, Jim Hugo Montenegro Scenes & Themes CD-4, Q8, QR, SACD P: Jack Pfeiffer, Pete Spargo APD1-0025 1972 Crotty, Jim Jimmy Castor Bunch Dimension III CD-4, Q8, SACD P: Castor-Pruitt Productions APD1-0103 1973 Dearborn, Dick Dick Jurgens Here's That Band Again QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light PR 5071 QD 1972 Dierks, Dieter Dzyan Time Machine SQ LP P: Peter Hauke BLPS 19161 1973 Dierks, Dieter Nektar Remember the Future SQ LP, SACD P: Peter Hauke BLPS 19164 Q 1973 Dierks, Dieter Timothy Leary / Ash Ra Tempel Seven Up SQ LP P: Rolf-Ulrich Kaiser KK 58.001 1973 Dierks, Dieter Golowin - Berkers - Dollase - Mierke - Schulze etc. Lord Krishna von Goloka SQ LP P: Rolf-Ulrich Kaiser KK 58.002 1973 Dierks, Dieter Cosmic Jokers Tarot SQ LP P: Rolf-Ulrich Kaiser [BOTH UNCREDITED - DISCOGS] KK 2/58.003 1973 Dierks, Dieter Popol Vuh Seligpreisung SQ LP P: Reinhardt Langowski KM 58.009 1973 Dierks, Dieter Klaus Schulze / Ash Ra Tempel Join Inn SQ LP P: Rolf-Ulrich Kaiser 840 104 1973 Dolan Jr., Jim Glenn Derringer Plays Great American Music People QS LP OVQD-1444 1976 Dolan Jr., Jim Dennis Weaver One More Road QS LP OVQD-1440 1975 Dolan Jr., Jim Mighty Joe Young Chicken Heads QS LP P: Dick Schory, Scott A. Cameron OVQD-1437 1974 Dolan Jr., Jim Heaven & Earth Refuge QS LP, Q8 P: Dick Schory, George Andrews OVQD-1428 1973 * Dolan Jr., Jim Bonnie Ferguson I'll Be There QS LP P: Dick Schory OV-1704 1976 Dolan Jr., Jim Rich Mountain Tower Can't You Feel It? QS LP P: Dick Schory, Don Tweedy OV-1709 1976 Eichelberger, Gene Bonnie Koloc You're Gonna Love Yourself in the Morning QS LP, Q8 P: David Briggs OVQD-1438 1974 Evenett, Terry Norrie Paramor Orchestra Love QS LP P: Terry Brown NSPL 41045 1975 Evenett, Terry Norrie Paramor Orchestra Pictures QS LP P: Terry Brown NSPLX 41051 1976 Evenett, Terry Harold Geller / Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Play For You QS LP QSS: Terry Brown NSPLX 41053 1976 Evenett, Terry Norrie Paramor Orchestra Classical Rhythm QS LP P: Terry Brown | with Larry Bartlett NSPLX 41058 1978 * Fine, Robert Enoch Light and The Light Brigade Spanish Strings EV LP, QS LP, SQ LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Julie Klages PR 5000 QD 1970 Fine, Robert Tony Mottola A Latin Love-In EV LP, QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Julie Klages PR 5010 QD 1970 Florence, Alan City Of Westminster String Band Home Lovin’ Hits QS LP P: John Schroeder NSPL 41006 1971 Florence, Alan City of Westminster String Band Knock Three Times and More QS LP P: John Schroeder NSPL 41018 1972 Fraboni, Rob Bob Dylan Planet Waves CD-4, Q8 [UNCREDITED, CONFIRMED IN 3-4/74 R-EP INTERVIEW EQ-1003 1974 Friedman, Steve Enoch Light and The Light Brigade The Brass Menagerie 1973 SQ LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5060 QD 1972 Friedman, Steve Tony Mottola Superstar Guitar QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5062 QD 1972 Friedman, Steve Enoch Light & The Light Brigade Movie Hits! QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5063 QD 1972 Friedman, Steve Urbie Green Bein' Green QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5066 QD 1972 Friedman, Steve Phil Bodner The Brass Ring SQ LP, QS LP, QR, Q8 EP: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5067 QD 1972 Friedman, Steve Enoch Light Four Channel Dynamite SQ LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5068 QD 1972 Friedman, Steve Enoch Light & The Light Brigade Charge! SQ LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5073 QD 1972 Friedman, Steve Enoch Light and The Light Brigade Big Band Hits of the 40s & 50s SQ LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5076 QD 1973 Friedman, Steve Enoch Light and The Light Brigade Future Sound Shock SQ LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5077 QD 1973 Friedman, Steve Tony Mottola Tony Mottola and the Quad Guitars SQ LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5078 QD 1973 Friedman, Steve The Nashville Jets Nashville Now! SQ LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5079 QD 1973 Friedman, Steve Dick Hyman Traditional Jazz Piano SQ LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5080 QD 1973 Friedman, Steve Tony Motolla and the Brass Menagerie Tony Mottola and the Brass Menagerie SQ LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5082 SQ 1974 Friedman, Steve Enoch Light and His Orchestra Beatles Classics SQ LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5084 SQ 1974 Friedman, Steve Enoch Light and The Light Brigade Great Hits From the Great Gatsby Era SQ LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5086 SQ 1974 Friedman, Steve Urbie Green Big Beautiful Band SQ LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5087 SQ 1974 Friedman, Steve Tip of the Iceberg Tip of the Iceberg SQ LP, Q8 QSS: Jeff Hest PR 5091 Q 1975 Friedman, Steve Enoch Light The Disco Disque SQ LP, QR, Q8 PR 5092 Q 1975 Friedman, Steve Tony Mottola I Only Have Eyes For You SQ LP, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5094 Q 1976 Friedman, Steve Derek Smith & Venus Don't Let Go SQ LP, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest, Derek Smith PR 5095 Q 1976 Friedman, Steve Enoch Light/Dancing in the Dark Dancing in the Dark/Disco Greats SQ LP P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5098 QD 1977 Friedman, Steve Project 3 / Popular Science Test Record - Q 4Channel SQ LP P: Enoch Light | QSS: Larry Keyes PR 401 SQ 1973 Fujii, Masanao Various Artists New Interior Music QS LP P: Morihisa Shibuya LF-91026 1976 * Gamm, Victor Cat Stevens Buddha and the Chocolate Box SQ LP, Q8 A2-A5, B1-B2, B4 QU 53623 1974 * Glancy, Glen 101 Strings The Soul of Spain, Vol. 3 EV LP QS-1 1972 Glancy, Glen 101 Strings Exciting Sounds of Les Baxter EV LP QS-2 1972 Glancy, Glen Les Thatcher Multiple Guitars EV LP QS-3 1972 Glancy, Glen 101 Strings Today's Hits EV LP QS-4 1972 Glossop, Mick Kevin Coyne In Living Black and White SQ LP P: Robert John Lange, Steve Lewis VD 2025 1976 Gooch, Robert Cotrubas, Domingo, Pritchard/ROH Covent Garden Donizetti: L'Elisir d'Amore SQ LP P: Paul Myers | w/Mike Ross-Trevor M3 34585 1977 * Gooch, Robert Scotto, Domingo, Levine/Philharmonia Orch. Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur SQ LP P: Roy Emerson | w/Mike Ross-Trevor M3 34588 1977 * Goodman, Paul Eugene Ormandy/Philadelphia Orchestra The Fantastic Philadelphians, Vol. 1 CD-4, Q8, QR P: Max Wilcox ARD1-0002 1972 Goodman, Paul Eugene Ormandy/Philadelphia Orchestra Shostakovich: Symphony No. 15 CD-4, Q8, QR, SACD P: Max Wilcox ARD1-0014 1972 Goodman, Paul Eugene Ormandy/Philadelphia Orchestra The Fantastic Philadelphians, Vol. 2 CD-4, Q8, QR P: Max Wilcox ARD1-0017 1972 Goodman, Paul Eugene Ormandy/Philadelphia Orchestra Sibelius: Symphony No. 2 CD-4, QR P: Max Wilcox ARD1-0018 1972 Goodman, Paul Eugene Ormandy/Philadelphia Orchestra Bach's Greatest Fugues CD-4, QR P: Max Wilcox ARD1-0026 1973 Goodman, Paul Eugene Ormandy/Philadelphia Orchestra Tchaikovsky: Suite from The Nutcracker CD-4, Q8, QR P: Max Wilcox ARD1-0027 1973 Goodman, Paul Eugene Ormandy/Philadelphia Orchestra Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade CD-4, QR P: Max Wilcox ARD1-0028 1973 Goodman, Paul Eugene Ormandy/Philadelphia Orchestra Debussy: La Mer / Ravel: Daphnis et Chloe CD-4, QR P: Max Wilcox ARD1-0029 1973 Goodman, Paul Eugene Ormandy/Philadelphia Orchestra Tchaikovsky: Suite from Swan Lake CD-4, Q8, QR P: Max Wilcox ARD1-0030 1973 Goodman, Paul Eugene Ormandy/Philadelphia Orchestra, Artur Rubenstein Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 2 in C Minor CD-4, QR, SACD P: Max Wilcox ARD1-0031 1973 Goodman, Paul Al Stewart Museum of Modern Brass CD-4, Q8, QR P: Ettore Stratta ARD1-0032 1973 Goodman, Paul Virgil Fox Heavy Organ at Carnegie Hall CD-4, QR P: Israel Horowitz ARD1-0081 1973 Goodman, Paul Eugene Ormandy/Philadelphia Orchestra Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5 CD-4, Q8, QR QSS: Jay David Saks ARD1-1149 1975 Goodman, Paul Eugene Ormandy/Philadelphia Orchestra Prokofieff: Alexander Nevsky CD-4, Q8, SACD ARD1-1151 1975 Guzauski, Mick Armand Schaubroeck Steals A Lot of People Would Like to See Armand Schaubroeck…DEAD CD-4 <none> 1973 Hahn, Don Enoch Light & The Light Brigade Spaced Out EV LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5043 QD 1970 Hahn, Don Enoch Light and The Light Brigade The Best of the Movie Themes 1970 EV LP, QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5046 QD 1970 Hahn, Don Enoch Light & The Light Brigade The Big Band Hits of the Thirties EV LP, QS LP, SQ LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5049 QD 1970 Hahn, Don Enoch Light and The Light Brigade Hit Movie Themes EV LP, QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5051 QD 1971 Hahn, Don Enoch Light & The Light Brigade Big Band Hits of the 30's and 40's SQ LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5056 QD 1971 Hahn, Don Enoch Light & The Light Brigade Big Hits of the 20's QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5059 QD 1971 Hahn, Don Enoch Light and The Light Brigade The Brass Menagerie 1973 SQ LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5060 QD 1972 Hahn, Don Tony Mottola Superstar Guitar QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5062 QD 1972 Hahn, Don Enoch Light & The Light Brigade Movie Hits! QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5063 QD 1972 Hahn, Don Urbie Green Bein' Green QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5066 QD 1972 Hahn, Don Enoch Light and The Light Brigade Great Hits From the Great Gatsby Era SQ LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5086 SQ 1974 Hammond, Barry Nektar Down to Earth SQ LP P: Peter Hauke BLPS 19190 Q 1974 Handa, Kenichi Percy Faith In Concert - Recorded Live in Japan 1974 SQ LP SOPN 70 1974 Handa, Kenichi Andy Williams An Evening With Andy Williams - Recorded Live in Japan 1973 SQ LP SOPL 207~208 1973 Handa, Kenichi Kimiko Kasai with Gil Evans Satin Doll SQ LP SOPL 108-XJ 1972 Handa, Kenichi Michel Legrand Live in Japan SQ LP BLPN 4 1973 Handa, Kenichi Sergio Mendes & Brasil '77 Live in Japan SQ LP ECPH-13/14 1973 Handa, Kenichi Caravelli & His Magnificent Strings Love Sounds Live in Tokyo SQ LP ECPN-15 1972 Handa, Kenichi Michel Polnareff Polnareff a Tokio SQ LP with Tomoo Suzuki & Yuichi Maejima ECPN-18 1972 * Handa, Kenichi Love Live Life 殺人十章 = 10 Chapters Of Murder SQ LP with Mitsukazu Tanaka SOLL-74002 1972 * Handa, Kenichi Michel Legrand Live in Japan SQ LP Assistant: Tomoo Suzuki BLPN-4 1973 Harris, Alan Cat Stevens Buddha and the Chocolate Box SQ LP, Q8 A2-A5, B1-B2, B4 QU 53623 1974 * Hedden, Gary Mighty Joe Young Mighty Joe Young QS LP P: Dick Schory, Scott Cameron OV-1706 1976 Heenan, Rick Keith Jarrett Fort Yawuh QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9240 1973 Heenan, Rick Gary Saracho En Medio QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9247 1973 Heenan, Rick Marion Brown Geechee Recollections QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9252 1973 Heenan, Rick Keith Jarrett Treasure Island QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9274 1974 Helsley, Grover Hues Corporation Rockin' Soul CD-4, Q8, SACD APD1-0775 1974 Helsley, Grover Hues Corporation Love Corporation CD-4, Q8, SACD APD1-0938 1975 Hennis, Mitch The Awakening Mirage QS LP, Q8, QR P: Gene Russell BJQD 15 1973 Hennis, Mitch Heaven & Earth Refuge QS LP, Q8 P: Dick Schory, George Andrews OVQD-1428 1973 * Heyworth, Simon Gong You DVD Side 1 Only / Westlake Audio Mix V 2019 1974 Heyworth, Simon Gong You DVD Side 1 Only / Pye Mix V 2019 1974 Hirschmann, Wolfgang Berry Lipman The Most Beautiful Girls in the World SQ LP 20 22104-0 1974 Hirschmann, Wolfgang Berry Lipman The World is Full of Love SQ LP 20 22380-9 1975 Hirschmann, Wolfgang Berry Lipman From Germany with Love SQ LP with Peter Sorger 20 22611-5 1975 * Holford, Bill Foster / Houston Symphony Orchestra Chihara: Symphony in Celebration SQ LP with Carson Taylor QCE 31101 1977 * Irwin, Chuck Enoch Light and The Light Brigade Permissive Polyphonics EV LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 QSS: John Eargle | P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5048 QD 1970 Jones, David Ornette Coleman Crisis QS LP AS-9187 1972 Jung, Tom Johnson & Drake Carry It On QS LP, Q8, QR P: Herb Pilhofer OVQD-1434 1973 Jung, Tom William Fisher Orchestra and Voices Reflections QS LP, Q8, QR P: Dick Schory OVQD-1430 1973 Jung, Tom Bonnie Koloc Bonnie Koloc QS LP, Q8, QR P: Norman Christian OVQD-1429 1973 Jung, Tom Mark Gaddis Carousel Man QS LP w/ Scott Rivard & Paul Martinson OV-1720 1976 * Jung, Tom Band of Thieves Band of Thieves QS LP OV-1727 1976 Kawada, Tameo Martha Miyake Together with Jun QS LP P: Jun Fukumachi LF-91025 1976 Kawada, Tameo Jun Fukumachi Second Phase QS LP P: Jun Fukumachi LF-91035 1977 Kawada, Tameo Kenji Omura First Step QS LP P: Jun Fukumachi LF-91042 1978 Kazanegras, Alex Loggins & Messina Full Sail SQ LP, Q8, SACD QSS: Alex Kazanegras, Al Lawrence PCQ 32540 1974 * Keville, Bernard Arthur Fiedler/Boston Pops Greatest Hits of the '70s CD-4, Q8, QR P: Peter Dellheim ARD1-0035 1973 King, Kathryn John Lee Hooker Kabuki Wuki QS LP P: Ed Michel | w/Baker Bigsby & Dom Lumetta BLS-6052 1973 * Kramper, Peter Arno Flor Orchestra Chopin Wonderland SQ LP 20 22455-4 1975 Kramper, Peter Arno Flor Orchestra Classic Wonderland SQ LP 20 228 444 1976 Kramper, Peter Popol Vuh Hosianna Mantra SQ LP P: Popol Vuh 840 061 1973 Kurtis, Jan John Coltrane Live In Seattle feat. Pharaoh Sanders QS LP P: Ed Michel | w/Paul Whalen AS-9202-2 1972 * Ladd, Leslie Floyd Cramer Super Country Hits CD-4, Q8, SACD P: Chet Atkins APD1-0155 1973 * Lefevre, Jean Claude Menhuin / Shankar / Rampal Improvisations / West Meets East Album 3 SQ LP P: John Mordler (Side 2 only) ASD 3357 1976 * Loeches, Jose The Harry Roche Constellation Spiral QS LP P: Ken Barnes NSPL 41024 1973 Loeches, Jose Cyril Stapleton The Stapleton Collection QS LP P: Cyril Stapleton NSPL 41028 1974 Loeches, Jose Valentino Contrasts QS LP, Q8 P: Malcolm Eade QUAD 1020 1973 Loeches, Jose Harry Roche Constellation Sometimes QS LP, Q8 P: Ken Barnes QUAD 1022 1973 Lumetta, Dominic John Lee Hooker Kabuki Wuki QS LP P: Ed Michel | w/Baker Bigsby & Kathryn King BLS-6052 1973 * Lumetta, Dominic John Klemmer Intensity QS LP P: Ed Michel | w/Baker Bigsby AS-9244 1973 * Lumetta, Dominic Archie Shepp Kwanza QS LP P: Ed Michel | w/Zach Zenor AS-9262 1974 * Maejima, Yuichi Michel Polnareff Polnareff a Tokio SQ LP with Kenichi Handa & Tomoo Suzuki ECPN-18 1972 * Maejima, Yuichi Taj Mahal Travelers July 15, 1972 SQ LP with Tomoo Suzuki SOLM 1 1972 * Malo, Ron The London Rock Symphony Moses and the Impossible Ten QS LP BI 25120 1973 Malo, Ron Paul Anka The Painter QS LP P: Denny Diante UA-LA653-G 1976 Martinson, Paul Mark Gaddis Carousel Man QS LP w/ Tom Jung & Scott Rivard OV-1720 1976 * May, Tony Alice Coltrane Universal Consciousness QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9210 1971 May, Tony Pharoah Sanders Black Unity QS LP P: Lee Young AS-9219 1972 May, Tony Archie Shepp Attica Blues QS LP P: Ed Michel AS-9222 1972 May, Tony Alice Coltrane Reflection On Creation & Space QS LP P: Ed Michel | w/Baker Bigsby AS-9232 1973 * May, Tony Gato Barbieri Chapter 3 / Viva Emiliano Zapata QS LP P: Ed Michel ASD-9279 1974 May, Tony Gato Barbieri Chapter 4 / Alive In New York QS LP P: Ed Michel ASD-9303 1975 Meier, H. Popol Vuh Einsjäger & Siebenjäger SQ LP P: Popol Vuh KM 58.017 1975 Messer, Steve Tennessee Valley Authority Kountry Kilowatts QS LP P: Brien Fisher OV-1713 1976 Messer, Steve The Kendalls Heaven's Just a Sin Away QS LP P: Brien Fisher OV-1719 1976 Mew, Peter Anne Lise Gjøstøl Ta Min Drøm SQ LP P: Erik Botolfsen 7E 054-39025 Q 1972 Michel, Ed Jimmy Reed I Ain't from Chicago QS LP with Baker Bigsby BLS-6054 1973 * Michel, Ed Thad Jones and Mel Lewis Suite for Pops QS LP P: Phil Ramone, John Snyder SP-701 1975 * Michel, Ed Jim Hall Live QS LP P: John Snyder | w/Baker Bigsby SP-705 1975 * Michel, Ed Charlie Haden Liberation Music Orchestra QS LP with Bob Brown AS-9183 1973 * Miller, Brad Brad Miller American Freedom Train CD-4 SB4-4506 1975 Miller, Brad Brad Miller Extra 4449 North CD-4 SB4-4507 1976 Mooney, Jim Calvin Keys Proceed with Caution QS LP, Q8 P: Gene Russell BJQD 18 1974 Moore, Ray Pierre Boulez/BBC Symphony Orchestra Schoenberg: Gurre-Lieder SQ LP, SACD M2Q 33303 1975 Moore, Ray Pierre Boulez/New York Philharmonic Dukas: La Peri/Roussel: Symphony No. 3 SQ LP, SACD QSS: Andrew Kazdin M 34201 1976 Moore, Ray Michael Tilson-Thomas/NY Philharmonic Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue/American in Paris SQ LP, SACD QSS: Andrew Kazdin M 34205 1976 Moore, Ray E. Power Biggs Bach: The Six Organ-Concerto Sinfonias SQ LP, SACD QSS: Andrew Kazdin M 34272 1976 Moore, Ray E. Power Biggs Stars and Stripes Forever SQ LP P: Andrew Kazdin M 34129 1976 Moore, Ray Boulez / NY Philharmonic Bartok: The Wooden Prince SQ LP, SACD P: Andrew Kazdin M 34514 1977 Moore, Ray Boulez / NY Philharmonic Varese: Ameriques/Arcana/Ionisation SQ LP P: Andrew Kazdin M 34552 1977 Moore, Ray Mehta/NY Philharmonic Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring SQ LP P: Andrew Kazdin M 34557 1978 Moore, Ray Maazel/Cleveland Orchestra Strauss: Ein Heldenleben SQ LP, SACD P: Andrew Kazdin M 34566 1978 Moore, Ray Caballe, Queler/Opera Orch. Of NY Donizetti: Gemma di Vergy SQ LP P: Thomas Frost M3 34575 1977 Moore, Ray Boulez / NY Philharmonic Wagner: Love Feast of the Apostles / Sigfried Idyll SQ LP M 35151 1977 Mori, Tomoaki Various Artists New Interior Music QS LP P: Morihisa Shibuya LF-91026 1976 * Mraz, Barry Geoffrey Stoner Watch Out! QS LP, Q8, QR P: Rick Novak, Jerry Zervik OVQD-1431 1973 Munkacsi, Kurt Mike Oldfield Exposed SQ LP QSS: Phil Newell VD 2511 1979 * Namekata, Yoichi Jun Fukumachi Introducing Jun Fukumachi QS LP P: Hideaki Takahashi LF-91007 1975 Namekata, Yoichi Kyohei Tsutsumi and his 585 Band Hit Machine QS LP P: Koji Kusano LF-91016 1976 Namekata, Yoichi Shuichi Murakami Introducing "Ponta" Murakami QS LP P: Jun Fukumachi LF-91017 1976 Namekata, Yoichi Mari Nakamoto That Old Feeling QS LP LF-91023 1976 Namekata, Yoichi Various Artists New Interior Music QS LP P: Morihisa Shibuya LF-91026 1976 * Namekata, Yoichi Hiromasa Suzuki Skip Step Colgen QS LP LF-91028 1976 Namekata, Yoichi Takeshi Inomata Morning After QS LP LF-91029 1977 Namekata, Yoichi George Kizu Lady is a Tramp QS LP LF-91032 1977 Namekata, Yoichi Count Buffalo and his Big Band Dynamic Big Band Plays Bacharach QS LP P: Sohhei Ikeda TP-9502Z 1971 Neal, John Stan Kenton Live at Brigham Young University SQ LP with Bill Putnam ST-1039 1971 * Newell, Phil David Bedford Instructions for Angels Matrix H LP V 2090 1977 Orban, Robert Beaver & Krause Gandharva EV LP QSS: Robert Orban WS 1909 1971 Orban, Robert Beaver & Krause All Good Men EV LP QSS: Robert Orban BS 2624 1972 Pachucki, Al Tommy Jones Tommy's Place QS LP, Q8, QR P: Henry Strzlecki OVQD-1420 1972 * Pachucki, Al Dottie West House of Love CD-4, Q8, SACD with Bill Vandevort APD1-0543 1974 * Paruolo, Carl Cleveland Eaton Plenty Good Eaton QS LP, Q8 P: Gene Russell BJQD 20 1975 Perkins, Alan Various Artists National Brass Band Festival at Royal Albert Hall, 1975 QS LP P: Jed Kearse TB 3004 1975 Perkins, Alan Mike Oldfield Exposed SQ LP QSS: Phil Newell VD 2511 1979 * Perkins, Barney Brass Fever Brass Fever QS LP P: Esmond Edwards ASD-9308 1975 Pick, Tom Tommy Jones Tommy's Place QS LP, Q8, QR P: Henry Strzlecki OVQD-1420 1972 * Pick, Tom Danny Davis and The Nashville Brass Travelin' CD-4, Q8, SACD P: Bob Ferguson APD1-0034 1973 Pick, Tom Floyd Cramer Super Country Hits CD-4, Q8, SACD P: Chet Atkins APD1-0155 1973 * Prickett, Ray Sounds Orchestral Wigwam / Sleepy Shores QS LP P: John Schroeder NSPL 41003 1971 Prickett, Ray Rostal & Schaefer Peter, Paul & Pianos QS LP P: Ray Horricks NSPL 41005 1971 Prickett, Ray London Pops Orchestra John Mcleod presents Hits Philharmonic Vol.4 QS LP P: John MacLeod NSPL 41011 1971 Prickett, Ray John MacLeod and His Orchestra A String Bag of Bones QS LP P: John MacLeod NSPL 41012 1971 Prickett, Ray Tony Hatch What the World Needs Now QS LP P: Tony Hatch NSPL 41014 1971 Prickett, Ray Sounds Orchestral You've Got a Friend QS LP P: John Schroeder NSPL 41017 1972 Prickett, Ray Ray Davies and The Button Down Brass I Believe In Music QS LP, Q8 P: Ray Davies NSPL 41021 1974 Prickett, Ray Sounds Orchestral Clouds QS LP P: John Schroeder NSPL 41026 1974 Prickett, Ray Tony Hatch Orchestra Hit The Road To Themeland QS LP P: Tony Hatch NSPL 41029 1974 Prickett, Ray Kenny Ball A Friend To You QS LP P: Alan A. Freeman NSPL 41032 1974 Prickett, Ray Sounds Orchestral Love Me For A Reason QS LP P: John Schroeder NSPL 41041 1975 Prickett, Ray Norrie Paramor Orchestra Temptation QS LP P: Terry Brown NSPLX 41057 1978 Prickett, Ray Army Benevolent Fund Military Musical Pageant 1975 Wembley Stadium QS LP P: Jed Kearse PKD 2001 1975 Prickett, Ray Silver Jubilee Reserve and Cadet Forces Review Services Silver Jubilee Musical Pageant - Wembley 1977 QS LP P: Jed Kearse PKDX 2002 1977 Prickett, Ray Miki & Griff Two’s Company QS LP P: Alan A. Freeman PKL 5530 1975 Prickett, Ray Ray Davies and The Button Down Brass Why Can't We All Get Together QS LP, Q8 P: Tony Palmer QUAD 1004 1972 Prickett, Ray Ray Davies and The Button Down Brass The Real Sound Of QS LP, Q8 P: Ray Davies | with Howard Barrow QUAD 1009 1972 * Prickett, Ray Tony Hatch & His Orchestra Hits Symphonic QS LP, Q8 P: Tony Hatch QUAD 1017 1972 Prickett, Ray Denis Lopez Liquid Latin Cinnamon Rock QS LP, Q8 P: Ray Davies QUAD 1019 1973 Prickett, Ray Royal Doulton Band Clayhanger QS LP P: Jed Kearse TBX 3005 1976 Prickett, Ray Royal Doulton Band Brass Aria QS LP P: Jed Kearse TBX 3014 1977 Prickett, Ray Neary / Choristers of Winchester Cathedral Benjamin Britten QS LP P: David Cairns TPLS 13065 1975 Prickett, Ray Lubbock / Orchestra of St. John's Smith Square Elgar, Tippett QS LP P: Antony Hodgson TPLS 13069 1975 Prickett, Ray Nina Milkina, Lubbock/Orchestra of St. John's Smith Square Piano Concerto No.9 in E flat & No.21 in C QS LP P: David Cairns PCNH 1 1976 Prickett, Ray Leopold Stokowski / National Philharmonic Orchestra Stokowski Spectacular QS LP P: Antony Hodgson PCNH 4 1976 Prickett, Ray Lubbock / Orchestra of St. John's Smith Square Stravinsky, Ravel, Bartok QS LP P: Antony Hodgson PCNHX 3 1976 Prickett, Ray Leopold Stokowski / National Philharmonic Orchestra Great Overtures QS LP P: Antony Hodgson PCNHX 6 1976 Prickett, Ray Michele Campanella, Soudant/London Philharmonic Liszt: Piaano Concerto No. 1 in E flat & No.2 in A Major QS LP P: John Snashall PCNHX 7 1976 Prickett, Ray Hubert Soudant / London Philharmonic Orchestra Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.4 in F minor QS LP P: John Snashall PCNHX 8 1976 Prickett, Ray Neary / Choir of Winchester Cathedral Coronation Music QS LP P: David Cairns PCNHX 10 1977 Prickett, Ray Hubert Soudant / London Philharmonic Orchestra Tchaikovsky: 1812/Romeo & Juliet QS LP P: John Snashall PCNHX 11 1977 Prickett, Ray Hubert Soudant / London Philharmonic Orchestra Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.6 in B minor QS LP P: John Snashall PCNHX 12 1977 Putnam, Bill Stan Kenton Live at Brigham Young University SQ LP with John Neal ST-1039 1971 * Quested, Roger Cat Stevens Buddha and the Chocolate Box SQ LP, Q8 A2-A5, B1-B2, B4 QU 53623 1974 * Radice, Bill Fireballet Night on Bald Mountain QS LP P: Ian McDonald PPSD-98010 1975 Ramone, Phil Thad Jones and Mel Lewis Suite for Pops QS LP P: Phil Ramone, John Snyder SP-701 1975 * Ramone, Phil Urbie Green 21 Trombones Vol. 2: Rock Blues Jazz EV LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Julie Klages PR 5024 QD 1970 Ramone, Phil Louie Bellson Breakthrough! EV LP, QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Julie Klages PR 5029 QD 1970 Ramone, Phil Tony Mottola Roma Oggi - Rome Today EV LP, QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Julie Klages PR 5032 QD 1970 Ramone, Phil Enoch Light and The Brass Menagerie Enoch Light and The Brass Menagerie EV LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Julie Klages PR 5036 QD 1970 Ramone, Phil The World's Greatest Jazzband Extra! EV LP, QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola PR 5039 QD 1970 Ramone, Phil Enoch Light and The Brass Menagerie Volume 2 EV LP, QS LP, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola PR 5042 QD 1970 Ramone, Phil Tony Mottola Superstar Guitar QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5062 QD 1972 Ramone, Phil Mary Travers Mary EV LP WS 1907 1971 Reale, Tony Johnny Nash My Merry-Go-Round SQ LP, Q8 QSS: Al Lawrence | with Larry Keyes EQ 32158 1973 * Reale, Tony Pharoah Sanders Wisdom Through Music QS LP P: Lee Young AS-9233 1973 * Richards, John Vic Lewis / Royal Philharmonic Orchestra My Friends The Stars QS LP, Q8 P: Ken Thorne NSPH 401 1974 Richards, John Vic Lewis / Royal Philharmonic Orchestra My Friends The Bandleaders QS LP P: Ken Thorne NSPH 402 1975 Richards, John Vic Lewis / Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Academy Award Winners & Other Hits QS LP P: Ken Thorne NSPL 41050 1976 Richards, John Vic Lewis / Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Film Themes - My Way Q8 P: Ken Thorne Y8QDJ 430 1973 Richardson, Andy Stan Kenton Live at Butler University SQ LP P: Bill Putnam ST-1058 1972 Richardson, Andy The Four Freshmen Live at Butler University SQ LP P: Bill Putnam ST-1059 1972 Rivard, Scott Mark Gaddis Carousel Man QS LP w/ Tom Jung & Paul Martinson OV-1720 1976 * Robinson, Toby Dzyan Electric Silence SQ LP P: Peter Hauke BLPS 19202 1974 Ross-Trevor, Mike Dupouy, Barenboim/Orchestre de Paris Berlioz: Te Deum SQ LP M 34536 1977 Ross-Trevor, Mike Kanawa, Nimsgern, Davis/New Philharmonia Orch. Durufle: Requiem/Danse Lente SQ LP P: Paul Myers M 34547 1977 Ross-Trevor, Mike Stokowski / National Philharmonic Orchestra Sibelius: Symphony No. 1/Swan of Tuonela SQ LP P: Roy Emerson M 34548 1977 Ross-Trevor, Mike Scotto, Domingo, Maazel/Philharmonia Orch. Puccini: Il Tabarro SQ LP P: Paul Myers M3 34570 1978 Ross-Trevor, Mike Cotrubas, Prey, Minton, Maazel/New Philharmonia Orch. Brahms: Ein Deutsches Requiem / Alt-Rhapsodie, Op. 53 SQ LP P: Paul Myers M2 34583 1977 Ross-Trevor, Mike Bergonzi, Scotto, Queler/Opera Orch. Of NY Puccini: Edgar SQ LP P: Paul Myers, Steven Epstein M2 34584 1977 Ross-Trevor, Mike Cotrubas, Domingo, Pritchard/ROH Covent Garden Donizetti: L'Elisir d'Amore SQ LP P: Paul Myers | w/Robert Gooch M3 34585 1977 * Ross-Trevor, Mike Scotto, Domingo, Levine/Philharmonia Orch. Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur SQ LP P: Roy Emerson | w/Robert Gooch M3 34588 1977 * Rubino, Carmine Three Dog Night Coming Down Your Way (early mix) QS LP, Q8 with Corky Stasiak ABCD-888 1974 * Rubino, Carmine John Lennon Walls & Bridges Q8 [UNCREDITED] Q8W-3416 1974 Ruggieri, Rick Hugo Montenegro Love Theme from The Godfather CD-4, Q8, QR, SACD P: Jack Pfeiffer, Pete Spargo APD1-0001 1972 * Ruggieri, Rick Carolyn Hester Carolyn Hester CD-4 P: Dave Blume, David Kershenbaum APD1-0086 1973 Ruggieri, Rick B. W. Stevenson My Maria Q8, SACD P: David Kershenbaum APT1-0088 1973 Ruggieri, Rick Jose Feliciano Compartments CD-4, Q8, QR P: Steve Cropper, Jose Feliciano APD1-0141 1973 Ruggieri, Rick B.W. Stevenson Calabasas CD-4, Q8, SACD APD1-0410 1974 Ruggieri, Rick Hugo Montenegro Rocket Man CD-4, Q8, SACD APD1-1024 1975 Russell, Gene Henry Franklin The Skipper QS LP, Q8 BJQD 7 1972 Russell, Gene Doug Carn Spirit of the New Land QS LP, Q8 BJQD 8 1972 Russell, Gene The Awakening Hear, Sense and Feel QS LP, Q8 BJQD 9 1972 Russell, Gene Gene Russell Talk to My Lady QS LP, Q8 BJQD 10 1973 Russell, Gene Rudolph Johnson The Second Coming QS LP, Q8 BJQD 11 1973 Russell, Gene Kellee Patterson Maiden Voyage QS LP, Q8 BJQD 12 1973 Russell, Gene Walter Bishop, Jr. Keeper of My Soul QS LP, Q8 BJQD 14 1973 Russell, Gene Henry Franklin The Skipper at Home QS LP, Q8 BJQD 17 1974 Salvatore, Anthony Leontyne Price & Placido Domingo Verdi & Puccini Duets CD-4, SACD P/QSS: Richard Mohr ARD1-0840 1975 Salvatore, Anthony Artur Rubenstein, Daniel Barenboim/London Philharmonic Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5 CD-4, SACD QSS: Max Wilcox ARD1-1415 1976 Scheiner, Elliot Enoch Light and The Light Brigade The Brass Menagerie 1973 SQ LP, QS LP, CD-4, QR, Q8 P: Enoch Light | AP: Tony Mottola, Jeff Hest PR 5060 QD 1972 Sears, Don Stan Kenton National Anthems of the World SQ LP P: Robert Curnow ST-1060 1972 Serrano, Paul Geoffrey Stoner Ain't Nothin' Freaky QS LP P: Jerry Zervic OV-1721 1976 Shapiro, Brad Laura Yager Play with Fire QS LP, Q8, QR P: Dick Schory OVQD-1436 1974 Shockley, Roy Tommy Jones Tommy's Place QS LP, Q8, QR P: Henry Strzlecki OVQD-1420 1972 * Shriver, Greg Mike Oldfield Exposed SQ LP QSS: Phil Newell VD 2511 1979 * Siddle, Dave Klaus Weiss The Git Go SQ LP 20 22406-6 1975 Siddle, Dave Klaus Weiss Drum Box SQ LP 20 22534-8 1975 Skinder, Steve Willie Dixon Catalyst QS LP, Q8, QR P: Dick Schory, Ron Steele OVQD-1433 1973 Sorger, Peter Berry Lipman From Germany with Love SQ LP with Wolfgang Hirschmann 20 22611-5 1975 * Sorger, Peter Berry Lipman Top Hits for Dancing SQ LP DC 22856-8 1976 Stasiak, Corky Three Dog Night Coming Down Your Way (early mix) QS LP, Q8 with Carmine Rubino ABCD-888 1974 * Steckler, Alan John Lennon Imagine SQ LP, QS LP, Q8, QR, BD with Roy Cicala Q8W-3379 1971 * Steele, Ron Roland Haynes 2nd Wave QS LP, Q8 P: Gene Russell BJQD 19 1975 Steele, Ron Glenn Derringer Light'n Easy QS LP OVQD-1439 1975 Steele, Ron Bonnie Koloc After All This Time QS LP, Q8, QR P: Norman Christian OVQD-1421 1972 * Steele, Ron Dick Schory Resurrection - Live at Carnegie Hall QS LP P: Dick Schory OV-1715 1976 Steele, Ron Ron Steele Everybody's Baby QS LP P: Ron Steele OV-1717 1976 Stellato, Sam The Outrageous Dr. Teleny's Incredible Plugged-In Orchestra Stolen Goods: Gems Lifted from the Masters CD-4, Q8, QR, SACD P: Alan Blaikley, Ken Howard ARD1-0015 1972 * Sugano, Okihiko Vsevelod P. Lezhnev Cello Recital QS LP ALC-1008 1974 Sugano, Okihiko Peter Katin Katin Recital - Chopin / Schubert QS LP ALC-1025 1975 Sugano, Okihiko Meiko Miyazawa Piano Recital QS LP ALC-1028 1975 Sugano, Okihiko Gary Burton Quartet Live in Tokyo QS LP QP-8178A 1971 Suzuki, Tomoo Michel Polnareff Polnareff a Tokio SQ LP with Kenichi Handa & Yuichi Maejima ECPN-18 1972 * Suzuki, Tomoo The Brothers Four Live in Japan SQ LP SOPJ 56~57 1973 Suzuki, Tomoo Kimiko Kasai with Oliver Nelson In Person SQ LP SOPM 73 1974 Suzuki, Tomoo Taj Mahal Travelers July 15, 1972 SQ LP with Yuichi Maejima SOLM 1 1972 * Swedien, Bruce Franz Benteler Continental Pop Classics QS LP P: Franz Benteler OVQD-4001 1976 Swedien, Bruce The Bob Krogstad Singers Happiness CD-4 ZLP-912 1974 Tanaka, Mitsukazu Yasutaka Tsutsui, Kosuke Ichihara, Masahiko Sato デマ Rumour SQ LP SOLL-28 1973 Tanaka, Mitsukazu Love Live Life 殺人十章 = 10 Chapters Of Murder SQ LP with Kenichi Handa SOLL-74002 1972 * Tarnowski, Wayne Willie Dixon Whatever Happened to My Blues QS LP P: Dick Schory, Scott Cameron OV-1705 1976 Taylor, Carson Marriner / LA Chamber Orchestra Respighi: Ancient Airs and Dances SQ LP P: Christopher Bishop ASD 3188 1976 Taylor, Carson Menhuin / Shankar / Rampal Improvisations / West Meets East Album 3 SQ LP P: Patti Laursen (Side 1 only) ASD 3357 1976 * Taylor, Carson Foster / Houston Symphony Orchestra Chihara: Symphony in Celebration SQ LP with Bill Holford QCE 31101 1977 * Timperly, John Robert Farnon Live from the Festival Hall, London QS LP NSPH 400 1971 Tomioka, Yutaka Shoji Yokouchi & His Super Guitar Band Moonlight Serenade QS LP P: Yoichi Namekata LF-91048 1978 Van Winkle, Dixon Pharoah Sanders Wisdom Through Music QS LP P: Lee Young AS-9233 1973 * Vandevort, Bill Nat Stuckey Take Time To Love Her/I Used It All on You CD-4, Q8 P: Jerry Bradley APD1-0080 1973 Vandevort, Bill Dottie West If It's All Right With You/Just What I've Been Looking For CD-4, Q8, SACD P: Jerry Bradley APD1-0151 1973 Vandevort, Bill Dottie West House of Love CD-4, Q8, SACD with Al Pachucki APD1-0543 1974 * Vandevort, Bill Floyd Cramer Super Country Hits CD-4, Q8, SACD P: Chet Atkins APD1-0155 1973 * Wakeland, Preston Laura Yager Comin' Apart QS LP, Q8, QR P: Dick Schory OVQD-1427 1972 Wakeland, Preston Bonnie Koloc Hold on to Me QS LP, Q8, QR P: Norman Christian OVQD-1426 1972 * Wakeland, Preston William Fisher Orchestra and Chorus Make Believe QS LP, Q8, QR P: Ron Steele OVQD-1422 1972 Warner, Robert Eric Salzman Wiretap CD-4, Q8 QD-9005 1975 Warner, Robert George Flynn George Flynn: Wound / John Cage: Winter Music CD-4, Q8 QD-9006 1975 Whalen, Paul John Coltrane Live In Seattle feat. Pharaoh Sanders QS LP P: Ed Michel | w/Jan Kurtis AS-9202-2 1972 * Wilkinson, Kenneth Charles Gerhardt/National Philharmonic Orchestra Citizen Kane - The Classic Film Scores of Bernard Herrmann CD-4, Q8, QR, SACD ARD1-0707 1974 Wilkinson, Kenneth Charles Gerhardt/National Philharmonic Orchestra Sunset Boulevard - The Classic Film Scores of Franz Waxman CD-4, Q8, QR, SACD ARD1-0708 1974 Wilkinson, Kenneth Charles Gerhardt/National Philharmonic Orchestra Spellbound - The Classic Film Scores of Miklos Rozsa CD-4, Q8, QR, SACD ARD1-0911 1975 Wilkinson, Kenneth Charles Gerhardt/National Philharmonic Orchestra Classic Film Scores for Errol Flynn CD-4, Q8, QR, SACD ARD1-0912 1975 Wilkinson, Kenneth Charles Gerhardt/National Philharmonic Orchestra Lost Horizon - The Classic Film Scores of Dimitri Tiomkin CD-4, SACD ARD1-1669 1976 Yanchar, Carl Violins of Versailles Beautiful Music to Love By SQ LP P: Rod McKuen SRQ-4000 1973 Yanchar, Carl Sounds Great!!! 1 The Soft Soothing Sounds of The Sea & Countryside SQ LP P: Rod McKuen SRQ-4001 1973 Yanchar, Carl Jesse Pearson, Rod McKuen Walt Whitman's The Body Electric SQ LP P: Rod McKuen DSQ-4012 1973 Yanchar, Carl Rod McKuen The Borrowers (Original Musical Score) SQ LP P: Rod McKuen SRQ-4014 1974 Yanchar, Carl Heinz Hoffman-Richter Music to Freak Your Friends and Break Your Lease SQ LP P: Rod McKuen SRQ-4015 1974 Yanchar, Carl Miklos Rosza Spellbound (Original Motion Picture Score SQ LP P: Rod McKuen SRQ-4021 1974 Yanchar, Carl Franz Waxman The Nun's Story SQ LP P: Rod McKuen SRQ-4022 1975 Young, Don Preservation Hall Jazz Band New Orleans, Vol. 1 SQ LP P: Irving Stimler M 34549 1977 Youngblood, Edison Rio Grande Brass Great Western Themes Q8 P: Larry Sikora Q101 1973 Youngblood, Edison Hyde Park Ensemble Swinging London Q8 P: Larry Sikora Q102 1973 Youngblood, Edison San Francisco Strings Award Winning Movie Themes Q8 P: Larry Sikora Q103 1973 Youngblood, Edison Aspen Singers Beatles Songbook / 1940 Q8 P: Larry Sikora Q104 1973 Youngblood, Edison Casey Crystal Q8 P: Larry Sikora Q105 1973 Youngblood, Edison Harbour Voices Sing Simon & Garfunkel Q8 P: Larry Sikora Q106 1973 Youngblood, Edison San Francisco Strings Symphony for Lovers Q8 P: Larry Sikora Q107 1973 Youngblood, Edison Royal Orchestra European Suite Q8 P: Larry Sikora Q108 1973 Youngblood, Edison Casey Lights Q8 P: Larry Sikora Q109 1973 Youngblood, Edison Harbour Brass Soul Symphony Q8 P: Larry Sikora Q110 1973 Youngblood, Edison Royal Orchestra Tales from the Vienna Woods Q8 P: Larry Sikora Q111 1973 Youngblood, Edison Harbour Voices Bacharach Q8 P: Larry Sikora Q112 1973 Zagarino, Joe B.B. King In London QS LP, Q8 P: Joe Zagarino, Ed Michel ABCX-730 1971 Zagarino, Joe B.B. King Guess Who QS LP, Q8 P: Joe Zagarino ABCX-759 1972 Zenor, Zach Archie Shepp Kwanza QS LP P: Ed Michel | w/Dom Lumetta AS-9262 1974 * Zipelius, Gunther Ralf Nowy Lucifer's Dream SQ LP P: Ralf Nowy 26 015-8 U 1973 Zipelius, Gunther Don Anderson and Friends The Eagle Flies SQ LP P: Peter Kirsten 26 016-6 U 1973
Bigsby, Baker | Dave Brubeck Quartet | 25th Anniversary Reunion | QS LP | P: John Snyder | QSS: Ed Michel | SP-714 | 1976 |
Here's what the wavs look like for side 1.