I will now post all QQ SpecWeb Helper app info in this thread: (updated for version 1.3 on 2016-3-26)
List of Helper features (on top of SpecWeb features):
New Features added in Helper 1.1:
New Features added in Helper 1.2:
New Feature added in Helper 1.3:
(Helper Options are set in Helper 'Preferences' dialog)
Before using Helper please check the two following prerequisite are installed on your target PC: (.NET 4.6.1 is a new requirement for Helper 1.1)
1. To use Helper you must first install the SpecWeb files from the link on first page of the SpecWeb thread. (Helper cannot convert files, its done by SpecWeb)
2. Helper is a Microsoft DotNet application. If you haven’t got the Microsoft .NET runtime 4.6.1 installed then also install this: (if in doubt install it anyway)
How to download and install QQ SpecWeb Helper:
The SpecWeb Helper App (Windows only) can be downloaded from the link below (it's a zip file containing all the Helper installer files), click the small 'download icon' at top when the link below opens):
Now, unzip the Helper files into any folder or on your desktop. There is a 'Setup.exe' file which installs Helper. Double-click on Setup.exe and let it finish. This creates a shortcut to Helper on your desktop and adds Helper to your programs menu.
To update Helper: (if you already have installed most previous version of Helper): Please delete all previous QQ SpecWeb Helper folders and files. They are no longer needed and follow the download and install instructions above. This applies to versions that where installed by the early 'copy' method. If you installed using the recent Setup.exe method (from 1.1 or later), you may have to uninstall your previous version of Helper.
SpecWeb Helper is free for your enjoyment.
Feel free to post queries/suggestions/bugs etc here (or PM me).
List of Helper features (on top of SpecWeb features):
- Option to Over Sample original stereo files (reduces some known artefacts on lower sample rate files) - creates a copy at 24bit 176.4 or 192kHz of the source stereo file used by SpecWeb
- No need for users to learn the SpecWeb command-line interface. It can all be done from Helper via a easy to use interface
- Option to Re-sample the MCH output file file back to its original stereo/source sample rate, or leave at above over-sampled rate or save at hi-rez 88.2 or 96kHz
- Option to create MCH files in the stereo source folder (SpecWeb's default), Save to 'parallel' folder (next to original but new folder renamed with '(upmix)' suffix), or to a User defined folder (all set in Helper Preferences).
- Add multiple files for conversion by selecting just their Parent folder (all files in that folder are added for conversion - i.e. all files from the album folder)
- Add multiple folders (as above) for batch conversion of multiple albums (select one at a time but convert all)
- No limit to the number of files you can add the the 'convert queue' (limited by hard disc space of the output folder's drive)
- Option to re-tag the MCH files 'Album name' with a user defined suffix (e.g. '(upmix)') to differentiate original stereo album from MCH version in music playing progs (Foobar etc)
- Helper also tags the MCH files with 'Album Artist'
- Option to tag the new MCH files with any album art (named: folder.jpg) found in the source (stereo) folder
New Features added in Helper 1.1:
- Helper now uses parallel processing to do concurrent tasks when using the 'Use Over Sampling' preference setting (conversion times are faster as it Over Samples next file while SpecWeb converts current)
- Added a SpecWeb INI file editor tool (Open any SpecWeb.ini file and edit. Save or SaveAs to make a copy - there is also a button to reset to Recommend settings)
- Added a new 'Examples' info in the Preferences to help users visualize/understand the MCH Output file options (where converted files are copied and named)
- Added a dimer to show total lime to convert all the selected files (shown at end of batch conversion)
- Helper tags MCH files that don't have tags in the source (stereo) files by looking at the stereo folder name. If the folder name is in this format: ARTIST - ALBUM (note the '-') then Helper splits that into 'artist' and 'album' and tags all MCH files with those names (it also adds a tag for song title by reading the file name and removing leading track numbers)
- Resample Option of "88.1 or 96kHz" will force a re-sample of MCH files even if source was higher (e.g 192kHz to 96kHz) - even if Oversampling is NOT selected.
- Added link the SpecWeb's Manual from Helper (INI tool page)
New Features added in Helper 1.2:
- Added new user Preferences to enable user defined number of parallel tasks (up to twice as fast as previous conversions using 4 tasks on a quad core)
- Added new command to Oversample only
- Added new command to Resample only (supports resampling of both stereo and MCH files from its own list)
- Supports new SpecWeb 1.2
- Added support for Drag & Drop file addition to queue
- Added a new Preference to keep the temporary oversampled files during oversampled conversions (default is to delete like previous versions).
- Added new SpecWeb Play device selection preference
New Feature added in Helper 1.3:
- Supports new SpecWeb 1.3 (support for new Specweb 1.3 options)
(Helper Options are set in Helper 'Preferences' dialog)
Before using Helper please check the two following prerequisite are installed on your target PC: (.NET 4.6.1 is a new requirement for Helper 1.1)
1. To use Helper you must first install the SpecWeb files from the link on first page of the SpecWeb thread. (Helper cannot convert files, its done by SpecWeb)
2. Helper is a Microsoft DotNet application. If you haven’t got the Microsoft .NET runtime 4.6.1 installed then also install this: (if in doubt install it anyway)
How to download and install QQ SpecWeb Helper:
The SpecWeb Helper App (Windows only) can be downloaded from the link below (it's a zip file containing all the Helper installer files), click the small 'download icon' at top when the link below opens):
Now, unzip the Helper files into any folder or on your desktop. There is a 'Setup.exe' file which installs Helper. Double-click on Setup.exe and let it finish. This creates a shortcut to Helper on your desktop and adds Helper to your programs menu.
To update Helper: (if you already have installed most previous version of Helper): Please delete all previous QQ SpecWeb Helper folders and files. They are no longer needed and follow the download and install instructions above. This applies to versions that where installed by the early 'copy' method. If you installed using the recent Setup.exe method (from 1.1 or later), you may have to uninstall your previous version of Helper.
SpecWeb Helper is free for your enjoyment.
Feel free to post queries/suggestions/bugs etc here (or PM me).
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