Minor update posted today. The INI Helper screen showed a label for ArcTan 'Rear Width', corrected to 'Front Width'
Helper 1.3 is now available (see first post for updated download link):
Support for SpecWeb 1.3
Bug fixes
New INI dialog:
View attachment 25609
You need to download the zip file not run setup.exe from the browser. Google drive tries to be clever and shows what's inside the zip file in your browser. After downloading the zip, unzip and run setup.exe from Windows explorer/ file system.
I did. And this is how the extracted zip file folder looked like when I couldn't install:
And this when I got it working by copying the QQSpecWebHelper.application file in that folder:
Thanks Jan! I have missed a file in the 1.3 zip. I will update shortly.
I started work on creating a new SpecWeb Helper Logging feature of all user conversions done in Helper which will record:
- Song/File name (and Artist/Title if tagged)
- Date/Time of conversion
- SpecWeb version used
- SpecWeb INI settings used
- Helper Version used
If you do 5 conversions of a single song it records all 5 in the log with each date/time, and the INI Settings used for each
A view to enable users to select any two previous conversions and to highlight INI settings differences
A view to enable users to reuse any previous song/file's INI settings on any new conversion (any song/file)
Sort and Filter the log view
Not sure if this feature is of interest to Helper users, but I'd appreciate any feedback before I decide to go ahead and finish it.
Is this something you would use?
Should any new Logging feature include additional functionality not described above?
Knew there was something Snood was forgetting
Well Snood now running Windows 10 and forgot about Specweb and Helper.......After 3 different attempts at installing, it kept installing specweb without the Desktop icons and when it finally came up it could not find the execute file. So i uninstalled it and reinstalled and it came up..........
The Specweb helper does not have an exact named .exc file so I tried the QQSpechelperwhateveritscalled filed and made a shortcut and it finally worked. Altho my first try it stopped and i had to retry 2 songs. The 1st song was fine but the second was all scratching noises. Re did it one song at a time and it was koo.......Snood can live with that.@:
Dunno why mid transfer a meter like thing pops up.....I just exit it all let it do its thing
I did a couple Dave Stewart & The Spiritual Cowboys songs. Jack Talking and Fashion Bomb both worked and sounded goooood
Question/s is are the default settings in helper on with the oversampling on and the have no idea what play device -1 means etc.
So yeah it certainly wasn't a care free install on both acoounts but it is working :banana::banana:
Let Snood know if there are any settings me needs to Change.
Thank You Zee and Homer :snoodhug:
Just noticed the Roger Waters comment. I can tell you that removing all mono content from the Waters album and putting the remaining stereo content in the rear speakers works really well.
The CD is a bit loud but still works great with the SpecWeb method. I wish I could StumbleUpon a great vinyl rip and repeat the method. My turntable is OK but not up to the standards of some of the rips out there. Bird in a Gale is so good...