Been digging into a great Q8 conversion of this one for a few days now...
The Aerosmith quads are certainly exemplary, but it's worth noting that Rocks is the only one that seems to follow the rules of mixing for SQ. Toys In The Attic leaves a lot of silence coming from the rears, while this one has a lot of front-to-back instrument bleed. Some songs are certainly more discrete than others, but the rears in the majority of "Same Old Song And Dance" and "Train Kept-A-Rollin'" sound awfully like the fronts with no vocals. It's definitely real quad though as there are some discrete moments, but not the usual crazy separation most columbia mixes have. It's also worth noting that "Train" has a ton of ambience in the live section.
My favorites off this one are "Lord Of The Thighs", "Spaced", and "Seasons Of Wither" as the mixes are much more four-corner discrete. The opening of "Seasons" is particularly cool with the acoustic and electric guitar playing the same melody split front and back. "Spaced" is the one I really keep coming back to though...great song and killer mix.
I don't have the SQ disc of this one, but I imagine it's not the most accurate decode. As for the other two titles, the Toys SQ is the ultimate torture test, while Rocks decodes quite well.
All three are stellar content wise, though the Rocks quad mix is miles ahead of the other two IMO. This is still an easy 9 though.
Now, what do we have to do to get all 3 digitally released?????