Mr Angus Young, charismatic and bluesy guitarist of AC/DC turned 62 yesterday (March 31)
Hell ain't a bad place to be...keep on rocking Angus.
Not gonna lie - I think he's a wonderful guitarist. Technical, nah. But wow, what feeling and heart and soul he puts into his playing. Glad I saw them once...1981(might have been 1980...can't remember) during their monumental Back In Black tour. Yeah - he threw his damn sweat on me as he ran right in front of me at Horton Field House, Normal Illinois.

Hell ain't a bad place to be...keep on rocking Angus.
Not gonna lie - I think he's a wonderful guitarist. Technical, nah. But wow, what feeling and heart and soul he puts into his playing. Glad I saw them once...1981(might have been 1980...can't remember) during their monumental Back In Black tour. Yeah - he threw his damn sweat on me as he ran right in front of me at Horton Field House, Normal Illinois.