Well this thread was created to be a place where you could discuss music...any music...sometimes you find yourself on a thread and you want to post something that's clearly off the thread topic...you can always post it here...there are no off topic music posts here...they are all off topic...no specific title to the thread...like that "after hours" bar when all the other bars have closed....
In regards to the "head"...well that's a long story...but I will give you the condensed version...his name is Bobby...and he's been with me a long time...sorta my alter ego..he's from "back in the day"...which means he was part of life during my drug years...we went thru a lot together....he would be sitting on my coffee table right by my bong and my stash...I had put him away in storage when I came to Florida...but I brought him back to life in hopes he could mind meld with Luther...which is a head that Gos keeps in his garage...truth is I missed Bobby...I don't have the patience to have pets...so Bobby fills that need...and he's cool...back in the day I would put beads around him during Mardi Gras...buy him a new hat every once in a while...because he's very self conscious about that scar on his scalp..sometimes he used to ride shotgun with me when I would go to a drive in window of a fast food joint...you should have seen the looks I got from the fast food employees...but sometimes a girl would be impressed...and I got a hook up....that's a true wingman!
One of these days I will dig out some of my old pictures of me with Bobby....nah...that wouldn't be a good idea...forget that

...so now that you have discovered this thread...don't be a stranger...some of the cool kids hang out here