They remind me of that old song they used to play...
I like the first photo better.
CDs are not dying at my house, I buy as many CDs as I ever did, and some are not so cheap either- I do like his Neville Brothers example
I see this too but, for me, it doesn’t matter what shipping service a particular vendor uses.So, here's a little trick the online vendors play now. I say they are playing, because they know full well what the reality is. You get an email from them that "YOUR ORDER HAS SHIPPED!!!"
Well, that's all nice...but these days...what it really means (a lot of the time) is they printed a shipping label internally and the box is sitting on their property. It hasn't gone anywhere. And, in many cases, won't for several days it seems. I'm talking about USPS type shipping. If they wanted to really be transparent (which they don't), you should receive an email that says your shipping label has been created, but the box hasn't left our facility yet.
There is my new year rant, in a nutshell. lol