Amazon is halting new CD and vinyl sales in response to coronavirus demands


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I totally understand it, however, recorded music and books are key items for helping people get through this prolonged period of social isolation. I suppose people will in large numbers switch to downloading their media. An alternative way of looking at this is to view it as an opportunity for B&M record stores.

I also seriously wonder how many people are going to come out of this with either a newly established or much worsened drinking problem.
I totally understand it, however, recorded music and books are key items for helping people get through this prolonged period of social isolation. I suppose people will in large numbers switch to downloading their media. An alternative way of looking at this is to view it as an opportunity for B&M record stores.

I also seriously wonder how many people are going to come out of this with either a newly established or much worsened drinking problem.
A mandatory visit to Uncle Bill before re-entering the workforce....
Received an email from Bullmoose the other day that they were closing their retail stores until further notice and now with a federal mandate that businesses will have to operate with a 50% capacity of its workforce, expect delays from all online vendors.

I'm sure business will also pick up @ Deep Discount and ImportCD ....... as well as other smallish vendors but the frightening news today was that this pandemic could go on for another year and a half.
frightening news today was that this pandemic could go on for another year and a half.

If this thing goes on for more than three months, nobody is gonna be buying anything but bread and TP.
An outage that long would bankrupt the majority of business and send unemployment to never seen heights.
If this thing goes on for more than three months, nobody is gonna be buying anything but bread and TP.
An outage that long would bankrupt the majority of business and send unemployment to never seen heights.

I just did an online order for groceries and couldn't even get bread. Guess I have to actually venture out, which I hate doing even when it's not life-threatening.
That's some serious sociopathic grifter behavior there. Musicians and music venues are going to see some of the worst of this. Half of the clubs that have closed will never open their doors again. They were hanging by a thread to begin with. Those of us freelancing in this industry just saw our careers basically ended. There might be avenues to keep creating and delivering content. And these assholes directly attack?! Not buying the excuse it's to prioritize for essentials. They're filthy rich and have no such limitations.
I made a new years resolution this year to not buy from the likes of Amazon again and I see it was the right call more than I imagined.
I've never hit anyone in my entire life but reading stuff like that makes me want to start!
Don’t text, instead call your friends, neighbors and loved ones. It will be good for both of you to hear each other’s voices. Especially check in on people who are house bound during normal times. This is the time to get in touch with all those people you’ve been meaning to call. Also, FaceTime or Skype people. And, if you have cabin fever already and you’re willing to occasionally venture out then consider placing a takeout order to support your local struggling restaurant businesses.

Call and Skype your grandchildren but strongly consider not seeing them in person until this pandemic is over. I would imagine that most of us are in the high risk group and kids don’t bump elbows or otherwise practice social distancing.

Don’t spend too much time watching or reading the news as news bingeing is not good for your mental health.

Listen to music, enjoy streaming videos and your favorite concert video recordings, check out those music documentaries and other videos, you know, the ones that came in the deluxe box set that you never got around to watching.

If you have a tablet or kindle device then consider downloading some good reads. Don’t forget that a lot of classic literature is in the public domain and downloadable for free.

Don’t eat or drink too much, take a good daily walk if you’re capable, and wave and give a literal shoutout to the neighbors you see in your travels. Walking with your domestic partner is a particularly good thing to do. Put aside the same time everyday to do physical exercise. If you schedule it for a consistent time then you’re more likely to consistently do it.

If you play a musical instrument then dust it off or get it out of the case and practice new skills or repertoire or just play for enjoyment.

Cancel and reschedule your elective medical appointments and see if your care providers do Virtual Visits.

Take care of yourselves and be well. We’ll all get through this together.
Bread? What bread? The shelves are empty!

Government unerringly knows the best way to make a crisis worse through its decrees and demands. Everything they do to reduce the economy is causing more hoarding.
I totally understand it, however, recorded music and books are key items for helping people get through this prolonged period of social isolation. I suppose people will in large numbers switch to downloading their media.

I'm sure some people will either continue to download music.
Or start in response to physical media becoming harder to obtain from Amazon.

I do know that over at NativeDSD Music they are continuing to add new record labels and artists in DSD Stereo & DSD Multichannel.
More fine listening ahead.