HiRez Poll America - HEARTS [SACD]


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Rate the SACD of America - HEARTS

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  • 1: Poor Fidelity, Poor Surround, Poor Content

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I was never particularly into America. I didn't take to Horse With No Name and there was an album I dipped into that I didn't get into and I can't even remember the title of. On the basis of this quad re-release I checked out the stereo mix on Spotify and liked most of what I heard. I'm surprised to find that five tracks in I'm finding the quad mix unimpressive - quite conservative, maybe even boring? Disappointed on first impression so far.
I voted ‘8’. The quad mix is well done, if a little light in the surrounds at times, and fidelity is good. Like others here, I don’t find the material as strong as Homecoming (save for a few cuts). And, of course, Homecoming has the brilliant Scheiner mix so, as RT suggested, that would be the one to grab for the casual fan.
This is a tricky one for me. I like much of the album a lot, but the surround mix does not satisfy me. My current feelings are that I would be more inclined to listen to this in stereo than surround. The sound quality is fine, and the surround mix does not lose the feel of the original, but it is a very, very, sensible mix. I guess it could be argued it's ahead of its time in terms of placement. Vocals front phantom centre and at a lower level in rear phantom centre, acoustic guitars frequently at the back, but it doesn't leap out at me as a quad experience. The only wow moment that I recall was the vocal breakdown on People In The Valley. This is an album I wasn't familiar with before I heard of this release, and I'm glad I own it in some form, but I'm surprised how sensible this was for 70s quad. (I'm listening to Sly/Family Stone in quad as I type which is flamboyant, matching with the music, I guess.) So anyway, hard to grade as there's nothing dreadful about the mix (no crazy reverb, for example), it just doesn't grab me. The fidelity is fine, the content is mostly appealing. I dunno, a seven?
I don't post a lot on these disc ratings threads but for me this has to be in the top 3 of the best sounding AF releases so far along with Labelle Nightbirds and Billy Joel Streetlife Serenade.

I also think the surround mix is getting a bit of a short shrift here. I'm not a fan of lead vocals in all four speakers but other than that I think this mix is great, tasteful and well balanced. It also strongly maintains the feel of the stereo mix (something that can't be said for a lot of quad mixes) while still having some great discrete moments as well. There's no one who hates double-stereo/big stereo more than me, and I never felt underwhelmed by this mix...sure there are a couple of instances where I would have liked the backing vox a little more in the rears, but those are minor quibbles compared to how good this mix sounds overall.

As far as the songwriting goes, yeah, it's not quite as good as Homecoming but I don't think that's something you can hold against it. Most bands have one album that's better than all the rest - it's like saying Led Zeppelin III isn't worth buying because II and IV are better. What I like about this album is that the songs are all short (generally between 2.5 and 3 minutes) so with the good ones you're left wanting more, and with the two or three more pedestrian cuts, they don't stick around long enough to get annoying.

I think if you own Homecoming you'll almost definitely like this one if you give it time to grow and enjoy it on it's own merits. I really hope that AF does Holiday as well because I think it's equally as good both in terms of content and mix.
This is a fine Audio Fidelity SACD quad release and I'm glad to have it because it will get many more spins. The content was mostly new to me but after multiple listens it has completely won me over. The fidelity is very good though I did notice a subdued drum presence that seems to be common in these older recordings but that probably shouldn't count. Having said that and in the interest of balance, there are crucial times when the drums are fantastic with a full and warm sound that moves across the fronts and fill the room. The surround mix is solid and pleasant especially when multiple instruments are used and with the multiple vocal part. I'm somewhere in the high 8 to 9 zone overall. Thanks GOS for your comments they helped me stay focused.
I'm voting an 8. I think the quad mix is pretty good and it serves the music well. For most of the album it seems the back speakers are mainly used for vocal harmonies and orchestral overdubs. It's not the most adventurous quad mix overall, but I think it works well for the style of music and is mostly engaging.

As far as the songs themselves, I love a lot of this band's music and this album has two of their better singles, "Daisy Jane" and "Sister Golden Hair". Unfortunately, this album also has some weaker songs that feel a bit like filler. Overall, I think there are enough highlights to make this disc a pleasant listen though.

The fidelity of the disc is very nice. It benefits from a lot more volume compared to some of my other surround discs, but sounds very good when it's cranked.