Any good dolby pro logic II surround processors with HDMI audio output?


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Feb 4, 2024
United Kingdom
Been looking to upgrade my system so that it's future proof for an eventual Atmos upgrade. However the lack of Pro Logic 2 on Atmos receivers has been really iratating as I use it all the time for Retro Gaming (not to mention all the pro logic games).

While I am aware that one's with analogue 5.1 outputs exist I would preferably want one with HDMI output so that the receivers dac gets used and it saves potentially spending more for a receiver with surround analogue inputs.
I don't have a specific recommendation, other than buying an older recevier as you mention. However, thought I'd mention I've tested my own DPL II Lt/Rt 5.1 test files on my modern Atmos receiver, and the in-box Dolby Surround upmixer was able to decode them. Sounded as good as a matrixed upmix can sound IMO.
There's always the super old school method - Hafler/DynaQuad passive speaker matrix decoder, it does a good job of decoding Dolby Surround matrix encoded content (games, movies, TV shows, CDs etc.):

All that would be needed would be a custom built speaker selector switch that connects a rear/surround speaker across both the "+" terminals (and switch the A/V receiver to stereo mode).

Kirk Bayne
I don't have a specific recommendation, other than buying an older recevier as you mention. However, thought I'd mention I've tested my own DPL II Lt/Rt 5.1 test files on my modern Atmos receiver, and the in-box Dolby Surround upmixer was able to decode them. Sounded as good as a matrixed upmix can sound IMO.
Unfortunately that can often be hit or miss depending on the manufacturer and model of the receiver.
I ordered a Marantz 7706 last week. Don’t have it yet, but I’ll probably whine to the dealer today. It’s Dolby atmos compatible with at least a 7.1 analog audio input. Just one set, so if you have multiple MCH analog outputs as I do, you need a separate switch for that.