Also, here is a post from Lou Dorren (I guess he's kind of an authority on the subject, huh.

), several years ago, about the (un)necessity of the CCC circuit:
"Hello Quad people,
Ress4278, Carrier crosstalk cancellation was an idea that I argued against with the Technics engineers. It is not needed and does run afoul the operations of the FM carrier limiters and the AM rejection of the QSI5022. The demodulators do not need this because the capture ratio of the QSI5022 and the new demodulator. Capture ratio is the ability of an FM system to capture the stronger of two signals on the same frequency and is measured as a dB ratio between the two signal strengths. The smaller the ratio the better the capture ratio. The QSI5022 had a capture ratio of 1.4dB, the new demodulator simulation comes in at .6 dB. How this works is that the separation of the cartridge in the sub-channel frequencies for good CD-4 cartridges is between 5 and 25 dB. With the low capture ratios of the QSI5022 and the new demodulator, they effectively reject the opposite groove wall 30KHz carrier which is 5 to 25 dB lower then the on groove wall carrier. The capture ratio of the QSI5022 is probably why some non CD-4 cartridges give some CD-4 performance.
So, no Carrier Cancellation Controls, but there will be 2 real time carrier level meters so you can see the actual carrier level of each channel.
Quadzilla, Does your Tate require phono level or line level? Does it have R.I.A.A eq built in?
Lou Dorren"