Anyone know about a Pioneer QT-6600 quad reel to reel?


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The QT-6600 might have been top of the line for that year..?? It's pictured with the Top Of the Line QX-8000 in this early 70's Ad.....

Pioneer QT6600 AD..jpg
The QT-6600 might have been top of the line for that year..?? It's pictured with the Top Of the Line QX-8000 in this early 70's Ad.....

as far as i can remember pio only made that one quad r2r which would have made it not only the top of the line but the only one in their line of quad r2r decks.

i also suspect that its performance might not equal the performance of pios stereo r2r decks of the time.

edit-oops, i 'miss-spoke'. i forgot the rt-2044, a real beauty! and in a different league than the qt-6600.

there may be others...