A few of these tapes showed up in one of those Yahoo! Japan auctions that yielded our first glimpses of the RCA Japanese Q8's, and I had no idea what they were, but @winopener alerted me to another auction on eBay italy for another tape that helped put a label name (Apollon) on these tapes, and from that I was able to dig up a tiny bit of info, namely this short Billboard article:
February '71 would have put them in to the Q8 game pretty early (after RCA's December 1970 Q8 launch) and I have no idea if they did any tapes beyond the initial 5 mentioned in the article, but I thought I'd put what I know here, in the hopes that maybe someone else here has (or can identify) the missing tapes.
(Updated 14 September 2018)
DS-1001 - 'Quad Phonic Demonstration Special' / ク才一ドフ才二ック デモンストレ一ションスペシャル
DS-1002 - 'Easy Listening Special / Super Quad Eight' / イージーリスニング・スペシャル / スーパークォード・エイト
DS-1003 - Minoru Muraoka 'All About Shakuhachi' / 村岡 実 '尺八のすべて'
DS-1004 - 'Rock Guitar Battle '71' / ロックギターバトル '71
DS-1005 - 'Latin Dynamic' / ラテンダイナミック
DS-1006 -
DS-1007 - Keiko Saijo and Tenor Sax 'Sobbing in the Night' / 西城慶 子テナーサックス 'と夜霧にむせぶ'
DS-1008 - Fantastic Strings + Scat 'Your Moonlight Swim With Mood Music' / ファンタジック ストリングス+スキャット '夜空と海とムード音楽'
Tapes identified from photos (provided below) but without catalog numbers:
DS-1??? - Jacky Yoshikawa and his Blue Comets
DS-1??? - Sousa Deluxe
DS-1??? - Man's Special! Beat Rock and Mood Rock
DS-1005 - ラテンダイナミック 'Latin Dynamic'

L: Sousa Deluxe / R: Man's Special! Beat Rock and Mood Rock (unknown catalog numbers)
Top: Jacky Yoshikawa and his Blue Comets (unknown catalog number) / Bottom: Latin Dynamic (DS-1005)

February '71 would have put them in to the Q8 game pretty early (after RCA's December 1970 Q8 launch) and I have no idea if they did any tapes beyond the initial 5 mentioned in the article, but I thought I'd put what I know here, in the hopes that maybe someone else here has (or can identify) the missing tapes.
(Updated 14 September 2018)
DS-1001 - 'Quad Phonic Demonstration Special' / ク才一ドフ才二ック デモンストレ一ションスペシャル
DS-1002 - 'Easy Listening Special / Super Quad Eight' / イージーリスニング・スペシャル / スーパークォード・エイト
DS-1003 - Minoru Muraoka 'All About Shakuhachi' / 村岡 実 '尺八のすべて'
DS-1004 - 'Rock Guitar Battle '71' / ロックギターバトル '71
DS-1005 - 'Latin Dynamic' / ラテンダイナミック
DS-1006 -
DS-1007 - Keiko Saijo and Tenor Sax 'Sobbing in the Night' / 西城慶 子テナーサックス 'と夜霧にむせぶ'
DS-1008 - Fantastic Strings + Scat 'Your Moonlight Swim With Mood Music' / ファンタジック ストリングス+スキャット '夜空と海とムード音楽'
Tapes identified from photos (provided below) but without catalog numbers:
DS-1??? - Jacky Yoshikawa and his Blue Comets
DS-1??? - Sousa Deluxe
DS-1??? - Man's Special! Beat Rock and Mood Rock
DS-1005 - ラテンダイナミック 'Latin Dynamic'

L: Sousa Deluxe / R: Man's Special! Beat Rock and Mood Rock (unknown catalog numbers)

Top: Jacky Yoshikawa and his Blue Comets (unknown catalog number) / Bottom: Latin Dynamic (DS-1005)

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