What do you mean by "Matrix H and HJ adapter" fizzy? The QSD-2 didn't handle Ambisonic natively, did you have one that was custom modified, or did you patch an Ambisonic decoder into the QSD somehow? You've got me curious!
Note that both H and HJ were quad systems , and not ambisonic. Ambisonic designated UHJ , came about sometime later in the 70's probably 79 , but that's a good guess.
It should be mentioned that Quad matrix HJ was a compromise of BBC QUAD MATRIX H and the NRDC'S 45J (the early ambisonic system of .).
HJ was compatible with BBC MATRIX H and 45 J.
Not a problem with playback in my quad system utilizing the QT 1, as the adapter was hooked up to my QSD-2.
You should check out those threads (must be 3 or 4 perhaps) located in the" matrix quad legacy" area .( The ones that mention quad matrix BBC MATRIX H and BBC MATRIX HJ).
(there is also a thread on matrix h in the ambisonic section, which does not belong there , but that's up to the moderator to correct )
There are some Integrex decoder pictures relevant to the matrices in practice back then and they utilized H and HJ along with SQ and RM , and should even be some other decoders of note, (eg; Comcor , Sansui, . .....)
Always wanted one of those years ago , but near impossible getting them across the pond.
Lots of very relevant matrix quad info there for anyone still interested in matrix quad .