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- Apr 9, 2012
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What really pisses me off particularly in Australia is the downgrading of the name "engineer". I was having my car rims illegally crack welded a few days ago and I was told "the engineer was looking at it".......Grrrr. Most spanner jockies/train drivers/ sparkies call themselves "engineer" down here.
Then after we stupidly scrapped our "free" education system created in the mid 70's by the Whitlam labor government it was then down graded to a mixed government subsidise loan system we have now in the early 80 by the stupid Hawke labor government. In essence its hard to flunk a student that's paying you money. Then they scrapped the real 3 year full time diploma and shortened the degree to 4 years 25 hrs class time from what I did was 5 years 35 hrs a week class time. Then they called technicians - diploma.
Then we were told we needed to be "the clever country" and we quadrupled our engineering graduates via this semi private university money train. Then we imported 4000 engineers per year in a country that had say 20 million people in it (good guys no doubt). Our own idiot Engineer "union" APESMA that I was once a member of supported this and must have been the only guys in the world that did not know the laws of supply and demand. It was a recipe for driving engineers pays down in a country with zero entrepreneur technical culture, we do real estate, rocks and sheep.
Also what is forgotten was that pre 1970 ish engineers wages were tied to medical "doctors" wages by a judge in the high court, that judge died and suddenly we were left to the forces of supply and demand. Over supply and no demand in our case.
Right now sports teachers/ nurses are payed around $120 K and stop/ go sign holders get $150 K, in the real non public service world engineers get around $90K (I got a net zero this year).
I interviewed 4 mechanical engineers recently- young guys 2 had "masters" qualifications and gave them a very simple problem of a battery of known charge powering a frictionless electric bike uphill at a fixed gradient with a specified passenger bike weight......how far would it travel up the hill. Not one could solve it in 20 minutes, one asked did I have a formula. I gave the same question to our Chris and Little Max both knocked it off in 5 minutes, Max did it whilst eating lunch! There really has been a downgrading of standards.
Diploma real engineers of the 70's are better than the degree guys now and the degree guys of the 70's are better than the masters guys now.
Now I suppose you might think I am a grumpy bitter old man......Um err yep. .
Then after we stupidly scrapped our "free" education system created in the mid 70's by the Whitlam labor government it was then down graded to a mixed government subsidise loan system we have now in the early 80 by the stupid Hawke labor government. In essence its hard to flunk a student that's paying you money. Then they scrapped the real 3 year full time diploma and shortened the degree to 4 years 25 hrs class time from what I did was 5 years 35 hrs a week class time. Then they called technicians - diploma.
Then we were told we needed to be "the clever country" and we quadrupled our engineering graduates via this semi private university money train. Then we imported 4000 engineers per year in a country that had say 20 million people in it (good guys no doubt). Our own idiot Engineer "union" APESMA that I was once a member of supported this and must have been the only guys in the world that did not know the laws of supply and demand. It was a recipe for driving engineers pays down in a country with zero entrepreneur technical culture, we do real estate, rocks and sheep.
Also what is forgotten was that pre 1970 ish engineers wages were tied to medical "doctors" wages by a judge in the high court, that judge died and suddenly we were left to the forces of supply and demand. Over supply and no demand in our case.
Right now sports teachers/ nurses are payed around $120 K and stop/ go sign holders get $150 K, in the real non public service world engineers get around $90K (I got a net zero this year).
I interviewed 4 mechanical engineers recently- young guys 2 had "masters" qualifications and gave them a very simple problem of a battery of known charge powering a frictionless electric bike uphill at a fixed gradient with a specified passenger bike weight......how far would it travel up the hill. Not one could solve it in 20 minutes, one asked did I have a formula. I gave the same question to our Chris and Little Max both knocked it off in 5 minutes, Max did it whilst eating lunch! There really has been a downgrading of standards.
Diploma real engineers of the 70's are better than the degree guys now and the degree guys of the 70's are better than the masters guys now.
Now I suppose you might think I am a grumpy bitter old man......Um err yep. .
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