Binaural Monitoring of Surround mixes, with head tracking, pick your budget


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Apr 11, 2010
Starting a separate thread on Binaural Mixing of Surround with head tracking.

Why? Because (once you go beyond 7.1) it becomes challenging for people with home theatre systems to get audio from their computer to their system.

Sure, there are pro Audio devices with more than 8 outputs, but most upmixers aren't going to have AVRs with more than 8 line ins.

HDMI "Should" be the solution, given that the spec (these days) is for 32 channels of un-encoded audio, but sadly I've never seen a computer audio hdmi driver supporting more than 8, and very few AVRs support more than 8 (un-encoded) channels via HDMI.

When it comes to encoded audio via HDMI, there is a solution, coming from me, for windows, but that will be another thread (program is ready but documentation is not).

So that leaves us with using headphones to monitor via virtual surround (Binaural). Turns out there are quite of few products for that these days, some free, and most commercial products starting at around $80 US and going up to the Smyth Realiser A16, at well over $4K US.

In this thread we can discus what we've tested, what we like, and how much it costs, with my goal being hoping to find something that works "good enough" for surround/immersive surround up-remixing, at the lowest possible price, as a fair bit of upmixers are retired, etc.

I'd also like to limit the discussion to those that offer headtracking, as to me that is a critical component to the realism of monitoring surround with headphones. So discussion of head tracking hardware is also on topic. There seem to be a few of those, from build it yourself for less than $20 to the sky is the limit as well.

I've tested a few free plugins, and will write about those, and am currently testing DearVR Monitor (although it may turn out that you also need DearVR Spatial Connect, to get the headtracking (which kicks it out of the budget range), and APL Virtuoso.

I'm using this build it yourself headtracker, in my tests: which works fine (with some drift over time) and I will be building a second one to see if the drift is any better.

Many plugins refer to this hardware: so I may get one of those to test as well.

Somewhere I have one from Waves: which I bought years back with Waves NX, but stopped using because the camera based headtracking that is part of Waves NX worked better for me.

I guess it needs to be said that how some of these plugins perform for you will be based on your own head and ear shape, as the free and lower priced solutions do not offer self made custom profiles (like the A16 does). Some offer the ability to you a custom profile (SOFA format) if you have one, but getting one made is costly in itself (?).
Update on DearVR Monitor. It DOES come with the Spatial Connect Adapter, needed for head tracking. It's just an option in the installer which is unchecked by default.


Testing can go forward now.

I also ordered a supperware headtracker. It should arrive the next few days.
Yup, and info from the same Youtube channel:

If you have AirPods, and an iPhone/iPad, you should be able to use them with a DAW plugin for headtracking and binaural monitoring, even on Windows.

Added to the pile of stuff to test.
Not that this is much help for hobbyists, but I have managed to get the nvsonic tracker working with Dolby Atmos Renderer (binaural).


That's a 7.1 bed with 4 objects for the Height channels.

Just in case, here are the nvsonic OSC Bridge settings:


Very handy for configuring the nvsonic OSC Bridge for all these different audio apps is the Profiles.txt file that comes with the supperware tracker:

Quaternion (composite)
local 8000

Yaw/Pitch/Roll (learnable)
local 8000

local 9001

Ambi Head HD
local 4040

APL Virtuoso
local 8000

Audio Brewers
local 8585

DaVinci Resolve
local 8000

local 7001

Dolby Atmos Renderer
local 8000

EAR Production Suite (EBU)
local 8000

Genelec Aural ID
local 5005

IEM Scene Rotator quaternion
local 9000

IEM Scene Rotator YPR
local 9000

Mach1 (M1-Monitor)
local 9898

Mach1 (M1-VideoPlayer)
local 9902

Nuendo (HeadPose, 25Hz)
local 7000

local 9000

SPAT Revolution
local 8000

Spatial Audio Designer
local 7000
I got my Supperware head tracker today. So far so good and one plus is that it hides on or in your headphone band, so people don't tease you about "extra" stuff on top of your head.

From watching the video instructions I learned that if you have headphones with a metal headband, you probably want to turn off headtraker compasses and rely on the gyros. This may apply to any head tracker.

Also I've been reading about these sensors and drift, and the <$20 homemade nvsonic tracker uses a really old sensor and modern sensors have bettor tech and better on board fusion/filtering software to help avoid drift. Problem is the cost of those is getting close to what you would spend on a supperware tracker.

I probably need to do more rigorous testing but so far it looks like supperware for head tracking and APL Virtuoso for monitoring is likely to be winners.

I'm testing two lower cost but popular for mixing headphones (APL Virtuoso support both of them and many more):

Sony MDR 7506​
Beyer DT 7070 Pro (250 ohms)​

Again this reasonable performance at affordable prices (The gold standard being the Smyth Realizer A16 and very high end headphones).

On the left is supperware bridge, an app that controls and connects the head tracker to plugins. In Reaper, we have the APL Virtuoso plugin, configured for 7.1.4 input and virtual speaker layout, and binaural monitoring via head tracked headphones.

The audio is from a .mogg multitrack of the white stripes 7 Nation Army. Each track has an Rea Surround Pan (included with Reaper), to place the audio into the 7.1.4 space.

Here you can see the supperware headtracker, installed under the headband of the Beyer DT 770 headphones:
So I’m curious, how does this get implemented?

I’m guessing that a user would have MCH files on a computer and the head-tracker would connect via USB, with the headphones plugged into a stereo jack, but I’m a long ways from being sure. Hell, I still haven’t figured out Roon, so the idea of having a PC as an active element in the signal chain is a bit north of my experience and expertise.
Yes you pretty much nailed it. The use case is for up-remixing of stereo to immersive surround formats (would also work for 5.1 or 7.1).

The reason this is needed (for hobbyists) is the cost/complication of more than 8 channel audio interfaces and AVRs with more than 8 channel (analog) line ins. Going Digital vs. Analog (HDMI) there is also a lack of consumer drivers and AVRs that do more than 8 channels of (unencoded) audio (although I have a solution for that, on Windows, coming).

So, this solution is to have virtual 7.1.4, etc. via binaural 2 ch. audio with head tracking.
More testing this morning. I'm concluding that the EAR Production Suite Binaural Monitoring is also a good (and free) alternative to APL Virtuoso. It's more complex to setup (I'll work on a single track submaster implementation) and doesn't have headphone, speaker, or room options, but is working pretty good for my head/ears/headphones (Beyer DT 770 Pro 250 ohm).


This is with the Supperware head tracker. I'll have to test again with the home brew nvsonic less than $20 to build tracker. So far with every tracker there is going to be some amount of clicking something to recenter as they all "drift". Even with my Smyth Realiser A16, however in that case mine is worse than normal because the A output tracker jack is damaged, so I'm on the B output, which doesn't support optical tracking (in addition to gyro/compass).

Smyth Realiser A16 tracker on Sennheiser HD 800S headphones:

This all sounds very interesting - I haven't jumped in yet but am planning to do some testing. Have you tried Opentrack + EAR for a completely free solution? This would perfectly suit my zero budget!
For these Binaural plugins we need the headtrackers to output OSC (Open Sound Control) messages, and it doesn't look like OpenTrack does that. What device (headtracker) are you using with Opentrack?

The least expensive solution I know about is to build this one:, which would cost less than $20 US. There are just 4 wires to solder, to connect the two circuit boards, Or I think you can but one assembled in a case from a guy on facebook:

"Thanks to Rémi Janot the head tracker can be mounted in this neat 3D printed enclosure. Check out his Facebook page or contact him directly ([email protected]) if you're interested in one."

If soldering is a problem, we might be able to find the boards with headers already soldered, such that you could use jumper wires to make the connections.

OR, if you already have Apple AirPods, there are a couple of ways to use those, one which requires an Apple Silicon Mac, and one that just uses your iphone or ipad.
For these Binaural plugins we need the headtrackers to output OSC (Open Sound Control) messages, and it doesn't look like OpenTrack does that. What device (headtracker) are you using with Opentrack?

The least expensive solution I know about is to build this one:, which would cost less than $20 US. There are just 4 wires to solder, to connect the two circuit boards, Or I think you can but one assembled in a case from a guy on facebook:

"Thanks to Rémi Janot the head tracker can be mounted in this neat 3D printed enclosure. Check out his Facebook page or contact him directly ([email protected]) if you're interested in one."

If soldering is a problem, we might be able to find the boards with headers already soldered, such that you could use jumper wires to make the connections.

OR, if you already have Apple AirPods, there are a couple of ways to use those, one which requires an Apple Silicon Mac, and one that just uses your iphone or ipad.
I've not tried anything out yet - just spent a short time googling. There is some chat here about an OSC bridge

I was hoping this might be a route to using a webcam to do the headtracking (maybe AItrack would also be part of the toolkit) + EAR for the binaural rendering - i.e. totally FREE!
Well, using neuralnet plugin for opentrack to Nvsonic Head tracker OSC bridge to binaural plugins works in principle:



So there is a zero cost (assuming a web cam) potential solution but at first blush it's going to take some work to dial in settings in Opentrack. The Raw tracker data looks correct but the Opentrack smooths it out and in some way that is messing it up for Binaural. More reading I guess. I think not having opentrack in the middle would be better.

As for open track settings (ignoring the output section for a game) maybe try here:

Output (second output tab) should be OSC:


And the OSC input section at the top of the nvsonic head tracker osc bridge should be as shown in its screen shot above.
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OK it's kinda usable with this ini file (put in your Documents\opentrack-2.3 folder).

FYI I started with this: but then had to swap roll and yaw and invert roll.

Compared to the hardware headtrackers, it feels laggy so you end up moving slowly and waiting for the soundfield to catch up, but it does work. Maybe there is more to be done in opentrack settings.
So at this point I'd say we have:

Trackers (for Windows)
NameDescriptionCommentsCost ($US)Link
NeuralNet OpenTrack Nvsonic BridgeFree software to use a web camZero Cost if you have a webcam. Feels a little laggy but works. Perhaps settings can be improved
Nvsonic tracker and Nvsonic BridgeBuild it yourself trackerSolder 4 wires between Arduino and tracker board. Flash Arduino mount to your headphones (3d printed Case optional). Drifts more than other trackers (press reset in the software to recenter). USB connection to your computer<$20
Supperware trackerTracker directly supported by most binaural plugins. Fits on/under headphone headbandProbably the one to get if it's in your budget (unless the A16 is in your budget)~$97
Smyth Realiser A16No drift, when used with optical tracking. Tracker is part of the Realizer packageThe "gold standard"