Blade Runner 25th anniversary release. Which format to buy?


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Definitely HD-DVD! Until May 2008… :D

Two of the discs are regular DVDs, :confused: but the movies are HD-DVD. I don’t know if the extra’s are only regular DVD’s on the Blu-Ray version as well. No wonder people aren’t buying either HD formats.
According to the Hi Def Digest, discs 2 & 4 are DVDs in the Blu-Ray Edition. See their review at

I have it in front of me and that is correct. I have not been a big fan of this movie but this set got such great reviews and is such a premier treatment of a classic film that I bought it. Now I need to decide which version of the film I watch to see if it is much better than I recall. I sure hope Warner can offer more films like this. What a set and what a bargain, this 5 disc set sells for under $30.

R.I.P. Rutger🌹

BTW, the BEST current version of Blade Runner to savor Rutger's performance is the NATIVE UHD 4K from WARNER BROTHERS

See the source image

Rutger Hauer as Replicant Roy Blatty in BLADE RUNNER
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Oh, :( sad news.
The HD-DVD discs won't play no more as they are Warner bros rotters! Well least the tin box set of same DVD that still works and the Criterion Collection Laserdisc.

The Hitcher 1986 better than the remake that seemed pointless to remake.

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Oh, :( sad news.
The HD-DVD discs won't play no more as they are Warner bros rotters! Well least the tin box set of same DVD that still works and the Criterion Collection Laserdisc.

The Hitcher 1986 better than the remake that seemed pointless to remake.

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The original Blade Runner is one of two movies that have in VHS>LD>DVD>BD 1080. No BD 4K yet. LadyHawke on LD, maybe I'll watch that tonight.
Glad I went with the 3 Blu-ray, 2 DVD release of Blade Runner in 2007. Will have to watch this great movie soon in honor of Rutger. Totally agree with GOS - Rutger was frightening in The Hitcher. RIP, Rutger!
Say, I was wondering why this 11 year old thread came back, only to learn sadly, that Rutger Hauer had passed. I had originally seen the movie in 1982, and the 2 more versions of the the movie in the 1990s that were on the 2008 HD-DVD and BR release. This is one of my favorite movies.
A few things to note FWIW, that don't matter anymore, I was not a Mod at the time, and there was the HD-DVD vs Blu-ray format war that quickly ended thankfully. That left me stuck with HD-DVD. No big deal, I still have 2 players and about 50 movies. I should have listened to Chris Gerhard and others regarding the format war at the time. After I had bought an HD-DVD player (the players were about $100 bucks cheaper, if memory serves) and right before an unexpected announcement by Warner that they were going with Blu-ray, it was Chris who had the brilliant insight that Blu-ray was the common format already in Japan. That said all you needed to know. After the Warner announcement, we were able to pick up a bunch of HD-DVD movie titles cheap though.

Point being, I don't avocate for any format now one way or the other. Whatever format, they just need to keep them all in one player and be backward compatible with Blu-ray, SACD and DVD-A. One would hope this trend continues with future disc players. We won't be happy campers if BR, SACD and DVD-A are not supported, because of all the millions of Discs we all own.
R.I.P. Rutger


Hopefully we’ll finally see a blu-ray release of this great movie:

Soldier of Orange (Dutch: Soldaat van Oranje, IPA: [sɔlˈdaːt fɑn oˈrɑɲə]) is a 1977 Dutch film directed and co-written by Paul Verhoeven and produced by Rob Houwer, starring Rutger Hauer and Jeroen Krabbé. The film is set around the German occupation of the Netherlands during World War II, and shows how individual students have different roles in the war.

Hopefully we’ll finally see a blu-ray release of this great movie:

Soldier of Orange (Dutch: Soldaat van Oranje, IPA: [sɔlˈdaːt fɑn oˈrɑɲə]) is a 1977 Dutch film directed and co-written by Paul Verhoeven and produced by Rob Houwer, starring Rutger Hauer and Jeroen Krabbé. The film is set around the German occupation of the Netherlands during World War II, and shows how individual students have different roles in the war.

Homer, Kino Lorber just released Paul Verhoeven's controversial Spetters on BD~V so maybe there's hope that Soldier of Orange will likewise be released