CNN International's THE MUSIC ROOM - Abbey Road 5.1 Beatles Mixing


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Forum Curmudgeon
Staff member
Since 2002/2003
Mar 2, 2002
I just watched this show. It was astounding. The entire program centered on creating "wrap around sound" versions of the Beatles songs and concerts at the Abbey Road Studios in London.

The engineer was cleary pro-surround, and even took the viewer step by step from the master tape of "Something", bringing up the parts of the song, the guitars, the bass, the strings, things I have never heard in the mix. Georges double tracked vocal was bared for all to hear.

It was said that the Shea Staduim concert was mixed to give the feel of being there, with "wrap around sound" all around the listener.

I am sure that we will see Beatles 5.1 audio product by Christmas '04 at the latest. This is going to be great!

BTW - I've been listening to the ripped anothology tracks on my PC, and listening to the solo channles, it is clear that these tracks are SERIOUS surround mixes, not just a "matrix" kinda thing.

I dunno about any other Canadians (maybe those with grey market satellites got it), but I don't get CNN International.
I am pissed that I missed that!:mad: