Moody Blues "To Our Children's Children's Children" (New Stephen W Tayler 5.1 Mix!)


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Thats a great price above probably beats the burning shed price I paid which was comparatively pretty good.....

As far as the glaring problem that some people are noticing.....I have not but I dont use an LFE just 5 full range speakers. I can forgive baked in problems on original tapes what I dont are mixing errors not at any price. So I guess more info is needed regarding this.
I thought the sound was clear and a pleasant mix on my listens....but Im a forgiving listener. I just want to enjoy the music. I do notice and do not like bad sound and extreme brickwalling I cant stand.

Years ago I bought an Oasis album and noticed my ears were hurting after loud listening........I knew there was a problem with it.

I would like SWT who mixed this to comment here and respond if he could.
YES ME!!! it sounds like crap!! I can't believe no on here is screaming. Maybe it sounds great on the wave forms but my ears are not trained for that. I am requesting Amazon for a refund. This should be recalled and replaced for the money their charging. How does this get released!!
I've been listening to that album since shortly after the initial release all those decades ago and I've always found that track to be something of an assault on the ear and as much as I'm enjoying the new box set, that track still hits my ears the wrong way.
And now to take this conversation in a different direction, has anyone noticed anything odd when ripping (I despise that term) discs 1-4?

I have a Bluesound Vault2i and when I ripped those discs, the metadata for discs 2, 3, and 4 was in Japanese language characters! 🙄
Having already ripped a few thousand CDs, I've gotten fairly skilled at repairing metadata, but this was a lot of work. Just curious if anyone else has encountered the same issue.
And now to take this conversation in a different direction, has anyone noticed anything odd when ripping (I despise that term) discs 1-4?

I have a Bluesound Vault2i and when I ripped those discs, the metadata for discs 2, 3, and 4 was in Japanese language characters! 🙄
Having already ripped a few thousand CDs, I've gotten fairly skilled at repairing metadata, but this was a lot of work. Just curious if anyone else has encountered the same issue.
I did not, mine came out fine.
I had seen this but it seemed too good to be true. I pm'd a guy on the Steve Hoffman group and he said he had ordered TOCCC and other discs before and it is a legit site.
I can personally vouch for
In the past I placed large 2 orders for DV titles. Got both with no problems. They also had the best prices by far.
The hardest part was that their web site was difficult to identify specific titles on.
I did not, mine came out fine.
Glad to hear. (y)

I had that same Japanese language character issue with several of the Nat King Cole CDs that Steve Hoffman mastered long about 10 years ago, I think. Every once in a great while that Bluesound Vault of mine suffers a brain fart and won't recognize certain CDs. Fortunately, it's a rare occurance, but still a bit of a pain to fix.
So there is no more discussion about TOCCC. I'm surprised everyone on here is accepting the terrible screw up on Higher and Higher. It sounds like it was produced by some kid using audio editing software for the first time. Every time I listen to it, I can't believe this was released. I also had to replace the ENTIRE LFE. When have you ever heard all instruments and voices in the LFE channel??? That is heard throughout the album. maybe we on here should do the other Moody's releases...we can't do any worse that's for sure.
So there is no more discussion about TOCCC. I'm surprised everyone on here is accepting the terrible screw up on Higher and Higher. It sounds like it was produced by some kid using audio editing software for the first time. Every time I listen to it, I can't believe this was released. I also had to replace the ENTIRE LFE. When have you ever heard all instruments and voices in the LFE channel??? That is heard throughout the album. maybe we on here should do the other Moody's releases...we can't do any worse that's for sure.
I do agree with you in that when I listened to the new 5.1 mix of "Higher and Higher", I didn't like the way it sounded at all.
However, once that track got past us, the quality of the 5.1 mix improved immensely and I thoroughly enjoyed the 5.1 mix for the rest of the album.
IMHO, @Stephen W Tayler has shown himself to be one of the best mixing engineers handling remixes of classic albums in 5.1 surround.
His work on the Be Bop Deluxe/Bill Nelson and Van Der Graff Generator catalogues are now some of the best 5.1 mixes in my collection, not to mention his stellar work on other albums like "Holidays in Eden" from Marillion, "Azure D'Or" from Renaissance, and "Once Again" from Barclay James Harvest.
It's because of his consistent and excellent work that I have to think that "Higher and Higher" was outside of his control, in that there were inherent limitations and constraints to how things already sounded as they came off the original multitrack tape, because again, all of his other remixes are reaching about as close to perfection as one can possibly get.
So there is no more discussion about TOCCC. I'm surprised everyone on here is accepting the terrible screw up on Higher and Higher. It sounds like it was produced by some kid using audio editing software for the first time. Every time I listen to it, I can't believe this was released. I also had to replace the ENTIRE LFE. When have you ever heard all instruments and voices in the LFE channel??? That is heard throughout the album. maybe we on here should do the other Moody's releases...we can't do any worse that's for sure.
I've never heard a mix / master of Higher and Higher that I've liked. Some sound better than others, but none are all that good. I usually just skip the track.
tarkusnj said:
When have you ever heard all instruments and voices in the LFE channel???

All I am hearing in my subwoofer on Higher and Higher is a low rumbling, which is intentional. No voices.

I am very happy with this release. After 40 years of listening to Children's Children, I am hearing things I never heard before.

That is because your sub/AVR has a high pass filter for the LFE channel. It is nonsensical to have those high frequencies on the LFE channel, but it is actually inconsequential as in your case they will be filtered out or not reproducible by the subwoofer. Of course if they were intended to be in some other channel, it is a more serious mixing error.
That is because your sub/AVR has a high pass filter for the LFE channel. It is nonsensical to have those high frequencies on the LFE channel, but it is actually inconsequential as in your case they will be filtered out or not reproducible by the subwoofer. Of course if they were intended to be in some other channel, it is a more serious mixing error.
I can’t hear it on the subwoofer. Mind you I can’t hear anything for the moment after having my ear to the subwoofer for an hour or so. I’m not sure this is rational behavior for a grown man.

If I set the sub to pass through, should I be able to hear it? If I connect a standard full range speaker to the LFE channel would I hear it? What I have noticed is a rise and fall of the percussion and parts of the guitar just before and after the spoken parts and a little during the chorus, in the REAR channels only. It sounds like something could have been dubbed in on the original track. It’s not particularly bothering me. I thought it was an attempt to be adventurous al la ‘Yoshimi’. I listened to my digitized version of the original Quad Reel and the SACD which are almost the same as each other (QR better IMO). This mix is quite different. The voice is in every speaker on those. On this the voice, to me, is predominantly in the fronts. Mind you it sounds different on my two major systems, one of which is outside.

Overall this version is far richer and balanced than the earlier versions and they were pretty perfect. I love it. Will have more to say when this controversy reaches resolution. Unexpectedly my most satisfying investment in the last couple of years. My friend says so too.
This sounds like a manipulation of the original quad mix. There's comb filtering and phasing from their mono fold down to the center channel and overall harsh eq profile. Volume war style mastering. Not as over the top as the classic volume war CD masters but harsh all the same. My copy of a copy of the original Q4 sounds much better. I still hear some welcome elements that were damaged by generation loss in my old copy and that's a bit frustrating because overall the old copy wipes the floor with this one. Just release the original quad with no damage!
Just dropping in here to say (because I don't think this Moodies info calls for a separate, dedicated stream) if you have Tidal (and I assume Apple), the new Justin Hayward single is quite good and very nicely mixed for Atmos. It's called Living for Love. I'm pleased to find it's included on Tidal.