DAB radio 5.1 tests in London


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Since 2002/2003
Sep 27, 2002
The Eureka DAB system,in use in the UK, is playing host to 5.1 surround tests for a 6 month period from October 2003. London's Capital FM, Microsoft and Radioscape are combining to broadcast WMA format codec 9 surround.

http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/article/ds11776.html or try this (I'm trrying to type this while in Muscat, Oman on a work trip)


I have a DAB PCI card in my PC all specced up for 5.1 - but see they are testing on L-Band while normal DAB broadcasts are on Band III. Hmm.

Tuesday 23 Sep

PS cross posted - as Mobile Audio may not have been the correct home! We may need a Surround Radio thread page - as I'm listening to German radio in 5.1 from satellite (testing too). :rolleyes:
bayards said:
The Eureka DAB system,in use in the UK, is playing host to 5.1 surround tests for a 6 month period from October 2003. London's Capital FM, Microsoft and Radioscape are combining to broadcast WMA format codec 9 surround.

http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/article/ds11776.html or try this (I'm trrying to type this while in Muscat, Oman on a work trip)


I have a DAB PCI card in my PC all specced up for 5.1 - but see they are testing on L-Band while normal DAB broadcasts are on Band III. Hmm.

Tuesday 23 Sep

PS cross posted - as Mobile Audio may not have been the correct home! We may need a Surround Radio thread page - as I'm listening to German radio in 5.1 from satellite (testing too). :rolleyes:

Oh hell -I'm in the UK too (Hull to be precise). Hmm. The good old BBC haven't actually decided what on earth to do with L band yet I notice -dragging behind the times again. Typical. :eek:
That said, I loath DAB as the spawn of Satan. It's a child of the early 1990's. Compression using musicam! Arrrrgggghhhhh! I dislike compression at the best of times, but this is dire to my ears. Almost unlistenable in fact. The bit-rate is so pitiful it makes minidisc look passable! It's not the fault of the tuners either -the cheapest sound almost as good as the most expensive. It's just the almost total absense of any musical information. Just listen to a rock-group or orchestra at full tilt, and laugh as musicam breaks down completely as it runs out of bits to describe the music. :D
Still, I suppose in 5.1 it might improve. Just. I think I'll stick to nice high-quality VHF. Strange though isn't it. The music industry is generally striving for improved sound-quality -DVD-A, SACD, HDCD et al. And then we have the savagely compressed DAB using totally obsolete technology. Sits rather uneasily with the others doesn't it? Sigh. :mad:
Rant over!
Scott (The world renowned DAB-hater)