Hi Nnickspoiler,
I was chatting with Zeerounder about trying to work out what might be going wrong on your setup. Perhaps it is a language issue - I believe you are in France? It might be that some of the commands or the output from certain parts of the script (eg date/time etc) are different and therefore causing it to fail. Another possibility might be 'illegal' characters in the path to where either the source file or the script is saved. Perhaps you could try with both in the route directory of your harddrive? If you could give me some more info I might be able to solve the problem and if necessary tweak the script.
Below are some step-by-step instructions I sent Nikomen. By following these he did manage to get up and running and has successfully completed a few conversions - maybe they will help you too.
1) Drag your source file onto the "PrepForDemucs.bat" The following dialogue should pop up:
2) Click yes for desktop, no to choose another folder. If you click 'no' - you should see the following:
3) Browse to your desired destination ( In the above, I chose my "E" drive and clicked "make new folder" - called it PurpleRain) - then click "ok"
4) The Command window should look something like this while it prepares the files:
5) When complete, you should get this box, and the two web pages will open in your default browser:
6) Click ok to close the above dialogue box and go to the browser
7) On MVSEP, Click "Add Audio File" and browse to the "ForDemucs" folder. For larger files, the prep script will have split the file into chunks of less than 100MB due to MVSEP file size limit (as per below).
8) Choose the options options below and click Separate. If there are multiple parts, or you have prepared more than one file, convert all files in the "ForDemucs" folder with the same settings.
9) Once separation is complete, download Drums/Bass/Other and Vocals and save/move to the "Demucs" Folder
10) The "Demucs" Folder should now look something like the example below (In this case, I have 8 files as the source file was split in to two parts):
11) Now double click on the "PostDemucs.bat" Script and you should see the dialogue box as below. The screen shot is from a previous version of the script, it will continue after 5 seconds, or you can click 'ok':
12) Another dialogue as below. Click yes to accept defaults, or no to choose other options & follow the prompts
13) The command prompt will look like this for a few minutes...
...and then...
14) Click ok (or just wait 30 seconds)
15) More Command prompt processing... After a few minutes you should get a confirmation pop-up that all is finished:
16) Once complete, your conversion folder should look something like this, with the 'final' flac file in a folder called "Final_[bass_4.0,drums_4.0,piano_4.0,vocals_5.0,other_5.0]" - the selected options will be in the [brackets]:
17) And here is the result:
I hope you can get it working!