Dream Theater Distance Over Time CD/5.1 BluRay


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Very interested to hear people's thoughts.
I havent pre-ordered a copy so honest opinions welcome before i commit.
I read Rich Chyki needed the processing power below to sweeten James's voice:)
I wonder if they are taking it out on the road?
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You’re saying Rich Chyki the dude who did the RUSH HEMISPHERE box set mixed this!!!! Oh ..... no!!!! I’m returning mine as soon as I get it!!!
Well,the mix is far from as good as the DVD-A mix,but the fidelity is good ,I like the music too.Mostly reverb and echo in the rears and some vocals and instruments now and then.Track 6 now,synth solo goes to the rearso_O More to follow...Edit ,track 7,isolated vocals in the rears.
Track 8 nice ballad with nice video.(All tracks have videos)Track 9 starts with sound effects in the rear,some space stuff.Track 10,a fresh rocker.
All and all,dissapointed by the mix but I like the music and the fidelity.!;)
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Well,I played selected tracks a second time and now I think there is more and better rear activity:unsure: Only thing I did was I checked my levels and reduced center level by 1db.The other levels were spot on.The only other thing I did was pouring a Scotch on the rocks 🥃Maybe that did the trick? I'm confused......:rolleyes:
I'm referring to the Dream Theater self-titled album 5.1 mix,the only one on DVD-A.I thought this mix was by Chycki,but I checked now and it's
by a Peter van't Riet.Never heard of him.(where do they get these names from?:rolleyes:)
Chycki recorded all the vocals.
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I‘m listenting to it right now and my advice:
Crank them rears up (here +5 db) and you will notice it is a discrete mix but the rears are not used as they could be.
I would love to see some waves from the mix.
Why do I have to push the rears?
What did they do in the studio?

So am I
Deff too quiet in the rears..and mine are already cranked up.
But, so far, I like the music
And not the dreaded double stereo either..phew
Still not good enough for me to order the Super Deluxe Box Set for resale unless there is a major price reduction!! I'd like to get a good deal on just the Deluxe Set with the 5.1 Disc JUST FOR MYSELF but still too expensive as I'm really not a BIG FAN of Dream Theater.....If anyone comes up with a GREAT price on either please let me know. Thanks
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