Electro Voice Stereo -4


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Once upon a time in the mid 70's I had an Electro-Voice 7445 encoder. Everybody loves big VU meters but except for that it was a pretty ugly box. Knock your knuckles on it & it sounded empty like the Tin Man. Open it up & it had very little circuitry, no IC's just discrete transistors. But that was part of the beauty of EV 4: just a bit of in phase blending of the encoded front chs, and quite a bit of opposite phase blending on the rear encoded chs. QS or SQ by comparison required much more.

Of all the non-separation enhanced decoders I think the EV system was the best. In stereo or encoded it gave what people expected: reasonably wide front left/right separation and good depth in the rear. I bet store salesman back then could play some Enoch Light & Eknock the socks off a listener hearing quad for the first time.

To bad they dropped that scheme & screwed up by releasing the EVX 44.

I loved my two Encoders RM , and SQ , and they are a lot of fun when your encoding in matrix quad,... discreet albums such as CD-4 .
I have on SQ cassette The Doobies Brothers, Eagles One Of These Nights ,
Frank Zappa , Passport, Harry Nilsson, Jefferson Airplane, The Outlaws, Creedence Gold , ...and a few other gems.

Q8 for me was a bit more problematic , what with all that tape hiss present.
Nevertheless I did encode some Capitol albums to SQ , like both Steve Miller,
some Grand Funk , Paul McCartney, and John Lennon Walls And Bridges , and one or 2 Steely Dan , and Joe Walsh albums, amongst a few others.

That EV-4 Electro Voice , would probably be loads of fun trying out EV-4 in comparison to other albums you had in Discreet . And perhaps some that were SQ and QS , that you had of discreet versions .
I loved my two Encoders RM , and SQ , and they are a lot of fun when your encoding in matrix quad,... discreet albums such as CD-4 .
I have on SQ cassette The Doobies Brothers, Eagles One Of These Nights ,
Frank Zappa , Passport, Harry Nilsson, Jefferson Airplane, The Outlaws, Creedence Gold , ...and a few other gems.

Q8 for me was a bit more problematic , what with all that tape hiss present.
Nevertheless I did encode some Capitol albums to SQ , like both Steve Miller,
some Grand Funk , Paul McCartney, and John Lennon Walls And Bridges , and one or 2 Steely Dan , and Joe Walsh albums, amongst a few others.

That EV-4 Electro Voice , would probably be loads of fun trying out EV-4 in comparison to other albums you had in Discreet . And perhaps some that were SQ and QS , that you had of discreet versions .
I use the Involve Evaluation encoder to make RM (QS) copies of my discrete recordings. This allows me to play them in the car, although my car stereo doesn't decode them. When I play these recordings back, using the Involve 4.1 setting on my Surround Master, it's hard to tell which is real, and which is Memorex.