Indeed sugar is every where even in stuff you dont think much about. Ketchup & peanut butter. And I used to be "proud" of drinking regular sweetened soft drinks instead of those nasty tasting artificially sweetened ones. Now I pretty much don't drink either.Yeah, finding a BBQ sauce without high fructose corn syrup has been a real challenge for me. I'd rather have a little bit of real sugar (like cane sugar) than that wretched high fructose corn syrup. Lately I've been seeing hamburger and hot dog buns where the packaging clearly states the absence of that junk. Why on earth would that even be showing up in bread products? (BTW, that's a rhetorical question.)
Several years ago a friend that worked at Subway deli was complaining they had to re-do a lot of signage & other dietary info because of changes to the bread. They were adding sugar & calories. I didn't think that much about it than a year or so ago I read a news article about Subway losing a court battle in France. The issue was tax rates on the Subway products. Seems regular bread vs pastry is taxed differently, the latter being more expensive. Seems there was so much sugar in Subway buns & breads it was ruled as pastry. Huh.