So, I have cast the lowest vote so far (if you exclude the "1" which is just sour grapes from a banned member). The sound and mix were fine, but for me the music is a little dated and, for prog, pretty basic. Comparing it to the Jethro Tull Disc TAAB which I played today all the way through, and glitches aside, there is no comparison. I imagine if I had grown up with this I would relate to it better, but southern Illinois had no Hawkwind in the '70s. Oh we were international, plenty of Triumph, Rush and April Wine, and Scorpions, and lots of British stuff too. Not this band though, would not have gone well with Busch or PBR. Hope the Quatermass I have on order is better!
So, I have listened to the disc a few more times in the car, just stereo CD. If I skip all the talking parts that annoy me, I would bump it up to a 7, and I may be inclined to play it from time to time, but with all the music I do have, when will it make the rotation??? For prog it is still not very technical, and the guitar work is kinda amateurish, but I do appreciate all the wind instruments and some of the tunes are kinda catchy.